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  • عقل موسی چون شود در غیب بند ** عقل موشی خود کی است ای ارجمند
  • Inasmuch as the intellect of Moses becomes tied up (perplexed and helpless) in (the matter of) the mysterious (inspiration), who (what) is the intellect of a (mere) mouse, O excellent (reader)?
  • علم تقلیدی بود بهر فروخت ** چون بیابد مشتری خوش بر فروخت‏ 3265
  • Conventional knowledge is (only) for sale (self-advertisement): when it finds a purchaser, it glows with delight.
  • مشتری علم تحقیقی حق است ** دایما بازار او با رونق است‏
  • The purchaser of real knowledge is God: its market is always splendid.
  • لب ببسته مست در بیع و شری ** مشتری بی‏حد که الله اشتری‏
  • He (the owner of real knowledge) has closed his lips (and is) enraptured in (his) trading: the purchasers are without end, for God hath purchased.
  • درس آدم را فرشته مشتری ** محرم درسش نه دیو است و پری‏
  • The angels purchase Adam's teaching; the devils and Jinn are not privileged to receive it.
  • آدم أنبئهم بأسما درس گو ** شرح کن اسرار حق را مو به مو
  • Adam, inform them of the Names, give (them) teaching, explain the mysteries of God, hair by hair.
  • آن چنان کس را که کوته بین بود ** در تلون غرق و بی‏تمکین بود 3270
  • Such a person as is short-sighted, plunged in variability and without steadfastness,
  • موش گفتم ز انکه در خاک است جاش ** خاک باشد موش را جای معاش‏
  • I called a “mouse,” because his place is in the earth (of the body): earth is the place of living for the mouse.
  • راهها داند ولی در زیر خاک ** هر طرف او خاک را کرده ست چاک‏
  • He knows (many) ways, but (only) underground: he has pierced the earth in every direction.
  • نفس موشی نیست الا لقمه رند ** قدر حاجت موش را عقلی دهند
  • The mouse-soul is naught but a nibbler: to the mouse is given a mind proportionate to its need,
  • ز انکه بی‏حاجت خداوند عزیز ** می‏نبخشد هیچ کس را هیچ چیز
  • Because without need the Almighty God does not give anything to any one.
  • گر نبودی حاجت عالم زمین ** نافریدی هیچ رب العالمین‏ 3275
  • If the earth had not been needed by the (inhabitants of the) world, the Lord of all beings would not have created any (earth);
  • وین زمین مضطرب محتاج کوه ** گر نبودی نافریدی پر شکوه‏
  • And if this quaking earth had not needed mountains, He would not have created them sublime (as they are);
  • ور نبودی حاجت افلاک هم ** هفت گردون نافریدی از عدم‏
  • And if there had not been need of the heavenly spheres also, He would not have created from non-existence the Seven Skies.
  • آفتاب و ماه و این استارگان ** جز به حاجت کی پدید آمد عیان‏
  • The sun and moon and these stars—how did they come plain into view except through need?
  • پس کمند هستها حاجت بود ** قدر حاجت مرد را آلت دهد
  • Need, then is the noose for (all) things that exsist: He (God) gives to Man instruments in proportion to his need.
  • پس بیفزا حاجت ای محتاج زود ** تا بجوشد در کرم دریای جود 3280
  • Therefore quickly augment thy need, O needy one, in order that the Sea of Bounty may surge up in loving kindness.
  • این گدایان بر ره و هر مبتلا ** حاجت خود می‏نماید خلق را
  • These beggars (are) on the (public) road, and every sufferer (among them) is displaying his need to the people—
  • کوری و شلی و بیماری و درد ** تا از این حاجت بجنبد رحم مرد
  • Blindness and palsy and sickness and pain—that men's pity may be aroused by this need.
  • هیچ گوید نان دهید ای مردمان ** که مرا مال است و انبار است و خوان‏
  • Does he (any one) ever say, “Give bread, O people, for I have riches and granaries and trays (of viands)?”
  • چشم ننهاده‏ست حق در کور موش ** ز انکه حاجت نیست چشمش بهر نوش‏
  • God has not put eyes in the mole, because it does not need eyes for (getting) food.
  • می‏تواند زیست بی‏چشم و بصر ** فارغ است از چشم او در خاک تر 3285
  • It is able to live without eyes and sight: in the dank earth it is independent of eyes.
  • جز به دزدی او برون ناید ز خاک ** تا کند خالق از آن دزدیش پاک‏
  • It never comes out from the earth but for theft, to the end that the Creator may purge it of that thievishness.
  • بعد از آن پر یابد و مرغی شود ** چون ملایک جانب گردون رود
  • After that (purification), it will get wings and become a bird, like the angels, it will go towards heaven.
  • هر زمان در گلشن شکر خدا ** او بر آرد همچو بلبل صد نوا
  • Every moment, in the rose-garden of thanksgiving to God, it will produce a hundred (sweet) notes, like the nightingale,