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  • هیبتی ز آن خفته آمد بر رسول ** حالتی خوش کرد بر جانش نزول‌‌
  • An awe came upon the ambassador from that slumbering man, a sweet ecstasy lodged in his soul.
  • مهر و هیبت هست ضد همدگر ** این دو ضد را دید جمع اندر جگر
  • Love and awe are contrary to each other: he saw these two contraries united in his heart.
  • گفت با خود من شهان را دیده‌‌ام ** پیش سلطانان مه و بگزیده‌‌ام‌‌
  • He said to himself: “I have seen (many) kings, I have been great (in esteem) and chosen (for honour) in the presence of sultans:
  • از شهانم هیبت و ترسی نبود ** هیبت این مرد هوشم را ربود
  • I had no awe or dread of kings, (but) awe of this man has robbed me of my wits.
  • رفته‌‌ام در بیشه‌‌ی شیر و پلنگ ** روی من ز یشان نگردانید رنگ‌‌ 1420
  • I have gone into a jungle of lions and leopards, and my face did not change colour because of them;
  • بس شده‌‌ستم در مصاف و کارزار ** همچو شیر آن دم که باشد کار زار
  • Often where the ranks are arrayed on the field of battle have I become (fierce) as a lion at the time when the affair is grievous (desperate);
  • بس که خوردم بس زدم زخم گران ** دل قوی تر بوده‌‌ام از دیگران‌‌
  • Many a heavy blow have I suffered and inflicted, I have been stouter in heart than (all) the others.
  • بی‌‌سلاح این مرد خفته بر زمین ** من به هفت اندام لرزان چیست این‌‌
  • This man is asleep on the earth, unarmed, (and yet) I am trembling in my seven limbs (my whole body): what is this?
  • هیبت حق است این از خلق نیست ** هیبت این مرد صاحب دلق نیست‌‌
  • This is awe of God, it is not from created beings, it is not awe of this man who wears the frock of a dervish.
  • هر که ترسید از حق و تقوی گزید ** ترسد از وی جن و انس و هر که دید 1425
  • Whoever is afraid of God and has chosen fear of God (as his religion), the Jinn and mankind and every one who sees (him) are afraid of him.”
  • اندر این فکرت به حرمت دست بست ** بعد یک ساعت عمر از خواب جست‌‌
  • Thus meditating, he folded his hands reverently. After a while ‘Umar sprang up from sleep.
  • سلام کردن رسول روم بر عمر
  • How the ambassador of Rúm saluted the Commander of the Faithful, may God be well pleased with him.
  • کرد خدمت مر عمر را و سلام ** گفت پیغمبر سلام آن گه کلام‌‌
  • He did homage to ‘Umar and salaamed: the Prophet said, “(First) the salaam, then the talk.”
  • پس علیکش گفت و او را پیش خواند ** ایمنش کرد و به پیش خود نشاند
  • Then he (‘Umar) said, “To thee (greeting),” called him (to come) forward, reassured him, and bade him sit down by his side.
  • لا تخافوا هست نزل خایفان ** هست در خور از برای خایف آن‌‌
  • Fear ye not is the hospitality offered to those who fear: that is proper (entertainment) for one who is afraid.
  • هر که ترسد مر و را ایمن کنند ** مر دل ترسنده را ساکن کنند 1430
  • When any one is afraid, they make him (feel) secure; they soothe (his) fearful heart.
  • آن که خوفش نیست چون گویی مترس ** درس چه دهی نیست او محتاج درس‌‌
  • How should you say “Fear not” to one who has no fear? Why give lessons (to him)? He needs no lessons.
  • آن دل از جا رفته را دل شاد کرد ** خاطر ویرانش را آباد کرد
  • He (‘Umar) made that disturbed mind (be) of good cheer and made his desolate heart (be) flourishing (happy).
  • بعد از آن گفتش سخنهای دقیق ** وز صفات پاک حق نعم الرفیق‌‌
  • Afterwards he addressed to him subtle discourses and (spoke) of the holy attributes of God—how good a Friend is He!—
  • وز نوازشهای حق ابدال را ** تا بداند او مقام و حال را
  • And of the loving kindnesses of God to the Abdál (saints), in order that he (the ambassador) might know (the meaning of) maqám (permanent station) and hál (passing state).
  • حال چون جلوه ست ز آن زیبا عروس ** وین مقام آن خلوت آمد با عروس‌‌ 1435
  • The hál is like the unveiling of that beauteous bride, while the maqám is the (king's) being alone with the bride.
  • جلوه بیند شاه و غیر شاه نیز ** وقت خلوت نیست جز شاه عزیز
  • The unveiling is witnessed by the king and by others as well, (but) at the time of being alone (with the bride) there is no one except the mighty king.
  • جلوه کرده خاص و عامان را عروس ** خلوت اندر شاه باشد با عروس‌‌
  • The bride unveils before nobles and commons (alike); in the bridal chamber the king is (alone) with the bride.
  • هست بسیار اهل حال از صوفیان ** نادر است اهل مقام اندر میان‌‌
  • There is many a one of the Súfís who enjoys hál, (but) he that has attained to maqám is rare amongst them.
  • از منازلهای جانش یاد داد ** وز سفرهای روانش یاد داد
  • He (‘Umar) reminded him of the stages traversed by the soul, and he reminded him of the journeys of the spirit,
  • وز زمانی کز زمان خالی بده ست ** وز مقام قدس که اجلالی بده ست‌‌ 1440
  • And of the Time which has (ever) been void of time, and of the Station of Holiness which has (ever) been majestical,
  • وز هوایی کاندر او سیمرغ روح ** پیش از این دیده ست پرواز و فتوح‌‌
  • And of the atmosphere wherein the Símurgh of the spirit, before this (material life), has flown and experienced (the bounty of Divine) grace,
  • هر یکی پروازش از آفاق بیش ** وز امید و نهمت مشتاق بیش‌‌
  • Every single flight thereof (being) greater than the horizons (of this world) and greater than the hope and greed of the longing lover.
  • چون عمر اغیار رو را یار یافت ** جان او را طالب اسرار یافت‌‌
  • When ‘Umar found the stranger in appearance a friend (in reality), he found (that) his soul (was) seeking (to learn) the (Divine) mysteries.
  • شیخ کامل بود و طالب مشتهی ** مرد چابک بود و مرکب درگهی‌‌
  • The Shaykh (‘Umar) was adept and the disciple (the ambassador) eager: the man (rider) was quick (dexterous) and the beast belonged to the royal court (was nobly bred and docile).
  • دید آن مرشد که او ارشاد داشت ** تخم پاک اندر زمین پاک کاشت‌‌ 1445
  • That spiritual guide (‘Umar) perceived that he (the ambassador) possessed (the capacity for receiving) guidance: he sowed the good seed in the good soil.
  • سؤال کردن رسول روم از عمر
  • How the ambassador of Rúm questioned the Commander of the Faithful, may God be well-pleased with him.
  • مرد گفتش کای امیر المؤمنین ** جان ز بالا چون در آمد در زمین‌‌
  • The man said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, how did the spirit come to the earth from above?
  • مرغ بی‌‌اندازه چون شد در قفص ** گفت حق بر جان فسون خواند و قصص‌‌
  • How did the infinite bird go into the cage?” He replied, “God recited spells and incantations over the spirit.
  • بر عدمها کان ندارد چشم و گوش ** چون فسون خواند همی‌‌آید به جوش‌‌
  • When He recites spells over the non-existences which have no eye or ear, they begin to stir.
  • از فسون او عدمها زود زود ** خوش معلق می‌‌زند سوی وجود
  • Because of His spells the non-existences at that very moment are dancing joyously into existence.
  • باز بر موجود افسونی چو خواند ** زو دو اسبه در عدم موجود راند 1450
  • When, again, He recited a spell over the existent, at His word the existent marched (back) post-haste into non-existence.
  • گفت در گوش گل و خندانش کرد ** گفت با سنگ و عقیق کانش کرد
  • He spake into the ear of the rose and made it laughing (blooming); He spake to the stone and made it a cornelian of the mine.
  • گفت با جسم آیتی تا جان شد او ** گفت با خورشید تا رخشان شد او
  • He spake to the body a sign (message), so that it became spirit; He spake to the sun, so that it became radiant.
  • باز در گوشش دمد نکته‌‌ی مخوف ** در رخ خورشید افتد صد کسوف‌‌
  • Again He breathes into its ear a fearful saying, and upon the face of the sun fall a hundred eclipses.
  • تا به گوش ابر آن گویا چه خواند ** کاو چو مشک از دیده‌‌ی خود اشک راند
  • Consider what that Speaker chanted into the ear of the cloud, so that it poured tears from its eye, like a waterskin.
  • تا به گوش خاک حق چه خوانده است ** کاو مراقب گشت و خامش مانده است‌‌ 1455
  • Consider what God has chanted into the ear of the earth, so that it became regardful and has (ever since) remained silent.”
  • در تردد هر که او آشفته است ** حق به گوش او معما گفته است‌‌
  • Whosoever in perplexity is sorely troubled, God has spoken the riddle into his ear,
  • تا کند محبوسش اندر دو گمان ** آن کنم کاو گفت یا خود ضد آن‌‌
  • That He may imprison him in two (doubtful) thoughts, (namely), “Shall I do that? He said that (bade me do that) or the contrary thereof?”
  • هم ز حق ترجیح یابد یک طرف ** ز آن دو یک را بر گزیند ز آن کنف‌‌
  • From (the decree of) God also, one side obtains the preponderance, and from that (Divine) quarter he chooses one of the two (alternatives).
  • گر نخواهی در تردد هوش جان ** کم فشار این پنبه اندر گوش جان‌‌
  • If thou wouldst not have the mind of thy spirit in (a state of) perplexity, do not stuff this cotton-wool into thy spiritual ear,
  • تا کنی فهم آن معماهاش را ** تا کنی ادراک رمز و فاش را 1460
  • So that thou mayst understand those riddles of His, so that thou mayst apprehend (both) the secret sign and the open.
  • پس محل وحی گردد گوش جان ** وحی چه بود گفتنی از حس نهان‌‌
  • Then the spiritual ear becomes the place where wahy (inspiration) descends. What is wahy? A speech hidden from sense-perception.
  • گوش جان و چشم جان جز این حس است ** گوش عقل و گوش ظن زین مفلس است‌‌
  • The spiritual ear and eye are other than this sense-perception, the ear of (discursive) reason and the ear of opinion are destitute of this (inspiration).
  • لفظ جبرم عشق را بی‌‌صبر کرد ** و آن که عاشق نیست حبس جبر کرد
  • The word “compulsion” (jabr) made me impatient (uncontrollable) for love's sake, while it confined in (the prison of) compulsion him who is not a lover.
  • این معیت با حق است و جبر نیست ** این تجلی مه است این ابر نیست‌‌
  • This is union with God, and it is not compulsion: this is the shining forth of the moon, this is not a cloud.
  • ور بود این جبر جبر عامه نیست ** جبر آن اماره‌‌ی خودکامه نیست‌‌ 1465
  • And if this be compulsion, it is not the compulsion of (suffered by) the vulgar: it is not the compulsion of (exerted by) the evil-commanding self-willed (soul).