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  • او به حسن و جلوه‌ی خود مست گشت ** بی‌خبر کز بام افتادم چو طشت 1565
  • She has become intoxicated with her beauty and the display (of her charms) and is unaware that I have fallen from the roof, like a bowl.”
  • آمد و در را بتندی وا گشاد ** کودکان اندر پی آن اوستاد
  • He came (home) and fiercely opened the door—the boys (were following) at the master's heels.
  • گفت زن خیرست چون زود آمدی ** که مبادا ذات نیکت را بدی
  • His wife said, “Is it well (with thee)? How hast thou come (so) soon? May no evil happen to thy goodly person!”
  • گفت کوری رنگ و حال من ببین ** از غمم بیگانگان اندر حنین
  • He said, “Are you blind? Look at my colour and appearance: (even) strangers are lamenting my affliction,
  • تو درون خانه از بغض و نفاق ** می‌نبینی حال من در احتراق
  • (While) you, at home, from hatred and hypocrisy do not see the state of anguish I am in.”
  • گفت زن ای خواجه عیبی نیستت ** وهم و ظن لاش بی معنیستت 1570
  • His wife said, “O sir, there is nothing wrong with thee: ’tis (only) thy vain unreal imagination and opinion.”
  • گفتش ای غر تو هنوزی در لجاج ** می‌نبینی این تغیر و ارتجاج
  • He said to her, “O strumpet, are you still obstinately disputing (with me)? Don't you see this change (in my appearance) and (this) tremor?
  • گر تو کور و کر شدی ما را چه جرم ** ما درین رنجیم و در اندوه و گرم
  • If you have become blind and deaf, what fault of mine is it? I am in this (state of) pain and grief and woe.”
  • گفت ای خواجه بیارم آینه ** تا بدانی که ندارم من گنه
  • She said, “O sir, I will bring the mirror, in order that thou mayst know that I am innocent.”
  • گفت رو مه تو رهی مه آینت ** دایما در بغض و کینی و عنت
  • “Begone,” said he; “may neither you nor your mirror be saved! You are always (engaged) in hatred and malice and sin.
  • جامه‌ی خواب مرا زو گستران ** تا بخسپم که سر من شد گران 1575
  • Lay my bed at once, that I may lie down, for my head is sore.”
  • زن توقف کرد مردش بانگ زد ** کای عدو زوتر ترا این می‌سزد
  • The wife lingered; the man shouted at her, saying, “O hateful one, (be) quicker! This (behaviour) is worthy of you.”
  • در جامه‌ی خواب افتادن استاد و نالیدن او از وهم رنجوری
  • How the master went to bed and moaned, imagining himself to be ill.
  • جامه خواب آورد و گسترد آن عجوز ** گفت امکان نه و باطن پر ز سوز
  • The old woman brought the bed-clothes and spread them. She said, “There is no possibility (of speaking), and my heart is filled with burning (grief).
  • گر بگویم متهم دارد مرا ** ور نگویم جد شود این ماجرا
  • If I speak, he will hold me suspect; and if I say nothing, this affair will become serious.”
  • فال بد رنجور گرداند همی ** آدمی را که نبودستش غمی
  • A man who has not suffered any pain is made ill by a bad omen.
  • قول پیغامبر قبوله یفرض ** ان تمارضتم لدینا تمرضوا 1580
  • It is obligatory to accept the saying of the Prophet, “If ye pretend to be sick beside me, ye will become (actually) sick.”
  • گر بگویم او خیالی بر زند ** فعل دارد زن که خلوت می‌کند
  • “If I tell him (that he is not ill), he will cast up (conceive) a vain fancy (and will think to himself), ‘My wife has an (evil) design, for she is making arrangements to be alone.
  • مر مرا از خانه بیرون می‌کند ** بهر فسقی فعل و افسون می‌کند
  • She is getting me out of the house, she is plotting and cajoling for the purpose of some wickedness.’”
  • جامه خوابش کرد و استاد اوفتاد ** آه آه و ناله از وی می‌بزاد
  • She prepared his bed, and the master fell down (upon it): sighs and moans were arising from him.
  • کودکان آنجا نشستند و نهان ** درس می‌خواندند با صد اندهان
  • The boys sat there, reciting their lesson with a hundred sorrows in secret,
  • کین همه کردیم و ما زندانییم ** بد بنایی بود ما بد بانییم 1585
  • Thinking, “We have done all this and (still) we are prisoners: it was a bad building (a badly devised plan), and we are bad builders.”
  • دوم بار وهم افکندن کودکان استاد را کی او را از قرآن خواندن ما درد سر افزاید
  • How for the second time the boys made the master imagine (that he was ill), saying that their recitation of the Qur’án would increase his headache.
  • گفت آن زیرک که ای قوم پسند ** درس خوانید و کنید آوا بلند
  • The clever boy said, “O good fellows, recite the lesson and make your voices loud.”
  • چون همی‌خواندند گفت ای کودکان ** بانگ ما استاد را دارد زیان
  • When they were reciting (loudly), he said, “Boys, the noise we are making will do the master harm.
  • درد سر افزاید استا را ز بانگ ** ارزد این کو درد یابد بهر دانگ
  • The master's headache will be increased by the noise: is it worth while that he should suffer pain for the sake of (a few) pence?”
  • گفت استا راست می‌گوید روید ** درد سر افزون شدم بیرون شوید
  • The master said, “He is speaking the truth: depart. My headache is worse: go out (of the house)!”
  • خلاص یافتن کودکان از مکتب بدین مکر
  • How the boys escaped from school by this trick.