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  • پیش من افلاس او ثابت شده است ** نقد و کالا نیستش چیزی به دست‏
  • His insolvency has been proven to me: he has nothing in his possession, (neither) money nor goods.”
  • آدمی در حبس دنیا ز آن بود ** تا بود کافلاس او ثابت شود
  • Man is in the prison of this world in order that peradventure his insolvency may be proven.
  • مفلسی دیو را یزدان ما ** هم منادی کرد در قرآن ما
  • Our God has also proclaimed in our Qur’án the insolvency of the Devil,
  • کاو دغا و مفلس است و بد سخن ** هیچ با او شرکت و سودا مکن‏ 655
  • Saying, “He is a swindler and insolvent and liar: do not make any partnership or do any trade with him.”
  • ور کنی او را بهانه آوری ** مفلس است او صرفه از وی کی بری‏
  • And if you do so (and) bring (vain) pretexts to him, he is insolvent: how will you get profit from him?
  • حاضر آوردند چون فتنه فروخت ** اشتر کردی که هیزم می‏فروخت‏
  • When the trouble started, they brought on the scene the camel of a Kurd who sold firewood.
  • کرد بی‏چاره بسی فریاد کرد ** هم موکل را به دانگی شاد کرد
  • The helpless Kurd made a great outcry; he also gladdened the officer (appointed to seize the camel) with (the gift of) a dáng;
  • اشترش بردند از هنگام چاشت ** تا شب و افغان او سودی نداشت‏
  • (But) they took away his camel from the time of forenoon until nightfall, and his lamentation was of no use.
  • بر شتر بنشست آن قحط گران ** صاحب اشتر پی اشتر دوان‏ 660
  • Upon the camel sat that sore famine (the insolvent), while the owner of the camel was running at its heels.
  • سو به سو و کو به کو می‏تاختند ** تا همه شهرش عیان بشناختند
  • They sped from quarter to quarter and from street to street, till the whole town knew him by sight.
  • پیش هر حمام و هر بازارگاه ** کرده مردم جمله در شکلش نگاه‏
  • Before every bath and market-place all the people gazed on his (features and) figure.
  • ده منادی گر بلند آوازیان ** کرد و ترک و رومیان و تازیان‏
  • (There were) ten loud-voiced criers, Turks and Kurds and Anatolians and Arabs, (proclaiming),
  • مفلس است این و ندارد هیچ چیز ** قرض تا ندهد کس او را یک پشیز
  • “This man is insolvent and has nothing: let no one lend him a single brass farthing;
  • ظاهر و باطن ندارد حبه‏ای ** مفلسی قلبی دغایی دبه‏ای‏ 665
  • He does not possess a single mite, patent or latent: he is a bankrupt, a piece of falsehood, a cunning knave, an oil-bag.
  • هان و هان با او حریفی کم کنید ** چون که کاو آرد گره محکم کنید
  • Beware and beware! Have no dealings with him; when he brings the ox (to sell), make fast the knot.
  • ور به حکم آرید این پژمرده را ** من نخواهم کرد زندان مرده را
  • And if ye bring this decayed fellow to judgement, I will not put a corpse in prison.
  • خوش دم است او و گلویش بس فراخ ** با شعار نو دثار شاخ شاخ‏
  • He is fair-spoken and his throat is very wide; (he is clad) with a new inner garment (of plausibility) and a tattered outer garment.
  • گر بپوشد بهر مکر آن جامه را ** عاریه است او و فریبد عامه را
  • If he puts on that (inner) garment for the purpose of deceiving, it is borrowed in order that he may beguile the common folk.”
  • حرف حکمت بر زبان ناحکیم ** حله‏های عاریت دان ای سلیم‏ 670
  • Know, O simple man, that words of wisdom on the tongue of the unwise are (as) borrowed robes.
  • گر چه دزدی حله‏ای پوشیده است ** دست تو چون گیرد آن ببریده دست‏
  • Although a thief has put on a (fine) robe, how should he whose hand is cut off take your hand (lend you a helping hand)?
  • چون شبانه از شتر آمد به زیر ** کرد گفتش منزلم دور است و دیر
  • When at nightfall he (the insolvent) came down from the camel, the Kurd said to him, “My abode is far (from here) and a long way off.
  • بر نشستی اشترم را از پگاه ** جو رها کردم کم از اخراج کاه‏
  • You have ridden on my camel since early morning: I (will) let the barley go, (but I will not take) less than the cost of (some) straw.”
  • گفت تا اکنون چه می‏کردیم پس ** هوش تو کو، نیست اندر خانه کس‏
  • "What, then," he rejoined, "have we been doing until now? Where are your wits? Is nobody at home?
  • طبل افلاسم به چرخ سابعه ** رفت و تو نشنیده‏ای بد واقعه‏ 675
  • The (sound of the) drum (giving notice) of my insolvency reached the Seventh Heaven, and you have not heard the bad news!
  • گوش تو پر بوده است از طمع خام ** پس طمع کر می‏کند کور ای غلام‏
  • Your ear has been filled with foolish hope; (such) hope, then, makes (one) deaf (and) blind, my lad.”