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  • پیش خلق ایشان فراز صد که‌اند ** گام خود بر چرخ هفتم می‌نهند
  • In the sight of the people they are higher than a hundred mountains and plant their footsteps on the Seventh Heaven.
  • پس چرا پنهان شود که‌جو بود ** کو ز صد دریا و که زان سو بود
  • Why, then, should he who is beyond a hundred seas and mountains become hidden and seek (refuge in) the mountains?
  • حاجتش نبود به سوی که گریخت ** کز پیش کره‌ی فلک صد نعل ریخت
  • He has no need to flee to the mountains, he in pursuit of whom the colt, Heaven, has dropped a hundred horse-shoes.
  • چرخ گردید و ندید او گرد جان ** تعزیت‌جامه بپوشید آسمان
  • The celestial sphere revolved (so long) and never saw the dust of the spirit; (hence) Heaven donned the garb of mourning.
  • گر به ظاهر آن پری پنهان بود ** آدمی پنهان‌تر از پریان بود 4255
  • If, outwardly, the peri is hidden, (yet) Man is a hundred times more hidden than the peris.
  • نزد عاقل زان پری که مضمرست ** آدمی صد بار خود پنهان‌ترست
  • In the view of the intelligent, Man is indeed a hundred times more hidden than the peri who is concealed.
  • آدمی نزدیک عاقل چون خفیست ** چون بود آدم که در غیب او صفیست
  • Since, in the view of the intelligent, Man is hidden, how (hidden) must be the Adam who is pure (chosen of God) in the unseen world!
  • تشبیه صورت اولیا و صورت کلام اولیا به صورت عصای موسی و صورت افسون عیسی علیهما السلام
  • Comparison of the form of the saints and the form of the speech of the saints to the form of the rod of Moses and to the form of the incantation of Jesus, peace be on them both!
  • آدمی همچون عصای موسی‌است ** آدمی همچون فسون عیسی‌است
  • Man is like the rod of Moses; Man is like the incantation of Jesus.
  • در کف حق بهر داد و بهر زین ** قلب مومن هست بین اصبعین
  • For the sake of justice and for the sake of decorum, the true believer's heart is in the hand of God, between (His) two fingers.
  • ظاهرش چوبی ولیکن پیش او ** کون یک لقمه چو بگشاید گلو 4260
  • Its (the rod's) exterior (form) is a piece of wood, but (all created) existence is one mouthful to it when it opens its throat.
  • تو مبین ز افسون عیسی حرف و صوت ** آن ببین کز وی گریزان گشت موت
  • In the incantation of Jesus do not regard (merely) the letter and the sound: regard the fact that Death turned and fled from it.
  • تو مبین ز افسونش آن لهجات پست ** آن نگر که مرده بر جست و نشست
  • In his incantation do not regard the petty words: consider that the dead sprang up and sat down.
  • تو مبین مر آن عصا را سهل یافت ** آن ببین که بحر خضرا را شکافت
  • In (the case of) that rod, do not regard the easy getting (of it): regard the fact that it cleft the green sea.
  • تو ز دوری دیده‌ای چتر سیاه ** یک قدم فا پیش نه بنگر سپاه
  • You have seen from afar the black canopy: take a step forward and behold the army!
  • تو ز دوری می‌نبینی جز که گرد ** اندکی پیش آ ببین در گرد مرد 4265
  • From afar you see nothing but the dust: advance a little and see the man in the dust.
  • دیده‌ها را گرد او روشن کند ** کوهها را مردی او بر کند
  • His dust makes eyes bright; his manliness uproots mountains.
  • چون بر آمد موسی از اقصای دشت ** کوه طور از مقدمش رقاص گشت
  • When Moses came up from the remotest part of the desert, at his advent Mount Sinai began to dance.
  • تفسیر یا جبال اوبی معه والطیر
  • Commentary on (the text), O ye mountains, repeat (the praise of God) in accord with him, and the birds (likewise).
  • روی داود از فرش تابان شده ** کوهها اندر پیش نالان شده
  • The face of David shone with His glory: the mountains sang plaintively after him.
  • کوه با داود گشته همرهی ** هردو مطرب مست در عشق شهی
  • The mountain became an accompanist to David: both the minstrels (were) drunken in love for a King.
  • یا جبال اوبی امر آمده ** هر دو هم‌آواز و هم‌پرده شده 4270
  • Came the (Divine) command, “O ye mountains, repeat (the praise of God)”: both joined their voices and kept the tune together.
  • گفت داودا تو هجرت دیده‌ای ** بهر من از همدمان ببریده‌ای
  • He (God) said, “O David, thou hast suffered separation: for My sake thou hast parted from thine intimates.”
  • ای غریب فرد بی مونس شده ** آتش شوق از دلت شعله زده
  • O lonely stranger who hast become friendless, from whose heart the fire of longing hath flamed up,
  • مطربان خواهی و قوال و ندیم ** کوهها را پیشت آرد آن قدیم
  • Thou desirest minstrels and singers and boon-companions: the Eternal One brings the mountains unto thee.
  • مطرب و قوال و سرنایی کند ** که به پیشت بادپیمایی کند
  • He makes (them) minstrels and singers and pipers: He makes the mountain blow in measure before thee,
  • تا بدانی ناله چون که را رواست ** بی لب و دندان ولی را ناله‌هاست 4275
  • To the end that thou mayst know that, since the mountain is permitted to sing, the saint (likewise) hath plaintive songs (uttered) without lips or teeth.
  • نغمه‌ی اجزای آن صافی‌جسد ** هر دمی در گوش حسش می‌رسد
  • The melody of the particles of that pure-bodied one is reaching his sensuous ear every moment.
  • همنشینان نشنوند او بشنود ** ای خنک جان کو به غیبش بگرود
  • His companions hear it not, (but) he hears (it): oh, happy is the soul that believes in his hidden mystery.
  • بنگرد در نفس خود صد گفت و گو ** همنشین او نبرده هیچ بو
  • He (the saint) beholds a hundred discourses in himself, while his companion has gotten no scent (perception thereof).
  • صد سال و صد جواب اندر دلت ** می‌رسد از لامکان تا منزلت
  • Within thy heart a hundred questions and a hundred answers are coming from (the realm of) non-spatiality to thy dwelling-place.
  • بشنوی تو نشنود زان گوشها ** گر به نزدیک تو آرد گوش را 4280
  • Thou hearest (them); the ears (of another) do not hear (them), (even) if he bring his ear nigh to thee.
  • گیرم ای کر خود تو آن را نشنوی ** چون مثالش دیده‌ای چون نگروی
  • O deaf man, I grant that truly thou hearest them not; (but) since thou hast seen their (external) emblem, how wilt not thou believe?
  • جواب طعنه‌زننده در مثنوی از قصور فهم خود
  • Reply to him who rails at the Mathnawí on account of his being deficient in understanding.
  • ای سگ طاعن تو عو عو می‌کنی ** طعن قرآن را برون‌شو می‌کنی
  • O railing cur, you are bow-wowing and practising evasion for the purpose of railing at the Qur’án.
  • این نه آن شیرست کز وی جان بری ** یا ز پنجه‌ی قهر او ایمان بری
  • This is not such a lion that you will save your life from it or carry off your faith (secure) from the claws of its vengeance.
  • تا قیامت می‌زند قرآن ندی ** ای گروهی جهل را گشته فدی
  • The Qur’án is proclaiming till the Resurrection—“O people devoted to ignorance,
  • که مرا افسانه می‌پنداشتید ** تخم طعن و کافری می‌کاشتید 4285
  • Who were deeming me to be an idle tale and were sowing the seed of raillery and infidelity,
  • خود بدیدیت آنک طعنه می‌زدیت ** که شما فانی و افسانه بدیت
  • (Now) ye yourselves have seen (the truth of) what ye were scoffing at, (namely), that ye were perishable and idle tale.
  • من کلام حقم و قایم به ذات ** قوت جان جان و یاقوت زکات
  • I am the Word of God and subsistent through the (Divine) Essence; I am the Food of the soul of the soul. And (I am) the Jacinth of purity.
  • نور خورشیدم فتاده بر شما ** لیک از خورشید ناگشته جدا
  • I am the Sunlight that hath fallen upon you, but I have not become separate from the Sun.
  • نک منم ینبوع آن آب حیات ** تا رهانم عاشقان را از ممات
  • Lo, I am the Fountain of the Water of Life, that I may deliver the lovers (of God) from death.
  • گر چنان گند آزتان ننگیختی ** جرعه‌ای بر گورتان حق ریختی 4290
  • If your greed had not raised such a stench, God would have poured a draught (of that Water) on your graves.”
  • نه بگیرم گفت و پند آن حکیم ** دل نگردانم بهر طعنی سقیم
  • Nay; I will accept the rede and counsel of the Sage (of Ghazna): I will not let my heart be sickened (wounded) by every taunt.
  • مثل زدن در رمیدن کره‌ی اسپ از آب خوردن به سبب شخولیدن سایسان
  • Parable of the foal's refusing to drink the water because of the bawling of the grooms.
  • آنک فرمودست او اندر خطاب ** کره و مادر همی‌خوردند آب
  • As he has said in his discourse, the foal and its mother were drinking the water.
  • می‌شخولیدند هر دم آن نفر ** بهر اسپان که هلا هین آب خور
  • Those persons (the grooms) were bawling incessantly at the horses, “Come on! Hey, drink!”
  • آن شخولیدن به کره می‌رسید ** سر همی بر داشت و از خور می‌رمید
  • (The noise of) that bawling reached the foal: it was lifting its head and refusing to drink.
  • مادرش پرسید کای کره چرا ** می‌رمی هر ساعتی زین استقا 4295
  • Its mother asked, “O foal, why art thou always refusing to drink this water?”
  • گفت کره می‌شخولند این گروه ** ز اتفاق بانگشان دارم شکوه
  • The foal said, “These people are bawling: I am afraid of the occurrence of their shouts.
  • پس دلم می‌لرزد از جا می‌رود ** ز اتفاق نعره خوفم می‌رسد
  • Therefore my heart is trembling and jumping: dread of the occurrence of the outcry is coming on me.”
  • گفت مادر تا جهان بودست ازین ** کارافزایان بدند اندر زمین
  • The mother said, “Ever since the world existed, there have been busybodies of this sort on the earth.”
  • هین تو کار خویش کن ای ارجمند ** زود کایشان ریش خود بر می‌کنند
  • Hark, do your own business, O worthy man: soon will they tear their beards (in sorrow).
  • وقت تنگ و می‌رود آب فراخ ** پیش از آن کز هجر گردی شاخ شاخ 4300
  • The time is restricted, and the abundant water is flowing away: (drink) ere, through being parted (from it), you fall to pieces.