نه همه شبها بود قدر ای جوان ** نه همه شبها بود خالی از آن
Not all nights are (the Night of) Power, O youth, nor are all nights void of that (Night).
در میان دلق پوشان یک فقیر ** امتحان کن و آن که حق است آن بگیر
Amongst the wearers of the dervish-cloak there is one (true) dervish: make trial, and accept him that is true.
مومن کیس ممیز کو که تا ** باز داند هیزکان را از فتی
Where is the sagacious and discerning believer, that he may distinguish effeminate wretches from men?
گر نه معیوبات باشد در جهان ** تاجران باشند جمله ابلهان
If there be no faulty things in the world, all fools would be (shrewd) merchants.
پس بود کالا شناسی سخت سهل ** چون که عیبی نیست چه نااهل و اهل2940
Then it would be very easy to know (the value of) goods: when there is no defect, what (is the difference between) the incompetent and the competent (appraiser)?
ور همه عیب است دانش سود نیست ** چون همه چوب است اینجا عود نیست
And if everything is faulty, knowledge is of no advantage: since everything here is (common) wood, aloes-wood is not (to be found).
آن که گوید جمله حقند احمقی است ** و انکه گوید جمله باطل او شقی است
He that says, “All are true”—’tis folly (on his part); and he that says, “All are false”—he is damned.
تاجران انبیا کردند سود ** تاجران رنگ و بو کور و کبود
Those who trade with the prophets have gained (thereby); those who trade with colour and scent (worldly vanities) are blind and blue (miserable).
مینماید مار اندر چشم مال ** هر دو چشم خویش را نیکو بمال
The snake (már) appears in the eye as riches (mál): rub both your eyes well!
منگر اندر غبطهی این بیع و سود ** بنگر اندر خسر فرعون و ثمود2945
Do not consider the happiness of this (worldly) traffic and profit: consider the perdition of Pharaoh and Thamúd.
امتحان هر چیزی تا ظاهر شود خیر و شری که در وی است
On making trial of everything, so that the good and evil which are in it may be brought to view.
اندر این گردون مکرر کن نظر ** ز انکه حق فرمود ثم ارجع بصر
Contemplate the sky repeatedly, for God hath said, Then turn thy gaze again (towards it).
یک نظر قانع مشو زین سقف نور ** بارها بنگر ببین هل من فطور
As regards this roof of light, be not content with one look: look (many) times, see, Are there any flaws?
چون که گفتت کاندر این سقف نکو ** بارها بنگر چو مرد عیب جو
Since He hath told you to look ofttimes at this goodly roof, as a man seeking faults,
پس زمین تیره را دانی که چند ** دیدن و تمییز باید در پسند
You may know, then, how much seeing and discerning the dark earth needs, to gain approval.
تا بپالاییم صافان را ز درد ** چند باید عقل ما را رنج برد2950
In order that we may strain the pure (folk) from the dregs, how much tribulation must our minds endure!
امتحانهای زمستان و خزان ** تاب تابستان بهار همچو جان
The trials of winter and autumn, the heat of summer, spring like the spirit (of life),
بادها و ابرها و برقها ** تا پدید آرد عوارض فرقها
Winds and clouds and lightnings—(all these are to the end) that (such) happenings may bring distinctions into view;
تا برون آرد زمین خاک رنگ ** هر چه اندر جیب دارد لعل و سنگ
(To the end) that dust-coloured (dusky) earth may bring forth all that it holds in its bosom, (whether) ruby or stone.
هر چه دزدیده ست این خاک دژم ** از خزانهی حق و دریای کرم
Whatsoever this dark earth has stolen from the Treasury of God and the Sea of Bounty—
شحنهی تقدیر گوید راست گو ** آن چه بردی شرح واده مو به مو2955
Providence, the (Divine) governor, says, “Tell the truth! Declare what thou hast carried off, hair by hair.”
دزد یعنی خاک گوید هیچ هیچ ** شحنه او را در کشد در پیچ پیچ
The thief, that is, the earth, says, “Nothing, nothing!” The Governor (then) puts it to the torture.
شحنه گاهش لطف گوید چون شکر ** گه بر آویزد کند هر چه بتر
Sometimes the Governor speaks to it with kindness (sweet) as sugar; sometimes he hangs it up (in the air), and does his worst,
تا میان قهر و لطف آن خفیهها ** ظاهر آید ز آتش خوف و رجا
In order that, between force and favour, those concealed things may be brought to sight through the fire of fear and hope.
آن بهاران لطف شحنهی کبریاست ** و آن خزان تخویف و تهدید خداست
Spring is the kindness of the Almighty Governor, and Autumn is God's menace and intimidation,
و آن زمستان چار میخ معنوی ** تا تو ای دزد خفی ظاهر شوی2960
And Winter is the allegorical crucifixion, to the end that thou, O hidden thief, mayst be exposed.