حال ایشان از نبی خوان ای حریص ** نقبوا فیها ببین هل من محیص3740
Read in the Qur’án (concerning) their state, O covetous one: —They explored (and wandered) in them (the lands of the earth); mark (the words), Was there any refuge?
از نزاع ترک و رومی و عرب ** حل نشد اشکال انگور و عنب
The difficulty over angúr and ‘inab was not solved by the contest between the Turk, the Greek, and the Arab.
تا سلیمان لسین معنوی ** در نیاید بر نخیزد این دوی
Until the spiritual Solomon, skilled in tongues, shall intervene, this duality will not disappear.
جمله مرغان منازع بازوار ** بشنوید این طبل باز شهریار
O all ye wrangling birds, hearken, like the falcon, to this falcon-drum of the King.
ز اختلاف خویش سوی اتحاد ** هین ز هر جانب روان گردید شاد
Hark, from every quarter set out with joy, (flying away) from your diversity towards oneness.
حیث ما کنتم فولوا وجهکم ** نحوه هذا الذی لم ینهکم3745
Wheresoever ye be, turn your faces towards it: this is the thing which He hath not forbidden unto you (at any time).
کور مرغانیم و بس ناساختیم ** کان سلیمان را دمی نشناختیم
Blind birds are we and very inept, in that we have not once recognised that Solomon.