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  • این سرت وارست از سجده‏ی صنم ** تا بدانی حق او را بر امم‏
  • This head of yours has been delivered from bowing to idols, in order that you may acknowledge his rightful claim upon the (gratitude of the religious) communities.
  • گر بگویی شکر این رستن بگو ** کز بت باطن همت برهاند او
  • If you speak, speak thanks for this deliverance, that he may also deliver you from the idol within.
  • مر سرت را چون رهانید از بتان ** هم بدان قوت تو دل را وارهان‏ 370
  • Since he has delivered your head from idols, do you deliver your heart also by means of that strength (which you have gained from him).
  • سر ز شکر دین از آن بر تافتی ** کز پدر میراث مفت‏اش یافتی‏
  • You have neglected to give thanks for the Religion because you got it for nothing as an inheritance from your father.
  • مرد میراثی چه داند قدر مال ** رستمی جان کند و مجان یافت زال‏
  • How should a man who inherits know the value of wealth? A Rustam tore his soul (suffered agonies in acquiring it), (whereas) Zál got it cost-free.
  • چون بگریانم بجوشد رحمتم ** آن خروشنده بنوشد نعمتم‏
  • “When I cause (any one) to weep, My mercy is aroused: that wailer drinks of (enjoys) My bounty.
  • گر نخواهم داد خود ننمایمش ** چونش کردم بسته دل بگشایمش‏
  • If I do not wish to give, (then) indeed I do not show him (the desired gift), (but) when I have closed (contracted) his heart (with grief), I open (expand) it (with joy).
  • رحمتم موقوف آن خوش گریه‏هاست ** چون گریست از بحر رحمت موج خاست‏ 375
  • My mercy is dependent on that goodly weeping: when he weeps, waves rise from the sea of (My) mercy.”
  • حلوا خریدن شیخ احمد خضرویه قدس الله سره العزیز جهت غریمان به الهام حق
  • How by Divine inspiration Shaykh Ahmad son of Khizrúya bought halwá (sweetmeat) for his creditors.
  • بود شیخی دایما او وامدار ** از جوانمردی که بود آن نامدار
  • There was a Shaykh who was continually in debt because of the generosity which that illustrious one had (in his nature).
  • ده هزاران وام کردی از مهان ** خرج کردی بر فقیران جهان‏
  • He used to make myriads of debts (by borrowing) from the great, and spend (all the money) upon the poor (dervishes) of the world.
  • هم به وام او خانقاهی ساخته ** جان و مال و خانقه درباخته‏
  • He had also built a monastery (for Súfís) by (running into) debt; he had devoted life and wealth and monastery (to God).
  • وام او را حق ز هر جا می‏گزارد ** کرد حق بهر خلیل از ریگ آرد
  • God was paying his debts from every quarter: God made flour out of sand for the Friend's (Abraham's) sake.
  • گفت پیغمبر که در بازارها ** دو فرشته می‏کنند ایدر دعا 380
  • The prophet said that two angels are (always) praying here in the markets, (saying),
  • کای خدا تو منفقان را ده خلف ** ای خدا تو ممسکان را ده تلف‏
  • “O God, do Thou give the prodigal a boon in return, and O God do Thou give the miserly a bane (in return).”
  • خاصه آن منفق که جان انفاق کرد ** حلق خود قربانی خلاق کرد
  • Especially (does this apply to) the prodigal who has freely spent his soul (life) and made his throat a sacrifice to the Creator.
  • حلق پیش آورد اسماعیل‏وار ** کارد بر حلقش نیارد کرد کار
  • He offers his throat, like Ismá‘íl (Ishmael): the knife cannot do anything to (hurt) his throat.
  • پس شهیدان زنده زین رویند و خوش ** تو بدان قالب بمنگر گبروش‏
  • On this account, then, the martyrs are living and joyous: do not, infidel-like, look at the body (alone),
  • چون خلف دادستشان جان بقا ** جان ایمن از غم و رنج و شقا 385
  • Since God hath given them in return the spirit of everlastingness—a spirit safe from grief and pain and misery.
  • شیخ وامی سالها این کار کرد ** می‏ستد می‏داد همچون پای مرد
  • The debtor Shaykh acted in this fashion for years, taking and giving like a steward.
  • تخمها می‏کاشت تا روز اجل ** تا بود روز اجل میر اجل‏
  • He was sowing seeds till the day of death, that on the day of death he might be a most glorious prince.
  • چون که عمر شیخ در آخر رسید ** در وجود خود نشان مرگ دید
  • When the Shaykh's life reached its end and he saw in his (bodily) existence the signs of death,
  • وامداران گرد او بنشسته جمع ** شیخ بر خود خوش گدازان همچو شمع‏
  • The creditors were seated together around him, (while) the Shaykh was gently melting on himself, like a candle.
  • وامداران گشته نومید و ترش ** درد دلها یار شد با درد شش‏ 390
  • The creditors had become despairing and sour-faced: the pain in (their) hearts was accompanied by pain in (their) lungs.
  • شیخ گفت این بد گمانان را نگر ** نیست حق را چار صد دینار زر
  • “Look at these evil-thinking men,” said the Shaykh. “Hath not God four hundred gold dinars?”
  • کودکی حلوا ز بیرون بانگ زد ** لاف حلوا بر امید دانگ زد
  • A boy outside shouted “Halwá!” and bragged of (the excellence of) the halwá in hope of (getting) some dángs.