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  • نیست آن ینظر به نور الله گزاف ** نور ربانی بود گردون شکاف 3400
  • That (saying), ‘he sees by the Light of God,’ is not vain: the Divine Light rives the sky asunder.
  • نیست اندر چشم تو آن نور رو ** هستی اندر حس حیوانی گرو
  • In thine eye that Light is not. Go! Thou art in pawn to the animal senses.
  • تو ز ضعف چشم بینی پیش پا ** تو ضعیف و هم ضعیفت پیشوا
  • From weakness of eye thou seest (only) in front of thy foot: thou art weak and thy guide, too, is weak.
  • پیشوا چشمست دست و پای را ** کو ببیند جای را ناجای را
  • The eye is the guide for hand and foot, for it sees (both) the right and the wrong place.
  • دیگر آنک چشم من روشن‌ترست ** دیگر آنک خلقت من اطهرست
  • Another thing is that my eye is clearer; another, that my nature is purer,
  • زانک هستم من ز اولاد حلال ** نه ز اولاد زنا و اهل ضلال 3405
  • Because I am one of the lawfully begotten, not one of the children of adultery and the people of perdition.
  • تو ز اولاد زنایی بی‌گمان ** تیر کژ پرد چو بد باشد کمان
  • Thou art one of the children of adultery: without doubt the arrow flies crookedly when the bow is bad.”
  • تصدیق کردن استر جوابهای شتر را و اقرار کردن بفضل او بر خود و ازو استعانت خواستن و بدو پناه گرفتن به صدق و نواختن شتر او را و ره نمودن و یاری دادن پدرانه و شاهانه
  • How the mule declared the replies of the camel to be true and acknowledged his (the camel's) superiority to himself and besought his aid and took refuge with him sincerely; and how the camel treated him with kindness and showed him the way and gave help in fatherly and kingly fashion.
  • گفت استر راست گفتی ای شتر ** این بگفت و چشم کرد از اشک پر
  • The mule said, “Thou hast spoken the truth, O camel.” This he said and filled his eye with tears.
  • ساعتی بگریست و در پایش فتاد ** گفت ای بگزیده‌ی رب العباد
  • He wept awhile and fell at his (the camel's) feet and said, “O chosen of the Lord of men,
  • چه زیان دارد گر از فرخندگی ** در پذیری تو مرا دربندگی
  • What harm will it do if thou, by (favour of) thy blessedness, wilt receive me into thy service?”
  • گفت چون اقرار کردی پیش من ** رو که رستی تو ز آفات زمن 3410
  • He (the camel) said, “Since thou hast made confession in my presence, go (in peace), for thou art saved from the contaminations of Time.
  • دادی انصاف و رهیدی از بلا ** تو عدو بودی شدی ز اهل ولا
  • Thou hast given justice (hast made just amends) and art saved from tribulation: thou wast an enemy, thou hast become one of the leal.
  • خوی بد در ذات تو اصلی نبود ** کز بد اصلی نیاید جز جحود
  • The evil disposition was not original (innate) in thy person; for from original evil comes naught but denial.
  • آن بد عاریتی باشد که او ** آرد اقرار و شود او توبه‌جو
  • The borrowed (temporary) evil is such that he (in whom it appears) makes confession and desires to repent;
  • هم‌چو آدم زلتش عاریه بود ** لاجرم اندر زمان توبه نمود
  • Like Adam, whose lapse was temporary: of necessity he showed penitence at once.
  • چونک اصلی بود جرم آن بلیس ** ره نبودش جانب توبه‌ی نفیس 3415
  • Since the sin of Iblís was original, for him there was no way to precious penitence.
  • رو که رستی از خود و از خوی بد ** واز زبانه‌ی نار و از دندان دد
  • Go, for thou art delivered from thyself and from the evil disposition and from the (flaming) tongue of the Fire and from the teeth of the wild beasts (of Hell).
  • رو که اکنون دست در دولت زدی ** در فکندی خود به بخت سرمدی
  • Go, for now thou hast grasped felicity, thou hast thrown thyself into everlasting fortune.
  • ادخلی تو فی عبادی یافتی ** ادخلی فی جنتی در بافتی
  • Thou hast gained (that which is signified by the words) Enter in amongst My servants; thou hast annexed (the implication of) Enter into My Paradise.
  • در عبادش راه کردی خویش را ** رفتی اندر خلد از راه خفا
  • Thou hast made a way for thyself (to enter) amongst His servants; thou hast gone into Eden by the secret way.
  • اهدنا گفتی صراط مستقیم ** دست تو بگرفت و بردت تا نعیم 3420
  • ‘Guide us,’ thou saidst, ‘in the straight path’: He took thy hand and led thee to the abode of bliss.
  • نار بودی نور گشتی ای عزیز ** غوره بودی گشتی انگور و مویز
  • Thou wast fire: thou hast become light, O noble one; thou wast an unripe grape: thou hast become a (ripe) grape and raisin.
  • اختری بودی شدی تو آفتاب ** شاد باشد الله اعلم بالصواب
  • Thou wast a star: thou hast become the Sun. Rejoice! God best knoweth the right.”
  • ای ضیاء الحق حسام‌الدین بگیر ** شهد خویش اندر فکن در حوض شیر
  • O Ziyá’u ’l-Haqq (Radiance of God) Husámu’ddín, take thy honey and cast it into the basin of milk,
  • تا رهد آن شیر از تغییر طعم ** یابد از بحر مزه تکثیر طعم
  • To the end that that milk may escape from having its savour corrupted and may gain much increase of savour from the Sea of Deliciousness,