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  • آنک مرداری خورد یعنی نبید ** شرع او را سوی معذوران کشید
  • He that eats carrion, that is to say, (drinks) date-wine—the (religious) Law enrols him amongst those who are excused.
  • مست و بنگی را طلاق و بیع نیست ** همچو طفلست او معاف و معتقیست
  • The drunkard and eater of beng has not (the right of) divorce or barter; he is even as a child: he is a person absolved and emancipated.
  • مستیی کید ز بوی شاه فرد ** صد خم می در سر و مغز آن نکرد
  • The intoxication that arises from the scent of the unique King—a hundred vats of wine never wrought that (intoxication) in head and brain.
  • پس برو تکلیف چون باشد روا ** اسب ساقط گشت و شد بی دست و پا
  • To him (the God-intoxicated man), then, how should the obligation (to keep the Law) be applicable? The horse is fallen (out of account) and has become unable to move.
  • بار کی نهد در جهان خرکره را ** درس کی دهد پارسی بومره را 675
  • Who in the world would lay a load upon the ass-colt? Who would give lessons in Persian to Bú Murra?
  • بار بر گیرند چون آمد عرج ** گفت حق لیس علی الاعمی حرج
  • When lameness comes, the load is taken off: God hath said,It is no sin in the blind.
  • سوی خود اعمی شدم از حق بصیر ** پس معافم از قلیل و از کثیر
  • I have become blind in regard to myself, seeing by (the grace of) God: therefore I am absolved from the small (obligation) and from the great.”
  • لاف درویشی زنی و بی‌خودی ** های هوی مستیان ایزدی
  • Thou braggest of thy dervishhood and selflessness, (thou utterest) the wailful cries of those intoxicated with God,
  • که زمین را من ندانم ز آسمان ** امتحانت کرد غیرت امتحان
  • Saying, “I know not earth from heaven.” The (Divine) jealousy hath tried thee, tried thee (and found thee wanting).
  • باد خرکره‌ی چنین رسوات کرد ** هستی نفی ترا اثبات کرد 680
  • Thus hath the wind of thy ass-colt put thee to shame, thus hath it affirmed the existence of thy self-negation.
  • این چنین رسوا کند حق شید را ** این چنین گیرد رمیده‌صید را
  • In this wise doth God expose hypocrisy, in this wise doth He catch the quarry that has started away.
  • صد هزاران امتحانست ای پسر ** هر که گوید من شدم سرهنگ در
  • There are hundreds of thousands of trials, O son, for any one who says, “I am the captain of the Gate.”
  • گر نداند عامه او را ز امتحان ** پختگان راه جویندش نشان
  • If the vulgar do not know him by (putting him to) the trial, (yet) the adepts of the Way will demand from him the token (of his veracity).
  • چون کند دعوی خیاطی خسی ** افکند در پیش او شه اطلسی
  • When a churl pretends to be a tailor, the king will throw down a piece of satin in front of him,
  • که ببر این را بغلطاق فراخ ** ز امتحان پیدا شود او را دو شاخ 685
  • Saying, “Cut this into a wide undervest (baghaltáq)”: from (as the result of) the trial there appear two horns on him.
  • گر نبودی امتحان هر بدی ** هر مخنث در وغا رستم بدی
  • Were there not a testing of every vicious person, every effeminate would be a Rustam in the fray.
  • خود مخنث را زره پوشیده گیر ** چون ببیند زخم گردد چون اسیر
  • Even suppose that the effeminate has put on a coat of mail: as soon as he feels the blow, he will become as a captive.
  • مست حق هشیار چون شد از دبور ** مست حق ناید به خود تا نفخ صور
  • How will he that is intoxicated with God be restored to his senses by (the soft breath of) the west-wind? The God-intoxicated man will not come to himself till the blast of the trumpet (of Resurrection).
  • باده‌ی حق راست باشد بی دروغ ** دوغ خوردی دوغ خوردی دوغ دوغ
  • The wine of God is true, not false: thou hast drunk buttermilk, thou hast drunk buttermilk, buttermilk, buttermilk!
  • ساختی خود را جنید و بایزید ** رو که نشناسم تبر را از کلید 690
  • Thou hast made thyself out to be a Junayd or a Báyazíd, (saying), “Begone, for I do not know a hatchet from a key.”
  • بدرگی و منبلی و حرص و آز ** چون کنی پنهان بشید ای مکرساز
  • How by means of hypocrisy, O contriver of fraud, wilt thou conceal depravity of nature and (spiritual) sloth and greed and concupiscence?
  • خویش را منصور حلاجی کنی ** آتشی در پنبه‌ی یاران زنی
  • Thou makest thyself a Mansúr-i Halláj and settest fire to the cotton of thy friends,
  • که بنشناسم عمر از بولهب ** باد کره‌ی خود شناسم نیمشب
  • Saying, “I do not know ‘Umar from Bú Lahab, (but) I know the wind of my ass-colt at midnight.”
  • ای خری کین از تو خر باور کند ** خویش را بهر تو کور و کر کند
  • Oh, the ass that would believe this from an ass like thee, and would make himself blind and deaf for thy sake!
  • خویش را از ره‌روان کمتر شمر ** تو حریف ره‌ریانی گه مخور 695
  • Do not count thyself one of the travellers on the Way; thou art a comrade of them that defile the Way: do not eat dung (do not talk rubbish)!