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  • آنچ در دل داشتی آن پشت‌خم  ** قدر آن دادی بدو نه بیش و کم  2800
  • He would give that bent-backed one the amount that he had in mind, neither more nor less.
  • پس بگفتندی چه دانستی که او  ** این قدر اندیشه دارد ای عمو 
  • Then they would ask, “How didst thou know, uncle, that he was thinking of this amount?”
  • او بگفتی خانه‌ی دل خلوتست  ** خالی از کدیه مثال جنتست 
  • He would reply: “My heart's house is empty: it is void of beggary, like Paradise.
  • اندرو جز عشق یزدان کار نیست  ** جز خیال وصل او دیار نیست 
  • There is no work (being done) in it except love of God: there is no inhabitant except the idea of union with Him.
  • خانه را من روفتم از نیک و بد  ** خانه‌ام پرست از عشق احد 
  • I have swept the house clean of good and evil: my house is filled with love of the One.
  • هرچه بینم اندرو غیر خدا  ** آن من نبود بود عکس گدا  2805
  • When I see in it anything other than God, (I know that) it (the thing seen) is not mine but is reflected from the beggar (who is with me at the moment).”
  • گر در آبی نخل یا عرجون نمود  ** جز ز عکس نخله‌ی بیرون نبود 
  • If a date-palm or a raceme of dates has appeared in a piece of water, it is only the reflexion from the tree outside.
  • در تگ آب ار ببینی صورتی  ** عکس بیرون باشد آن نقش ای فتی 
  • If you see a form (of something) at the bottom of the water, that image is reflected from outside, O youth;
  • لیک تا آب از قذی خالی شدن  ** تنقیه شرطست در جوی بدن 
  • But it is necessary to cleanse the canal, (which is) the body, until the water is cleared of scum,
  • تا نماند تیرگی و خس درو  ** تا امین گردد نماید عکس رو 
  • In order that no obscurity and rubbish may remain therein and that it may become trustworthy and that the reflexion of the (inward) aspect (of everything) may appear (in it).
  • جز گلابه در تنت کو ای مقل  ** آب صافی کن ز گل ای خصم دل  2810
  • Where in your body is aught but muddy water, O you who are (spiritually) destitute? Make the water pure (and free) from mud, O enemy of the heart.
  • تو بر آنی هر دمی کز خواب و خور  ** خاک ریزی اندرین جو بیشتر 
  • By (indulgence in) sleeping and eating and drinking you are ever intent on pouring into this canal more (and more) earth.
  • سبب دانستن ضمیرهای خلق 
  • The means of knowing people's hidden thoughts.
  • چون دل آن آب زینها خالیست  ** عکس روها از برون در آب جست 
  • (Only) when the heart of that water is void of these (defilements), does the reflexion of the (inward) aspects (of all things) dart into the water.
  • پس ترا باطن مصفا ناشده  ** خانه پر از دیو و نسناس و دده 
  • Therefore, unless your interior has been purified, (and while) the (heart's) house is full of demons and monsters and wild beasts,
  • ای خری ز استیزه ماند در خری  ** کی ز ارواح مسیحی بو بری 
  • O ass who have obstinately remained in asininity, how will you get scent of (apprehend) the (life-giving) breaths which resemble those of the Messiah?
  • کی شناسی گر خیالی سر کند  ** کز کدامین مکمنی سر بر کند  2815
  • If a phantasy appear (in your heart), how will you know from what hiding-place it springs forth?
  • چون خیالی می‌شود در زهد تن  ** تا خیالات از درونه روفتن 
  • Ere (all) phantasies are swept from the inward part, the body will become (insubstantial) as a phantasy in (consequence of) renunciation.
  • غالب شدن مکر روبه بر استعصام خر 
  • How the cunning of the fox prevailed over the attempt of the ass to preserve himself from falling into temptation.
  • خر بسی کوشید و او را دفع گفت  ** لیک جوع الکلب با خر بود جفت 
  • The ass strove long and argued (stoutly) against him, but ravenous hunger never quitted the ass.
  • غالب آمد حرص و صبرش بد ضعیف  ** بس گلوها که برد عشق رغیف 
  • Greed prevailed, and his self-restraint was (too) weak: many are the gullets that are cut by love of the loaf.
  • زان رسولی کش حقایق داد دست  ** کاد فقر ان یکن کفر آمدست 
  • From the Messenger (Prophet) to whom the realities revealed themselves has come down (the saying), “A (great) penury is near being infidelity.”
  • گشته بود آن خر مجاعت را اسیر  ** گفت اگر مکرست یک ره مرده گیر  2820
  • The ass had been made prisoner by hunger: he said (to himself), “If it is a plot, (what then?). Suppose I am dead once and for all,
  • زین عذاب جوع باری وا رهم  ** گر حیات اینست من مرده بهم 
  • At any rate I shall be delivered from this torment of hunger: if this is life, I am better dead.”
  • گر خر اول توبه و سوگند خورد  ** عاقبت هم از خری خبطی بکرد 
  • If at first the ass repented and swore (to keep his vow), in the end, because of his asininity, he made a (great) lapse.
  • حرص کور و احمق و نادان کند  ** مرگ را بر احمقان آسان کند 
  • Greed makes one blind and foolish and ignorant: to fools it makes death (seem) easy;
  • نیست آسان مرگ بر جان خران  ** که ندارند آب جان جاودان 
  • (But) death is not (really) easy to the souls of asses who do not possess the splendour of the everlasting soul.