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  • گر اناری می‌‌خری خندان بخر ** تا دهد خنده ز دانه‌‌ی او خبر
  • If you would buy a pomegranate, buy (it when it is) laughing (having its rind cleft open), so that its laughter (openness) may give information as to its seeds.
  • ای مبارک خنده‌‌اش کاو از دهان ** می‌‌نماید دل چو در از درج جان‌‌
  • Oh, blessed is its laughter, for through its mouth it shows the heart, like a pearl from the casket of the spirit.
  • نامبارک خنده‌‌ی آن لاله بود ** کز دهان او سیاهی دل نمود 720
  • Unblest was the laughter (openness) of the red anemone, from whose mouth appeared the blackness of its heart.
  • نار خندان باغ را خندان کند ** صحبت مردانت از مردان کند
  • The laughing pomegranate makes the garden laughing (gay and blooming): companionship with (holy) men makes you one of the (holy) men.
  • گر تو سنگ صخره و مرمر شوی ** چون به صاحب دل رسی گوهر شوی‌‌
  • Though you be rock or marble, you will become a jewel when you reach the man of heart (the saint).
  • مهر پاکان در میان جان نشان ** دل مده الا به مهر دل خوشان‌‌
  • Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; do not give your heart (to aught) save to the love of them whose hearts are glad.
  • کوی نومیدی مرو امیدهاست ** سوی تاریکی مرو خورشیدهاست‌‌
  • Go not to the neighbourhood of despair: there are hopes. Go not in the direction of darkness: there are suns.
  • دل ترا در کوی اهل دل کشد ** تن ترا در حبس آب و گل کشد 725
  • The heart leads you into the neighbourhood of the men of heart (the saints); the body leads you into the prison of water and earth.
  • هین غذای دل بده از هم دلی ** رو بجو اقبال را از مقبلی‌‌
  • Oh, give your heart food from (conversation with) one who is in accord with it; go, seek (spiritual) advancement from one who is advanced.
  • تعظیم نعت مصطفی علیه السلام که مذکور بود در انجیل
  • How honour was paid to the description of Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, which was mentioned in the Gospel.
  • بود در انجیل نام مصطفی ** آن سر پیغمبران بحر صفا
  • The name of Mustafá was in the Gospel—(Mustafá) the chief of the prophets, the sea of purity.
  • بود ذکر حلیه‌‌ها و شکل او ** بود ذکر غزو و صوم و اکل او
  • There was mention of his (external) characteristics and appearance; there was mention of his warring and fasting and eating.
  • طایفه‌‌ی نصرانیان بهر ثواب ** چون رسیدندی بدان نام و خطاب‌‌
  • A party among the Christians, for the sake of the Divine reward, whenever (in reading the Gospel) they came to that name and allocution,
  • بوسه دادندی بر آن نام شریف ** رو نهادندی بر آن وصف لطیف‌‌ 730
  • Would bestow kisses on that noble name and stoop their faces towards that beauteous description.
  • اندر این فتنه که گفتیم آن گروه ** ایمن از فتنه بدند و از شکوه‌‌
  • In this tribulation of which we have told, that party were secure from tribulation and dread,
  • ایمن از شر امیران و وزیر ** در پناه نام احمد مستجیر
  • Secure from the mischief of the amírs and the vizier, seeking refuge in the protection of the Name of Ahmad (Mohammed).
  • نسل ایشان نیز هم بسیار شد ** نور احمد ناصر آمد یار شد
  • Their offspring also multiplied: the Light of Ahmad aided and befriended them.
  • و آن گروه دیگر از نصرانیان ** نام احمد داشتندی مستهان‌‌
  • And the other party among the Christians (who) were holding the Name of Ahmad in contempt,
  • مستهان و خوار گشتند از فتن ** از وزیر شوم رای شوم فن‌‌ 735
  • They became contemptible and despised through dissensions caused by the evil counselling and evil-plotting vizier;
  • هم مخبط دینشان و حکمشان ** از پی طومارهای کژ بیان‌‌
  • Moreover, their religion and their law became corrupted in consequence of the scrolls which set forth all perversely.
  • نام احمد این چنین یاری کند ** تا که نورش چون نگهداری کند
  • The Name of Ahmad gives such help as this, so that (one may judge) how his Light keeps guard (over his followers).
  • نام احمد چون حصاری شد حصین ** تا چه باشد ذات آن روح الامین
  • Since the Name of Ahmad became (to the Christians) an impregnable fortress, what then must be the Essence of that trusted Spirit?
  • حکایت پادشاه جهود دیگر که در هلاک دین عیسی سعی نمود
  • The story of another Jewish king who endeavored to destroy the religion of Jesus.
  • بعد از این خون ریز درمان ناپذیر ** کاندر افتاد از بلای آن وزیر
  • After this irremediable bloodshed which befell through the affliction (brought upon the Christians) by the vizier,
  • یک شه دیگر ز نسل آن جهود ** در هلاک قوم عیسی رو نمود 740
  • Another king, of the progeny of that Jew, addressed himself to the destruction of the people of Jesus.
  • گر خبر خواهی از این دیگر خروج ** سوره بر خوان و السما ذات البروج‌‌
  • If you desire information about this second outbreak, read the chapter of the Qur’án (beginning): By Heaven which hath the (zodiacal) signs.
  • سنت بد کز شه اول بزاد ** این شه دیگر قدم بر وی نهاد
  • This second king set foot in the evil way that was originated by the former king.
  • هر که او بنهاد ناخوش سنتی ** سوی او نفرین رود هر ساعتی‌‌
  • Whosoever establishes an evil way (practice), towards him goes malediction every hour.
  • نیکوان رفتند و سنتها بماند ** وز لئیمان ظلم و لعنتها بماند
  • The righteous departed and their ways remained, and from the vile there remained (nothing but) injustice and execrations.
  • تا قیامت هر که جنس آن بدان ** در وجود آید بود رویش بدان‌‌ 745
  • Until the Resurrection, the face of every congener of those wicked men who comes into existence is turned towards that one (who belongs to his own kind).
  • رگ رگ است این آب شیرین و آب شور ** در خلایق می‌‌رود تا نفخ صور
  • Vein by vein is this sweet water and bitter water, flowing in (God's) creatures until the blast of the trumpet (at the Resurrection).
  • نیکوان را هست میراث از خوش‌‌آب ** آن چه میراث است أورثنا الکتاب‌‌
  • To the righteous is the inheritance of the sweet water. What is that inheritance? We have caused (those of Our servants whom We have chosen) to inherit the Book.
  • شد نیاز طالبان ار بنگری ** شعله‌‌ها از گوهر پیغمبری‌‌
  • If you will consider, the supplications of the seekers (of God) are rays (proceeding) from the substance of prophethood.
  • شعله‌‌ها با گوهران گردان بود ** شعله آن جانب رود هم کان بود
  • The rays are circling with the substances (whence they spring): the ray goes (ultimately) in the direction where that (substance) is.
  • نور روزن گرد خانه می‌‌دود ** ز آنکه خور برجی به برجی می‌‌رود 750
  • The window-gleam runs round the house, because the sun goes from sign to sign of the zodiac.
  • هر که را با اختری پیوستگی است ** مر و را با اختر خود هم تگی است‌‌
  • Any one who has affinity with a star (planet) has a concurrence (of qualities) with his star.
  • طالعش گر زهره باشد در طرب ** میل کلی دارد و عشق و طلب‌‌
  • If his ascendant star be Venus, his whole inclination and love and desire is for joy;
  • ور بود مریخی خون‌‌ریز خو ** جنگ و بهتان و خصومت جوید او
  • And if he be one born under Mars, one whose nature is to shed blood, he seeks war and malignity and enmity.
  • اخترانند از ورای اختران ** که احتراق و نحس نبود اندر آن‌‌
  • Beyond the (material) stars are stars in which is no conflagration or sinister aspect,
  • سایران در آسمانهای دگر ** غیر این هفت آسمان معتبر 755
  • (Stars) moving in other heavens, not these seven heavens (which are) held in high regard,
  • راسخان در تاب انوار خدا ** نی بهم پیوسته نی از هم جدا
  • (Stars) immanent in the radiance of the light of God, neither joined to each other nor separate from each other.
  • هر که باشد طالع او ز آن نجوم ** نفس او کفار سوزد در رجوم‌‌
  • When any one's ascendant (fortune) is from those stars, his soul burns the infidels in driving (them) off.
  • خشم مریخی نباشد خشم او ** منقلب رو غالب و مغلوب خو
  • His anger is not (like) the anger of the man born under Mars—going upside down, and of such nature that it is (now) dominant and (now) dominated.
  • نور غالب ایمن از نقص و غسق ** در میان اصبعین نور حق‌‌
  • The dominant light (of the saints) is secure from defect and dimness between the two fingers of the Light of God.
  • حق فشاند آن نور را بر جانها ** مقبلان برداشته دامانها 760
  • God hath scattered that light over (all) spirits, (but only) the fortunate have held up their skirts (to receive it);
  • و آن نثار نور را وایافته ** روی از غیر خدا بر تافته‌‌
  • And he (that is fortunate), having gained that strown largesse of light, has turned his face away from all except God.
  • هر که را دامان عشقی نابده ** ز آن نثار نور بی‌‌بهره شده‌‌
  • Whosoever has lacked (such) a skirt of love is left without share in that strown largesse of light.
  • جزوها را رویها سوی کل است ** بلبلان را عشق با روی گل است‌‌
  • The faces of particulars are set towards the universal: nightingales are in love with the face of the rose.
  • گاو را رنگ از برون و مرد را ** از درون جو رنگ سرخ و زرد را
  • The ox has his colour outside, but in the case of a man seek the red and yellow hues within.
  • رنگهای نیک از خم صفاست ** رنگ زشتان از سیاه‌‌آبه‌‌ی جفاست‌‌ 765
  • The good colours are from the vat of purity; the colour of the wicked is from the black water of iniquity.
  • صبغة الله نام آن رنگ لطیف ** لعنة الله بوی این رنگ کثیف‌‌
  • The baptism of God is the name of that subtle colour; the curse of God is the smell of this gross colour.
  • آن چه از دریا به دریا می‌‌رود ** از همانجا کامد آن جا می‌‌رود
  • That which is of the sea is going to the sea: it is going to the same place whence it came—