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  • تو چه خود را گیج و بی‌خود کرده‌ای ** خون رز کو خون ما را خورده‌ای
  • Why hast thou made thyself crazy and senseless? Where is the blood of the vine? Thou hast drunk our blood,
  • رو که نشناسم ترا از من بجه ** عارف بی‌خویشم و بهلول ده 700
  • (Saying), “Begone, I do not know thee: spring away from me. I am a gnostic who is beside himself and (I am) the Buhlúl of the village.”
  • تو توهم می‌کنی از قرب حق ** که طبق‌گر دور نبود از طبق
  • Thou art conceiving a false opinion of thy nearness to God, thinking that the Tray-maker is not far from the tray;
  • این نمی‌بینی که قرب اولیا ** صد کرامت دارد و کار و کیا
  • (And) thou dost not see this, that the nearness of the saints (to God) hath a hundred miracles and pomps and powers.
  • آهن از داوود مومی می‌شود ** موم در دستت چو آهن می‌بود
  • By David iron is made (soft as) a piece of wax; in thy hand wax is (hard) as iron.
  • قرب خلق و رزق بر جمله‌ست عام ** قرب وحی عشق دارند این کرام
  • Nearness (to God) in respect of (His) creating and sustaining (us) is common to all, (but only) these noble ones possess the nearness (consisting) of the inspiration of Love.
  • قرب بر انواع باشد ای پدر ** می‌زند خورشید بر کهسار و زر 705
  • Nearness is of various kinds, O father: the sun strikes (both) on the mountains and on the gold (in the mine);
  • لیک قربی هست با زر شید را ** که از آن آگه نباشد بید را
  • But between the sun and the gold there is a nearness (affinity) of which the bíd-tree hath no knowledge.
  • شاخ خشک و تر قریب آفتاب ** آفتاب از هر دو کی دارد حجاب
  • (Both) the dry and fresh bough are near to the sun: how should the sun be screened off from either?
  • لیک کو آن قربت شاخ طری ** که ثمار پخته از وی می‌خوری
  • But where is the nearness of the sappy bough, from which you eat ripe fruit?
  • شاخ خشک از قربت آن آفتاب ** غیر زوتر خشک گشتن گو بیاب
  • From nearness to the sun let the dry bough get (if it can) anything besides withering sooner!
  • آنچنان مستی مباش ای بی‌خرد ** که به عقل آید پشیمانی خورد 710
  • O man without wisdom, do not be an inebriate of the sort that (when) he comes (back) to his wits he feels sorry;
  • بلک از آن مستان که چون می می‌خورند ** عقلهای پخته حسرت می‌برند
  • Nay, be one of those inebriates on account of whom, whilst they are drinking the wine (of Divine Love), mature (strong) intellects suffer regret.
  • ای گرفته همچو گربه موش پیر ** گر از آن می شیرگیری شیر گیر
  • O thou who, like a cat, hast caught (nothing better than) an old mouse, if thou art pot-valiant with that wine (of Love), catch the Lion!
  • ای بخورده از خیالی جام هیچ ** همچو مستان حقایق بر مپیچ
  • O thou who hast quaffed the cup of Naught from a phantom, do not reel like them that are intoxicated with the (Divine) realities.
  • می‌فتی این سو و آن سو مست‌وار ** ای تو این سو نیستت زان سو گذار
  • Thou art falling to this side and that, like the drunken: O thou (who art) on this side, there is no passage for thee on that side.
  • گر بدان سو راه یابی بعد از آن ** گه بدین سو گه بدان سو سر فشان 715
  • If thou (ever) find the way to that side, thenceforth toss thy head now to this side, now to that!
  • جمله این سویی از آن سو کپ مزن ** چون نداری مرگ هرزه جان مکن
  • Thou art all on this side, (therefore) do not idly boast of that side: since thou hast not (died) the death (to self), do not agonise thyself in vain.
  • آن خضرجان کز اجل نهراسد او ** شاید ار مخلوق را نشناسد او
  • He with the soul of Khadir, (he) that does not shrink from death—if he know not the created (world), ’tis fitting.
  • کام از ذوق توهم خوش کنی ** در دمی در خیک خود پرش کنی
  • Thou sweetenest thy palate with the savour of false imagination; thou blowest into the bag of selfhood and fillest it:
  • پس به یک سوزن تهی گردی ز باد ** این چنین فربه تن عاقل مباد
  • Then, at one prick of a needle thou art emptied of wind— may no intelligent man's body be fat (swollen) like this!
  • کوزه‌ها سازی ز برف اندر شتا ** کی کند چون آب بیند آن وفا 720
  • Thou makest pots of snow in winter: when they see the water how shall they maintain that (former) constancy?
  • افتادن شغال در خم رنگ و رنگین شدن و دعوی طاوسی کردن میان شغالان
  • How the jackal fell into the dyeing-vat and was dyed with many colours and pretended amongst the jackals that he was a peacock.
  • آن شغالی رفت اندر خم رنگ ** اندر آن خم کرد یک ساعت درنگ
  • A certain jackal went into the dyeing-vat, stayed in the vat for a while,
  • پس بر آمد پوستش رنگین شده ** که منم طاووس علیین شده
  • And then arose, his skin having become particoloured, saying, ‘I have become the Peacock of ‘Illiyyín.’’
  • پشم رنگین رونق خوش یافته ** آفتاب آن رنگها بر تافته
  • His coloured fur had gained a charming brilliance, and the sun shone upon those colours.
  • دید خود را سبز و سرخ و فور و زرد ** خویشتن را بر شغالان عرضه کرد
  • He beheld himself green and red and roan and yellow, (so) he presented himself (gleefully) to the jackals.
  • جمله گفتند ای شغالک حال چیست ** که ترا در سر نشاطی ملتویست 725
  • They all said, “O little jackal, what is the matter, that thou hast in thy head manifold exultation?
  • از نشاط از ما کرانه کرده‌ای ** این تکبر از کجا آورده‌ای
  • Because of exultation thou hast turned aside from us (with disdain): whence hast thou brought this arrogance?”
  • یک شغالی پیش او شد کای فلان ** شید کردی یا شدی از خوش‌دلان
  • One of the jackals went to him and said, “O so-and-so, hast thou acted deceitfully or hast thou (really) become one of those whose hearts rejoice (in God)?
  • شید کردی تا به منبر بر جهی ** تا ز لاف این خلق را حسرت دهی
  • Thou hast acted deceitfully to the end that thou mayest jump on to the pulpit and by thy palaver give this folk (the feeling of) regret.
  • بس بکوشیدی ندیدی گرمیی ** پس ز شید آورده‌ای بی‌شرمیی
  • Thou hast striven much, (but) thou hast not felt any (spiritual) ardour; hence from deceit thou hast exhibited a piece of impudence.”
  • گرمی آن اولیا و انبیاست ** باز بی‌شرمی پناه هر دغاست 730
  • (Spiritual) ardour belongs to the saints and prophets; on the other hand, impudence is the refuge of every impostor;
  • که التفات خلق سوی خود کشند ** که خوشیم و از درون بس ناخوشند
  • For they draw the people's attention to themselves, saying, “We are happy (with God),” though within (at heart) they are exceedingly unhappy.
  • چرب کردن مرد لافی لب و سبلت خود را هر بامداد به پوست دنبه و بیرون آمدن میان حریفان کی من چنین خورده‌ام و چنان
  • How a braggart greased his lips and moustache every morning with the skin of a fat sheep's tail and came amongst his companions, saying, “I have eaten such and such (viands).”
  • پوست دنبه یافت شخصی مستهان ** هر صباحی چرب کردی سبلتان
  • A person, who (on account of his poverty) was lightly esteemed, used to grease his moustaches every morning
  • در میان منعمان رفتی که من ** لوت چربی خورده‌ام در انجمن
  • And go amongst the munificent (the rich), saying, “I have eaten some wellgreased food at the party.”
  • دست بر سبلت نهادی در نوید ** رمز یعنی سوی سبلت بنگرید
  • He would gaily put his hand on his moustache as a sign, meaning, “Look at my moustache!
  • کین گواه صدق گفتار منست ** وین نشان چرب و شیرین خوردنست 735
  • For this is the witness to the truth of my words, and this is the token of my eating greasy and delicious food.”
  • اشکمش گفتی جواب بی‌طنین ** که اباد الله کید الکاذبین
  • His belly would say in soundless (mute) response, “May God destroy the plots of the liars!
  • لاف تو ما را بر آتش بر نهاد ** کان سبال چرب تو بر کنده باد
  • Thy boasting hath set me on fire: may that greasy moustache of thine be torn out!
  • گر نبودی لاف زشتت ای گدا ** یک کریمی رحم افکندی به ما
  • Were it not for thy foul boasting, O beggar, some generous man would have taken pity on me;
  • ور نمودی عیب و کژ کم باختی ** یک طبیبی داروی او ساختی
  • And if thou hadst shown the ailment and hadst not played false, some physician would have prepared a remedy for it.”
  • گفت حق که کژ مجنبان گوش و دم ** ینفعن الصادقین صدقهم 740
  • God hath said, “Do not move ear or tail crookedly:their veracity shall profit the veracious.”
  • گفت اندر کژ مخسپ ای محتلم ** آنچ داری وا نما و فاستقم
  • Ne recurvatus in antro dormiveris, O tu qui passus es nocturnam pollutionem: reveal that which you have, and act straight; [Do not sleep bent in a cave, O you (who have) soiled (yourself) in the night (with sperm): reveal that which you have, and act straight;]
  • ور نگویی عیب خود باری خمش ** از نمایش وز دغل خود را مکش
  • Or if you tell not your fault, at least refrain from (idle) talk: do not kill yourself by ostentation and trickery.
  • گر تو نقدی یافتی مگشا دهان ** هست در ره سنگهای امتحان
  • If you have got any money, do not open your mouth: there are touchstones on the Way,
  • سنگهای امتحان را نیز پیش ** امتحانها هست در احوال خویش
  • And for the touchstones too there are tests concerning their own (inward) states.
  • گفت یزدان از ولادت تا بحین ** یفتنون کل عام مرتین 745
  • God hath said, “From birth unto death they are tried every year twice.”
  • امتحان در امتحانست ای پدر ** هین به کمتر امتحان خود را مخر
  • There is test upon test, O father: beware, do not (be ready to) buy yourself at the smallest test.
  • آمن بودن بلعم باعور کی امتحانها کرد حضرت او را و از آنها روی سپید آمده بود
  • How Bal‘am the son of Bá‘úr was (felt himself) secure, because the Lord had made (many) tests (of him) and he had come through them honourably.
  • بلعم باعور و ابلیس لعین ** ز امتحان آخرین گشته مهین
  • Bal‘am the son of Bá‘úr and the accursed Iblís were disgraced at the ultimate test.
  • او بدعوی میل دولت می‌کند ** معده‌اش نفرین سبلت می‌کند
  • He (the boastful hypocrite), by his pretension, desires to be (reputed) rich, (but) his belly is execrating his moustache,