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  • روی آب جوی فکر اندر روش ** نیست بی‏خاشاک محبوب و وحش‏
  • The surface of the water and stream of thought, as it rolls, is not without sticks and straws, (some) pleasing and (some) unsightly.
  • قشرها بر روی این آب روان ** از ثمار باغ غیبی شد دوان‏
  • The husks on the surface of this rolling water have sped along from the fruits of the Invisible Garden.
  • قشرها را مغز اندر باغ جو ** ز انکه آب از باغ می‏آید به جو
  • Seek the kernels of the husks (not on the water, but) in the Garden, because the water comes from the Garden into the river-bed.
  • گر نبینی رفتن آب حیات ** بنگر اندر جوی و این سیر نبات‏
  • If you see not the flow of the Water of Life, look at the stream and at this movement of the weeds (in it).
  • آب چون انبه‏تر آید در گذر ** زو کند قشر صور زوتر گذر 3300
  • When the water begins to pass by in fuller volume, the husks, (which are) the ideas, pass along it more quickly.
  • چون به غایت تیز شد این جو روان ** غم نپاید در ضمیر عارفان‏
  • When this stream has become extremely rapid in its flow, no care lingers in the minds of the gnostics.
  • چون به غایت ممتلی بود و شتاب ** پس نگنجید اندر او الا که آب‏
  • Since it is (then) exceedingly full and swift, on that account there is no room in it for anything but the water.
  • طعنه زدن بیگانه ای در شیخ و جواب گفتن مرید شیخ او را
  • How a stranger reviled the Shaykh and how the Shaykh's disciple answered him.
  • آن یکی یک شیخ را تهمت نهاد ** کاو بد است و نیست بر راه رشاد
  • A certain man brought charges against a Shaykh, saying, “He is wicked and not on the path of righteousness;
  • شارب خمر است و سالوس و خبیث ** مر مریدان را کجا باشد مغیث‏
  • He is a wine-drinker and a hypocrite and a scoundrel: how should he be one to succour his disciples?”
  • آن یکی گفتش ادب را هوش دار ** خرد نبود این چنین ظن بر کبار 3305
  • One (of the disciples) said to him, “Observe respect: ’tis no light matter to think so ill of the great.
  • دور از او و دور از آن اوصاف او ** که ز سیلی تیره گردد صاف او
  • Far is it from him and far from those (saintly) qualities of his that his clear (spirit) should be darkened by a flood (of sin).
  • این چنین بهتان منه بر اهل حق ** این خیال تست بر گردان ورق‏
  • Do not put such slander on the people of God! This is (mere) fancy on your part. Turn over (a new) leaf.
  • این نباشد ور بود ای مرغ خاک ** بحر قلزم را ز مرداری چه باک‏
  • This (which you say) is not (true); and (even) if it should be, O land-fowl, what harm (comes) to the Red Sea from a carcase?
  • نیست دون القلتین و حوض خرد ** کی تواند قطره‏ایش از کار برد
  • He (the Shaykh) is not less than the (statutory) two jugfuls or the small tank, so that a single drop (of impurity) should be able to disqualify him (for religious purposes).
  • آتش ابراهیم را نبود زیان ** هر که نمرودی است گو می‏ترس از آن‏ 3310
  • The fire is no damage to Abraham, (but) let any one who is a Nimrod beware of it!”
  • نفس نمرود است و عقل و جان خلیل ** روح در عین است و نفس اندر دلیل‏
  • The fleshly soul is Nimrod, and the intellect and spirit are the Friend of God (Abraham): the spirit is concerned with reality itself, and the fleshly soul with the proofs.
  • این دلیل راه رهرو را بود ** کاو به هر دم در بیابان گم شود
  • These indications of the way are for the traveller who at every moment becomes lost in the desert.
  • واصلان را نیست جز چشم و چراغ ** از دلیل و راهشان باشد فراغ‏
  • For them that have attained (to union with God) there is nothing (necessary) except the eye (of the spirit) and the lamp (of intuitive faith): they have no concern with indications (to guide them) or with a road (to travel by).
  • گر دلیلی گفت آن مرد وصال ** گفت بهر فهم اصحاب جدال‏
  • If the man that is united (with God) has mentioned some indication, he has mentioned (it) in order that the dialecticians may understand (his meaning).
  • بهر طفل نو پدر تی‏تی کند ** گر چه عقلش هندسه‏ی گیتی کند 3315
  • For a new-born child the father makes babbling sounds, though his intellect may make a survey of the (whole) world.
  • کم نگردد فضل استاد از علو ** گر الف چیزی ندارد گوید او
  • The dignity of the master's learning is not diminished if he say that (the letter) alif has nothing (has no diacritical mark).
  • از پی تعلیم آن بسته دهن ** از زبان خود برون باید شدن‏
  • For the sake of teaching that tongue-tied (child), one must go outside of one's own language (customary manner of speech).
  • در زبان او بباید آمدن ** تا بیاموزد ز تو او علم و فن‏
  • You must come into (adopt) his language, in order that he may learn knowledge and science from you.
  • پس همه خلقان چو طفلان وی‏اند ** لازم است این پیر را در وقت پند
  • All the people, then, are as his (the spiritual Teacher's) children: this (fact) is necessary for the Pír (to bear in mind) when he gives (them) instruction.
  • کفر را حد است و اندازه بدان ** شیخ و نور شیخ را نبود کران‏ 3320
  • Infidelity hath a fixed limit and range—know (this for sure); (but) the Shaykh and the light of the Shaykh have no bound.