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  • چون گریزد این زمین از آسمان ** چون کند او خویش را از وی نهان
  • How shall this earth flee from Heaven, how shall it conceal itself from it?
  • هرچه آید ز آسمان سوی زمین ** نه مفر دارد نه چاره نه کمین
  • Whatsoever may come from Heaven to the earth, it (the earth) has no refuge or device or hiding-place.
  • آتش ار خورشید می‌بارد برو ** او بپیش آتشش بنهاده رو 450
  • Is fire from the sun raining upon it, it has laid its face (low) before his fire;
  • ور همی طوفان کند باران برو ** شهرها را می‌کند ویران برو
  • And if the rain is making a flood upon it and devastating the cities upon it,
  • او شده تسلیم او ایوب‌وار ** که اسیرم هرچه می‌خواهی ببار
  • It (the earth) has become resigned to it (Heaven), like Job, saying, “I am captive: bring (on me) whatever thou wilt.”
  • ای که جزو این زمینی سر مکش ** چونک بینی حکم یزدان در مکش
  • O thou who art a part of this earth, do not lift up thy head (in rebellion); when thou seest the decree of God, do not withdraw (from it disobediently).
  • چون خلقناکم شنودی من تراب ** خاک باشی جست از تو رو متاب
  • Since thou hast heard “We created thee of dust,” (know that) He (God) hath required thee to be (humble and submissive as) dust: do not avert thy face (from Him).
  • بین که اندر خاک تخمی کاشتم ** کرد خاکی و منش افراشتم 455
  • (God saith), “Mark how I have sown a seed in the earth: thou art dust of the earth, and I have raised it aloft.
  • حمله‌ی دیگر تو خاکی پیشه گیر ** تا کنم بر جمله میرانت امیر
  • Do thou once more adopt the practice of earthiness (self-abasement), that I may make thee prince over all princes.”
  • آب از بالا به پستی در رود ** آنگه از پستی به بالا بر رود
  • Water goes from above to below; then from below it goes up above.
  • گندم از بالا بزیر خاک شد ** بعد از آن او خوشه و چالاک شد
  • The wheat went beneath the earth from above; afterwards it became ears of corn and sprang up quickly.
  • دانه‌ی هر میوه آمد در زمین ** بعد از آن سرها بر آورد از دفین
  • The seed of every fruit entered into the earth; afterwards it raised up heads (shoots) from the buried (root).
  • اصل نعمتها ز گردون تا بخاک ** زیر آمد شد غذای جان پاک 460
  • The source of (all) blessings descended from Heaven to the earth and became the nutriment of the pure (vital) spirit.
  • از تواضع چون ز گردون شد بزیر ** گشت جزو آدمی حی دلیر
  • Forasmuch as it came down from Heaven on account of humility, it became part of the living and valiant man.
  • پس صفات آدمی شد آن جماد ** بر فراز عرش پران گشت شاد
  • Hence that inanimate matter (rain and sunlight) was turned into human qualities and soared joyously above the empyrean,
  • کز جهان زنده ز اول آمدیم ** باز از پستی سوی بالا شدیم
  • Saying, “We came at first from the living world, and have (now) gone back from below to above.”
  • جمله اجزا در تحرک در سکون ** ناطقان که انا الیه راجعون
  • All particles (of phenomenal being), (whether) in movement (or) at rest, are speakers (and declare): “Verily, to Him we are returning.”
  • ذکر و تسبیحات اجزای نهان ** غلغلی افکند اندر آسمان 465
  • The praises and glorifications of the hidden particles have filled Heaven with an uproar.
  • چون قضا آهنگ نارنجات کرد ** روستایی شهریی را مات کرد
  • When the Decree (of God) set out to (use) enchantments, the countryman checkmated a townsman.
  • با هزاران حزم خواجه مات شد ** زان سفر در معرض آفات شد
  • Notwithstanding thousands of (good) resolutions, the Khwája was checkmated, and from that journey (which he undertook) he fell into the midst of calamities.
  • اعتمادش بر ثبات خویش بود ** گرچه که بد نیم سیلش در ربود
  • His reliance was upon his own firmness, (but) though he was (as) a mountain, a half-flood swept him away.
  • چون قضا بیرون کند از چرخ سر ** عاقلان گردند جمله کور و کر
  • When the Decree puts forth its head from Heaven, all the intelligent become blind and deaf;
  • ماهیان افتند از دریا برون ** دام گیرد مرغ پران را زبون 470
  • Fishes are cast out of the sea; the snare catches miserably the flying bird.
  • تا پری و دیو در شیشه شود ** بلک هاروتی به بابل در رود
  • Even genie and demon go into the bottle; nay, a Hárút goes into (the pit of) Babylon.
  • جز کسی کاندر قضا اندر گریخت ** خون او را هیچ تربیعی نریخت
  • (All are lost) except that one who has taken refuge with the Decree: his blood no (astrological) quadrature (ever) shed.