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  • اختری بودی شدی تو آفتاب ** شاد باشد الله اعلم بالصواب
  • Thou wast a star: thou hast become the Sun. Rejoice! God best knoweth the right.”
  • ای ضیاء الحق حسام‌الدین بگیر ** شهد خویش اندر فکن در حوض شیر
  • O Ziyá’u ’l-Haqq (Radiance of God) Husámu’ddín, take thy honey and cast it into the basin of milk,
  • تا رهد آن شیر از تغییر طعم ** یابد از بحر مزه تکثیر طعم
  • To the end that that milk may escape from having its savour corrupted and may gain much increase of savour from the Sea of Deliciousness,
  • متصل گردد بدان بحر الست ** چونک شد دریا ز هر تغییر رست 3425
  • (And) may be united with the Sea of Alast: when it becomes the Sea, it is delivered from every corruption;
  • منفذی یابد در آن بحر عسل ** آفتی را نبود اندر وی عمل
  • (If) it find a passage into that Sea of honey, no contamination will have an effect upon it.
  • غره‌ای کن شیروار ای شیر حق ** تا رود آن غره بر هفتم طبق
  • Roar like a lion, O Lion of God, in order that that roar may mount to the seventh tier (of Heaven)!
  • چه خبر جان ملول سیر را ** کی شناسد موش غره‌ی شیر را
  • (But) what knowledge (thereof) hath the weary surfeited soul? How should the mouse know the roar of the lion?
  • برنویس احولا خود با آب زر ** بهر هر دریادلی نیکوگهر
  • (Therefore) write thy (spiritual) experiences with gold-water for the sake of every one of goodly substance whose heart is (deep) as the sea.
  • آب نیلست این حدیث جان‌فزا ** یا ربش در چشم قبطی خون نما 3430
  • This spirit-augmenting discourse is (like) the water of the Nile: O Lord, let it seem blood to the eye of the Egyptian!
  • لابه کردن قبطی سبطی را کی یک سبو بنیت خویش از نیل پر کن و بر لب من نه تا بخورم به حق دوستی و برادری کی سبو کی شما سبطیان بهر خود پر می‌کنید از نیل آب صاف است و سبوکی ما قبطیان پر می‌کنیم خون صاف است
  • How the Egyptian entreated the Israelite, saying, "Of thine own intention fill a jug from the Nile and put it to my lips, that I may drink. (I beseech thee) by the right of friendship and brotherhood; for the jug which ye Israelites fill from the Nile for yourselves is pure water, while the jug which we Egyptians fill is pure blood."
  • من شنیدم که در آمد قبطیی ** از عطش اندر وثاق سبطیی
  • I heard that an Egyptian, on account of thirst, came into the house of an Israelite.
  • گفت هستم یار و خویشاوند تو ** گشته‌ام امروز حاجتمند تو
  • He said, “I am thy friend and kinsman: to-day I have become in need of thee,
  • زانک موسی جادوی کرد و فسون ** تا که آب نیل ما را کرد خون
  • Because Moses wrought sorcery and enchantments, so that he made the water of the Nile to be blood for us.
  • سبطیان زو آب صافی می‌خورند ** پیش قبطی خون شد آب از چشم‌بند
  • The Israelites drink pure water from it, (but) to the Egyptians the water has become blood from the spell laid on our eyes.
  • قبط اینک می‌مرند از تشنگی ** از پی ادبار خود یا بدرگی 3435
  • Look, the Egyptians are dying of thirst in consequence of their ill-fortune or their evil nature.
  • بهر خود یک طاس را پر آب کن ** تا خورد از آبت این یار کهن
  • Fill one cup with water for thyself, that this old friend may drink of thy water.
  • چون برای خود کنی آن طاس پر ** خون نباشد آب باشد پاک و حر
  • When thou fillest that cup for thine own sake, ’twill not be blood, ’twill be water pure and free (from taint).
  • من طفیل تو بنوشم آب هم ** که طفیلی در تبع به جهد ز غم
  • I too will drink the water as thy parasite; for a parasite, in following (his host), is relieved from anguish.”
  • گفت ای جان و جهان خدمت کنم ** پاس دارم ای دو چشم روشنم
  • He (the Israelite) said, “O (thou who art to me as) soul and world, I will do (this) service (for thee); I will pay (thee) regard (in this matter), O (thou who art as) my two bright eyes!
  • بر مراد تو روم شادی کنم ** بنده‌ی تو باشم آزادی کنم 3440
  • I will do according to thy desire, I will rejoice (to serve thee); I will be thy slave, I will act (generously) as a freeman.”
  • طاس را از نیل او پر آب کرد ** بر دهان بنهاد و نیمی را بخورد
  • He filled the cup with water from the Nile, put it to his lips, and drank one half (of the water).
  • طاس را کژ کرد سوی آب‌خواه ** که بخور تو هم شد آن خون سیاه
  • (Then) he tilted the cup towards him who craved the water, saying, “Drink thou too!” That (water) became black blood.
  • باز ازین سو کرد کژ خون آب شد ** قبطی اندر خشم و اندر تاب شد
  • Again he tilted it on this side (towards himself): the blood became water (once more). The Egyptian was enraged and incensed.
  • ساعتی بنشست تا خشمش برفت ** بعد از آن گفتش کای صمصام زفت
  • He sat down awhile till his anger departed; after that, he said to him, “O mighty sword (of the Faith),
  • ای برادر این گره را چاره چیست ** گفت این را او خورد کو متقیست 3445
  • O brother, what is the expedient for (loosing) this knot?” He (the Israelite) said, “(Only) he that is God-fearing drinks this (water).”
  • متقی آنست کو بیزار شد ** از ره فرعون و موسی‌وار شد
  • The God-fearing man is he that has become quit of (has renounced) the way of Pharaoh and has become like unto Moses.
  • قوم موسی شو بخور این آب را ** صلح کن با مه ببین مهتاب را
  • Become (as) the people of Moses and drink this water; make peace with the Moon and behold the moonbeams.
  • صدهزاران ظلمتست از خشم تو ** بر عبادالله اندر چشم تو
  • There are a hundred thousand darknesses in thine eye (which arise) from thy wrath against the servants of God.
  • خشم بنشان چشم بگشا شاد شو ** عبرت از یاران بگیر استاد شو
  • Extinguish wrath, open the (spiritual) eye, rejoice, take a lesson from (true) friends, become a teacher (of the Truth).
  • کی طفیل من شوی در اغتراف ** چون ترا کفریست هم‌چون کوه قاف 3450
  • How wilt thou become my parasite (follower) in scooping up (the water) when thou hast an unbelief (as great) as Mount Qáf?
  • کوه در سوراخ سوزن کی رود ** جز مگر که آن رشته‌ی یکتا شود
  • How should a mountain go into the cavity (eye) of a needle, unless indeed it become a single thread?
  • کوه را که کن به استغفار و خوش ** جام مغفوران بگیر و خوش بکش
  • By asking forgiveness (of God) make the mountain (like) a straw, and (then) take joyously the cup of the forgiven and drain (it) joyously!
  • تو بدین تزویر چون نوشی از آن ** چون حرامش کرد حق بر کافران
  • Inasmuch as God hath made it unlawful to the unbelievers, how wilt thou drink of it (whilst thou art endued) with this imposture?
  • خالق تزویر تزویر ترا ** کی خرد ای مفتری مفترا
  • How should the Creator of imposture buy (accept) thy imposture, O fabricator of fiction?
  • آل موسی شو که حیلت سود نیست ** حیله‌ات باد تهی پیمودنیست 3455
  • Become (like) the kinsfolk of Moses, for deceit is useless: thy deceit is (like) measuring the empty wind.
  • زهره دارد آب کز امر صمد ** گردد او با کافران آبی کند
  • Will the water dare to turn aside from the command of the Lord and bestow refreshment on the unbelievers?
  • یا تو پنداری که تو نان می‌خوری ** زهر مار و کاهش جان می‌خوری
  • Or dost thou suppose that thou art eating bread? Thou art eating snake-venom and (that which causes) wasting away of the spirit.
  • نان کجا اصلاح آن جانی کند ** کو دل از فرمان جانان بر کند
  • How should bread restore to health the spirit that averts its heart from the command of the Beloved Spirit?
  • یا تو پنداری که حرف مثنوی ** چون بخوانی رایگانش بشنوی
  • Or dost thou suppose that when thou readest the words of the Mathnawí thou hearest them gratis (without giving aught in return)?
  • یا کلام حکمت و سر نهان ** اندر آید زغبه در گوش و دهان 3460
  • Or that the discourse of wisdom and the hidden mystery comes easily into thy ear and mouth?
  • اندر آید لیک چون افسانه‌ها ** پوست بنماید نه مغز دانه‌ها
  • It comes in, but, like fables, it shows (only) the husk, not the kernel of the berries,
  • در سر و رو در کشیده چادری ** رو نهان کرده ز چشمت دلبری
  • (As) a sweetheart who has drawn a veil over her head and face and has hidden her face from thine eye.
  • شاه‌نامه یا کلیله پیش تو ** هم‌چنان باشد که قرآن از عتو
  • By reason of contumacy the Sháhnáma or Kalíla seems to thee just like the Qur’án.
  • فرق آنگه باشد از حق و مجاز ** که کند کحل عنایت چشم باز
  • The difference between truth and falsehood is (visible) at the moment when the collyrium of (Divine) favour opens the eye;
  • ورنه پشک و مشک پیش اخشمی ** هر دو یکسانست چون نبود شمی 3465
  • Otherwise, dung and musk are both the same to one whose nose is obstructed (by disease), since (in him) there is no sense of smell.
  • خویشتن مشغول کردن از ملال ** باشدش قصد از کلام ذوالجلال
  • His aim is to divert himself from ennui (by reading such books), and neglect the Word of the Almighty,
  • کاتش وسواس را و غصه را ** زان سخن بنشاند و سازد دوا
  • That by means of that (entertaining) discourse he may quench the fire of distress and anxiety and provide a cure (for his malady).
  • بهر این مقدار آتش شاندن ** آب پاک و بول یکسان شدن به فن
  • For the purpose of quenching this amount of fire, pure water and urine are alike in skill (are equally serviceable).
  • آتش وسواس را این بول و آب ** هر دو بنشانند هم‌چون وقت خواب
  • Both this urine and (this) water will quench the fire of distress, just as (it is quenched) during sleep.
  • لیک گر واقف شوی زین آب پاک ** که کلام ایزدست و روحناک 3470
  • But if thou become (really) acquainted with this pure water, which is the Word of God and spiritual,
  • نیست گردد وسوسه کلی ز جان ** دل بیابد ره به سوی گلستان
  • All distress will vanish from the soul, and the heart will find its way to the Rose-garden,