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  • نور خورشید ار بیفتد بر حدث ** او همان نور است نپذیرد خبث‏
  • If sunlight fall upon filth, it is the same light (still): it suffers no defilement.
  • شیخ گفت این خود نه جام است و نه می ** هین به زیر آن منکرا بنگر به وی‏
  • The Shaykh said, “Indeed this is not a cup, nor (is this) wine. Hey, unbeliever, come down and look at it!”
  • آمد و دید انگبین خاص بود ** کور شد آن دشمن کور و کبود
  • He came, and saw it was fine honey. That miserable enemy (of God) became blind (with shame and confusion).
  • گفت پیر آن دم مرید خویش را ** رو برای من بجو می ای کیا
  • Thereupon the Pír said to his disciple, “Go, seek wine for me, O noble sir;
  • که مرا رنجی است مضطر گشته‏ام ** من ز رنج از مخمصه بگذشته‏ام‏ 3415
  • For I have a pain; I am reduced to necessity: because of the pain, I have passed beyond starvation.
  • در ضرورت هست هر مردار پاک ** بر سر منکر ز لعنت باد خاک‏
  • In sore need any carcase is clean (lawful to eat)––may curses fall like dust on the head of him that denies it!”
  • گرد خمخانه بر آمد آن مرید ** بهر شیخ از هر خمی او می‏چشید
  • The disciple went round the wine-cellar, tasting of every jar on the Shaykh’s behalf.
  • در همه خمخانه‏ها او می ندید ** گشته بد پر از عسل خم نبید
  • In all the wine-cellars (that he visited) he found no wine the jars of wine had become full of honey.
  • گفت ای رندان چه حال است این چه کار ** هیچ خمی در نمی‏بینم عقار
  • He said, “O topers, what state of things is this? What is the matter? I find no wine in any jar.”
  • جمله رندان نزد آن شیخ آمدند ** چشم گریان دست بر سر می‏زدند 3420
  • All the topers came to that Shaykh, weeping and beating their heads with their hands.
  • در خرابات آمدی شیخ اجل ** جمله می‏ها از قدومت شد عسل‏
  • (They said), “Thou camest into the tavern, O most exalted Shaykh, and in consequence of thy coming-all the wines have turned to honey.
  • کرده ای مبدل تو می را از حدث ** جان ما را هم بدل کن از خبث‏
  • Thou hast changed the wine (and purified it) from filth change our souls also (and purify them) from defilement!”
  • گر شود عالم پر از خون مال مال ** کی خورد بنده‏ی خدا الا حلال‏
  • If the (whole) world be filled to the brim with blood, how should the servant of God drink aught but what is hallowed?
  • گفتن عایشه مصطفی را علیه السلام که تو بی‏مصلا به هر جا نماز می‏کنی چون است‏
  • How ‘Á’isha—may God be well-pleased with her!—said to Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, “Thou performest the prayer anywhere, without a prayer-carpet. How is that?”
  • عایشه روزی به پیغمبر بگفت ** یا رسول الله تو پیدا و نهفت‏
  • One day ‘Á’isha said to the Prophet, “O Messenger of Allah, openly and secretly
  • هر کجا یابی نمازی می‏کنی ** می‏دود در خانه ناپاک و دنی‏ 3425
  • Thou performest a prayer in whatever place thou mayst find, (even whilst) unclean and low (people) are running about in the house;
  • مستحاضه و طفل و آلوده‏ی پلید ** کرد مستعمل به هر جا که رسید
  • Although thou knowest that any dirty child makes unclean every place he comes to."
  • گفت پیغمبر که از بهر مهان ** حق نجس را پاک گرداند بدان‏
  • The Prophet said, “Know that God makes impure (things) pure for the (spiritually) great.
  • سجده‏گاهم را از آن رو لطف حق ** پاک گردانید تا هفتم طبق‏
  • On that account the grace of God has made my place of worship to be pure (everywhere, even) up to the seventh tier (of Heaven).”
  • هان و هان ترک حسد کن با شهان ** ور نه ابلیسی شوی اندر جهان‏
  • Beware and beware! Cease from envying the (spiritual) kings, else you will become a devil in the world.
  • کاو اگر زهری خورد شهدی شود ** تو اگر شهدی خوری زهری بود 3430
  • For if he drink poison, it turns to honey; (but) if you eat honey, it is poison (to you);
  • کاو بدل گشت و بدل شد کار او ** لطف گشت و نور شد هر نار او
  • For he has been changed, and his action has been changed: he has become the Grace (of God), and every fire in him has been turned into Light.
  • قوت حق بود مر بابیل را ** ور نه مرغی چون کشد مر پیل را
  • The abábíl (swifts) had the power of God (in them); else, how should a bird kill an elephant?
  • لشکری را مرغکی چندی شکست ** تا بدانی کان صلابت از حق است‏
  • A number of little birds broke an (entire) army—so that you may know that that strength is from God.
  • گر تو را وسواس آید زین قبیل ** رو بخوان تو سوره‏ی اصحاب فیل‏
  • If temptation of this kind come to you, go, read the Súra concerning the Possessors of the Elephant.
  • ور کنی با او مری و همسری ** کافرم دان گر تو ز ایشان سر بری‏ 3435
  • And if you contend and engage in rivalry with him (the saint), deem me an infidel if you save your head from them.
  • کشیدن موش مهار شتر را و متعجب شدن موش در خود
  • How the mouse pulled (the rope attached to) the camel's nose-ring and became self conceited.