لطف کاید بیدل و جان در زبان ** همچو سبزهی تون بود ای دوستان 2840
- Courtesy that comes to the tongue without (sincerity of) heart and soul is like herbs on the ash-heap, O friends.
هم ز دورش بنگر و اندر گذر ** خوردن و بو را نشاید ای پسر
- Look at them from afar and pass on: they are not fit for eating or smelling, O son.
سوی لطف بیوفایان هین مرو ** کان پل ویران بود نیکو شنو
- Beware, do not go (incline) towards the courtesy of the faithless, for it is a ruined bridge: heed well (my warning).
گر قدم را جاهلی بر وی زند ** بشکند پل و آن قدم را بشکند
- If a fool set foot on it, the bridge will break, and will shatter that foot of his.
هر کجا لشکر شکسته میشود ** او دو سه سست مخنث میبود
- Wherever an army is routed, it is because of two or three effeminate weaklings.
در صف آید با سلاح او مردوار ** دل بر او بنهند کاینک یار غار 2845
- He (the poltroon) comes armed into the battle-line, like a man: they (the soldiers) put their trust in him, saying, “Here's the Comrade of the Cave.”
رو بگرداند چو بیند زخمها ** رفتن او بشکند پشت ترا
- He turns his face (in flight) when he sees wounds: his going breaks your back.
این دراز است و فراوان میشود ** و آن چه مقصود است پنهان میشود
- This (topic) is long and is expanding, and that which is aimed at is becoming hidden (from sight).
فریفتن منافقان پیغامبر را تا به مسجد ضرارش برند
- How the Hypocrites cajoled the Prophet—God bless and save him!—that they might take him to the Mosque of Opposition.
بر رسول حق فسونها خواندند ** رخش دستان و حیل میراندند
- They chanted spells over (spoke deceitful words to) the Messenger of God: they were driving (hard) the steed of cunning and craft.
آن رسول مهربان رحم کیش ** جز تبسم جز بلی ناورد پیش
- The kind and compassionate Messenger proffered (in reply) nothing but smiles, nothing but “Yes.”
شکرهای آن جماعت یاد کرد ** در اجابت قاصدان را شاد کرد 2850
- He expressed (his) thanks to that company (deputation): he gladdened the envoys in (by) assent.
مینمود آن مکر ایشان پیش او ** یک به یک ز آن سان که اندر شیر مو
- Their deceit was apparent to him, point by point, in the same way as hairs in milk.
موی را نادیده میکرد آن لطیف ** شیر را شاباش میگفت آن ظریف
- That courteous one feigned not to see the hairs: that polite one said “Bravo!” to the milk.
صد هزاران موی مکر و دمدمه ** چشم خوابانید آن دم ز ان همه
- Myriad hairs of deceit and fraud (he beheld), and at that time he closed his eyes to it all.
راست میفرمود آن بحر کرم ** بر شما من از شما مشفقترم
- That ocean of bounty spoke truly (when he said), “I am kinder unto you than you (yourselves are).
من نشسته بر کنار آتشی ** با فروغ و شعلهی بس ناخوشی 2855
- I am seated at the edge of a fire with an exceedingly unpleasant blaze and flame;
همچو پروانه شما آن سو دوان ** هر دو دست من شده پروانه ران
- Ye are hastening towards it like moths, (while) both my hands have become moth-flaps (to beat you off).”
چون بر آن شد تا روان گردد رسول ** غیرت حق بانگ زد مشنو ز غول
- When the Prophet had resolved to set out (to the Mosque), the jealousy of God cried, “Do not hearken to the ghoul!
کاین خبیثان مکر و حیلت کردهاند ** جمله مقلوب است آنچ آوردهاند
- For these wicked men have used deceit and cunning: what they have put forward is entirely the reverse (of the truth).
قصد ایشان جز سیه رویی نبود ** خیر دین کی جست ترسا و جهود
- Their intent was nothing but (to bring) black shame (upon thee): when have Christians or Jews sought the welfare of the (true) Religion?
مسجدی بر جسر دوزخ ساختند ** با خدا نرد دغاها باختند 2860
- They (the Hypocrites) have built a mosque upon Hell's bridge: they have played the game of trickery with God.
قصدشان تفریق اصحاب رسول ** فضل حق را کی شناسد هر فضول
- Their aim is to cause disunion amongst the Companions of the Prophet: how should any vain fool understand the grace of God?
تا جهودی را ز شام اینجا کشند ** که به وعظ او جهودان سر خوشند
- (They have built the Mosque) in order that they may fetch hither a Jew from Syria, with whose preaching the Jews are intoxicated.”
گفت پیغمبر که آری لیک ما ** بر سر راهیم و بر عزم غزا
- The Prophet said (to the Hypocrites), “Yes (I will do as ye wish), but (just now) we are intending to march and starting on a campaign.
زین سفر چون باز گردم آن گهان ** سوی آن مسجد روان گردم روان
- As soon as I return from this expedition, I will then set out to that Mosque at once.”