گفت پیغمبر خداش ایمان نداد ** هر که را صبری نباشد در نهاد
- The Prophet said, “God has not given faith to any one in whose nature there is no patience.”
آن یکی در چشم تو باشد چو مار ** هم وی اندر چشم آن دیگر نگار
- That same one (who) in your eyes is like a snake is a picture (of beauty) in the eyes of another,
ز انکه در چشمت خیال کفر اوست ** و آن خیال مومنی در چشم دوست
- Because in your eyes is the fancy of his being an infidel, while in the eyes of his friend is the fancy of his being a (true) believer;
کاندر این یک شخص هر دو فعل هست ** گاه ماهی باشد او و گاه شست
- For both the effects (belief and unbelief) exist in this one person: now he is a fish and now a hook.
نیم او مومن بود نیمیش گبر ** نیم او حرص آوری نیمیش صبر 605
- Half of him is believer, half of him infidel; half of him cupidity, half of him patience (and abstinence).
گفت یزدانت فمنکم مومن ** باز منکم کافر گبر کهن
- Your God has said, “(Some) of you (are) believing”; (and) again, “(Some) of you (are) unbelieving” (as) an old fire-worshipper.
همچو گاوی نیمهی چپش سیاه ** نیمهی دیگر سپید همچو ماه
- (He is) like an ox, his left half black, the other half white as the moon.
هر که این نیمه ببیند رد کند ** هر که آن نیمه ببیند کد کند
- Whoever sees the former half spurns (him); whoever sees the latter half seeks (after him).
یوسف اندر چشم اخوان چون ستور ** هم وی اندر چشم یعقوبی چو حور
- Joseph was like a beast of burden in the eyes of his brethren; at the same time in the eyes of a Jacob he was like a houri.
از خیال بد مر او را زشت دید ** چشم فرع و چشم اصلی ناپدید 610
- Through evil fancy the (bodily) derivative eye and the original unseen eye (of the mind) regarded him (Joseph) as ugly.
چشم ظاهر سایهی آن چشم دان ** هر چه آن بیند بگردد این بد آن
- Know that the outward eye is the shadow of that (inward) eye: whatever that (inward) eye may see, this (outward) eye turns to that (eye).
تو مکانی اصل تو در لامکان ** این دکان بر بند و بگشا آن دکان
- You are of where, (but) your origin is in Nowhere: shut up this shop and open that shop.
شش جهت مگریز زیرا در جهات ** ششدره است و ششدره مات است مات
- Do not flee to the (world of the) six directions, because in directions there is the shashdara, and the shashdara is mate, mate.
شکایت کردن اهل زندان پیش وکیل قاضی از دست آن مفلس
- How the prisoners laid a complaint of the insolvent's high-handedness before the agent of the Cadi.
با وکیل قاضی ادراکمند ** اهل زندان در شکایت آمدند
- The prisoners came to complain to the Cadi's agent, (who was) possessed of discernment,
که سلام ما به قاضی بر کنون ** باز گو آزار ما زین مرد دون 615
- Saying, “Take now our salutations to the Cadi and relate (to him) the sufferings inflicted on us by this vile man;
کاندر این زندان بماند او مستمر ** یاوه تاز و طبلخوار است و مضر
- For he has remained in this prison continuously, and he is an idle gad-about, a lickspittle, and a nuisance.
چون مگس حاضر شود در هر طعام ** از وقاحت بیصلا و بیسلام
- Like a fly, he impudently appears at every meal without invitation and without salaam.
پیش او هیچ است لوت شصت کس ** کر کند خود را اگر گوییش بس
- To him the food of sixty persons is nothing; he feigns himself deaf if you say to him, ‘Enough!’
مرد زندان را نیاید لقمهای ** ور به صد حیلت گشاید طعمهای
- No morsel reaches the (ordinary) man in prison, or if by means of a hundred contrivances he discover some food,
در زمان پیش آید آن دوزخ گلو ** حجتش این که خدا گفتا کلوا 620
- That hell-throat at once comes forward (with) this (as) his argument, that God has said, ‘Eat ye.’
زین چنین قحط سه ساله داد داد ** ظل مولانا ابد پاینده باد
- Justice, justice against such a three years' famine! May the shadow of our lord endure for ever!
یا ز زندان تا رود این گاومیش ** یا وظیفه کن ز وقفی لقمهایش
- Either let this buffalo go from prison, or make him a regular allowance of food from a trust-fund.
ای ز تو خوش هم ذکور و هم اناث ** داد کن المستغاث المستغاث
- O thou by whom both males and females are (made) happy, do justice! Thy help is invoked and besought.”
سوی قاضی شد وکیل با نمک ** گفت با قاضی شکایت یک به یک
- The courteous agent went to the Cadi and related the complaint to him point by point.
خواند او را قاضی از زندان به پیش ** پس تفحص کرد از اعیان خویش 625
- The Cadi called him (the insolvent) from the prison into his presence, and (then) inquired (about him) from his own officers.