عقل جزویاش نر و غالب بود ** نفس انثی را خرد سالب بود
Whose particular (individual) reason is male and dominant, (so that) his intellect deprives the female fleshly soul (of power to do mischief).
حملهی ماده به صورت هم جریست ** آفت او همچو آن خر از خریست 2465
The attack of the female, too, is bold in appearance; her defect, as (in the case of) that ass, arises from asininity.
وصف حیوانی بود بر زن فزون ** زانک سوی رنگ و بو دارد رکون
The animal nature prevails in woman, because she has an inclination towards colour and scent.
رنگ و بوی سبزهزار آن خر شنید ** جمله حجتها ز طبع او رمید
(When) the ass heard of the colour and scent of the meadow, all arguments (in favour of trust in God) disgusted him.
تشنه محتاج مطر شد وابر نه ** نفس را جوع البقر بد صبر نه
The thirsty man wanted rain, and there was no cloud; the fleshly soul was ravenously hungry, and there was no self-restraint.
اسپر آهن بود صبر ای پدر ** حق نبشته بر سپر جاء الظفر
Self-restraint is an iron shield, O father: upon the shield (of self-restraint) God hath written (the words), “Victory will come.”
صد دلیل آرد مقلد در بیان ** از قیاسی گوید آن را نه از عیان 2470
The imitator brings forward a hundred proofs in his exposition, (but) he speaks (gives) them from ratiocination, not from immediate experience.
مشکآلودست الا مشک نیست ** بوی مشکستش ولی جز پشک نیست
He is tinctured with musk, but he is not musk: he has the scent of musk, but he is only dung.
تا که پشکی مشک گردد ای مرید ** سالها باید در آن روضه چرید
In order that a piece of dung may become musk, O disciple, one must browse for years in that (spiritual) garden.
که نباید خورد و جو همچون خران ** آهوانه در ختن چر ارغوان
One must not eat straw and barley, like asses: browse on arghawán, like the musk-deer in Khutan.
جز قرنفل یا سمن یا گل مچر ** رو به صحرای ختن با آن نفر
Do not browse on aught but clove, jasmine, or roses: go to the plain of Khutan in company with those (saintly) personages.
معده را خو کن بدان ریحان و گل ** تا بیابی حکمت و قوت رسل 2475
Accustom your belly to the sweet basil and the rose, that you may gain the wisdom and (spiritual) food of the prophets.
خوی معده زین که و جو باز کن ** خوردن ریحان و گل آغاز کن
Break your belly of its habit of (eating) this straw and barley: begin to eat the sweet basil and the rose.
معدهی تن سوی کهدان میکشد ** معدهی دل سوی ریحان میکشد
The corporeal belly leads to the straw-barn; the spiritual belly leads to the sweet basil.
هر که کاه و جو خورد قربان شود ** هر که نور حق خورد قرآن شود
Whoever feeds on straw and barley becomes a sacrifice (qurbán); whoever feeds on the Light of God becomes the Qur’án.
نیم تو مشکست و نیمی پشک هین ** هین میفزا پشک افزا مشک چین
Beware! Half of you is musk and half is dung. Beware! Do not increase the dung, increase the Chinese musk.
آن مقلد صد دلیل و صد بیان ** در زبان آرد ندارد هیچ جان 2480
The imitator brings on to his tongue a hundred proofs and explanations, but he has no soul.
چونک گوینده ندارد جان و فر ** گفت او را کی بود برگ و ثمر
When the speaker has no soul and (spiritual) glory, how should his speech have leaves and fruit?
میکند گستاخ مردم را به راه ** او بجان لرزانترست از برگ کاه
He boldly directs people in the Way (to salvation), (though) he is more tremulous (infirm) in soul than a blade of straw.
پس حدیثش گرچه بس با فر بود ** در حدیثش لرزه هم مضمر بود
Therefore, though his discourse may be splendid, tremor (infirmity) is also latent in his discourse.
فرق میان دعوت شیخ کامل واصل و میان سخن ناقصان فاضل فضل تحصیلی بر بسته
The difference between the call of the perfect Shaykh who is united with God and the words of imperfect men whose (spiritual) virtues are acquired and artificial.
شیخ نورانی ز ره آگه کند ** با سخن هم نور را همره کند
The illumined Shaykh makes (his disciples) cognisant of the Way; moreover, he causes the light (of faith) to accompany his words.
جهد کن تا مست و نورانی شوی ** تا حدیثت را شود نورش روی 2485
Strive to become intoxicated and illumined, in order that his light may be (like) the rhyme-letter to your discourse.
هر چه در دوشاب جوشیده شود ** در عقیده طعم دوشابش بود
Whatever (fruit or vegetable) is boiled in grape-juice, the flavour of grape-juice will be (tasted) in its syrup.
از جزر وز سیب و به وز گردگان ** لذت دوشاب یابی تو از آن
(Whether it be syrup) of carrots or apples or quinces or walnuts, you will taste in it the delicious flavour of grape-juice.
علم اندر نور چون فرغرده شد ** پس ز علمت نور یابد قوم لد
When your knowledge is steeped in the light (of faith), then the contumacious folk derive light from your knowledge.
هر چه گویی باشد آن هم نورناک ** که آسمان هرگز نبارد غیر پاک
Whatsoever you say, too, will be luminous, for the sky never rains aught but pure (water).
آسمان شو ابر شو باران ببار ** ناودان بارش کند نبود به کار 2490
Become (like) the sky, become (like) the cloud and shed rain: the spout rains (too), (but) it is not at work (productively).
آب اندر ناودان عاریتیست ** آب اندر ابر و دریا فطرتیست
The water in the spout is borrowed; the water in the cloud and in the sea is original.
فکر و اندیشهست مثل ناودان ** وحی و مکشوفست ابر و آسمان
Your thought and cogitation resemble the spout; inspiration and revelation are (like) the cloud and the sky.
آب باران باغ صد رنگ آورد ** ناودان همسایه در جنگ آورد
The rain-water produces a many-coloured garden; the spout causes your neighbour to quarrel (with you).
خر دو سه حمله به روبه بحث کرد ** چون مقلد بد فریب او بخورد
The ass disputed twice or thrice with the fox, (but) since he was (only) an imitator he was beguiled by him.
He had not the glorious power of perception possessed by a (true) seer: the fox's palaver brought upon him (a stroke of) apoplexy.
حرص خوردن آنچنان کردش ذلیل ** که زبونش گشت با پانصد دلیل
Greedy desire to eat and drink made him so despicable that he submitted to him (the fox) notwithstanding five hundred arguments (to the contrary).
حکایت آن مخنث و پرسیدن لوطی ازو در حالت لواطه کی این خنجر از بهر چیست گفت از برای آنک هر کی با من بد اندیشد اشکمش بشکافم لوطی بر سر او آمد شد میکرد و میگفت الحمدلله کی من بد نمیاندیشم با تو «بیت من بیت نیست اقلیمست هزل من هزل نیست تعلیمست» ان الله یستحیی ان یضرب مثلا ما بعوضة فما فوقها ای فما فوقها فی تغییر النفوس بالانکار ان ما ذا ا راد الله بهذا مثلا و آنگه جواب میفرماید کی این خواستم یضل به کثیرا و یهدی به کثیرا کی هر فتنهای همچون میزانست بسیاران ازو سرخرو شوند و بسیاران بیمراد شوند و لو تاملت فیه قلیلا وجدت من نتایجه الشریفة کثیرا
Fabula cinaedi cui paedicator tempore paedicandi “Quamobrem,” inquit, “hic pugio est?” Respondit: “Ut, siquis mihi injuriam facere cogitaverit, ventrem ejus diffindam.” Paedicator super eo ultro citroque se movebat et aiebat, “Deo gloria quod ego injuriam tibi facere non cogito.” “My tent (verse) is not a tent, it is a continent; my jest is not a jest, it is a lesson.” Verily, God is not ashamed to set forth as a parable a gnat or what exceeds it, i.e. “what exceeds it in respect of the corruption of (men's) souls by disbelief”; (for the infidels ask), “What is it that Allah means by using this as a parable?” and then He answers (them), “I mean this: He lets many be led astray thereby and He lets many be guided aright thereby.” Every temptation is like a pair of scales: many come off with honour and many with disgrace; and if you were to meditate on it (this parable) a little, you would feel many of its excellent effects. [The story of the sodomite and the sodomizer’s asking him during the occasion of sodomy, “What is this dagger (of yours) for?” He (the sodomite) answered, “So that, (regarding) anyone who thinks evil (bears evil desires) toward me, I may rip (open) his belly.” The sodomizer was coming and going (moving back and forth in the act of sodomy) and was saying, “God be praised, since I am not thinking evil toward you.” “My tent ....]
کندهای را لوطیی در خانه برد ** سرنگون افکندش و در وی فشرد
Juvenem imberbem paedicator quidam domum duxit, capite deorsum verso stravit et in eum trusit. [A sodomizer brought a beardless youth (catamite) into a house, threw him head-downwards, and pressed into him (in the act of sodomy).]
بر میانش خنجری دید آن لعین ** پس بگفتش بر میانت چیست این
The accursed wretch saw a dagger on his waist, so he said to him, “What is this on your waist?”
گفت آنک با من ار یک بدمنش ** بد بیندیشد بدرم اشکمش
He replied, “’Tis in order that, if any evil-minded person should think of committing evil against me, I may rip his belly.”
گفت لوطی حمد لله را که من ** بد نه اندیشیدهام با تو به فن 2500
The lútí said, “God be praised that I have not thought of plotting evil against you.”
چون که مردی نیست خنجرها چه سود ** چون نباشد دل ندارد سود خود
When there is no manliness, of what use are daggers? When there is no heart (courage), the helmet avails not.
از علی میراث داری ذوالفقار ** بازوی شیر خدا هستت بیار
You may have (the sword) Dhu ’l-faqár as a heritage from ‘Alí, (but) have you the (stout) arm of the Lion of God? (If so), produce it!
گر فسونی یاد داری از مسیح ** کو لب و دندان عیسی ای قبیح
Though you may remember a (life-giving) incantation derived from the Messiah, where (in you) are the lips and teeth of Jesus, O abominable man?
کشتیی سازی ز توزیع و فتوح ** کو یکی ملاح کشتی همچو نوح
You may build a ship with money collected (from your friends) or freely given, (but) where is a captain of the ship like Noah?
بت شکستی گیرم ابراهیموار ** کو بت تن را فدی کردن بنار 2505
I grant you have (formally) broken the idol, like Abraham, (but) what of devoting the idol, (which is) your body, to the fire (of self-mortification)?
گر دلیلت هست اندر فعل آر ** تیغ چوبین را بدان کن ذوالفقار
If you have the proof (that you are a true saint), put it into practice: by means of that (practice) make your wooden sword (sharp) as Dhu ’l-faqár.
آن دلیلی که ترا مانع شود ** از عمل آن نقمت صانع بود
The proof that hinders you from the practice (of saintly works) is (the cause of your incurring) the vengeance of the (Divine) Maker.
خایفان راه را کردی دلیر ** از همه لرزانتری تو زیر زیر
You have emboldened those who are afraid of (travelling on) the Way, (but) underneath (inwardly) you are more tremulous (infirm) than all (the rest).
بر همه درس توکل میکنی ** در هوا تو پشه را رگ میزنی
You lecture to them all on trust in God, (while) you are slitting the vein of the gnat in the air.
ای مخنث پیش رفته از سپاه ** بر دروغ ریش تو کیرت گواه 2510
O pathice, qui exercitum praecessisti, barbae tuae mendaciam penis tuus testatur. [O impotent sodomite, (making a false show of) going ahead of the army, your penis (is) witness to the falsehood of your beard (your false claim of manhood).]
چون ز نامردی دل آکنده بود ** ریش و سبلت موجب خنده بود
When the heart is filled with unmanliness, the beard and moustache are a cause of laughter.
توبهای کن اشک باران چون مطر ** ریش و سبلت را ز خنده باز خر
Make a (vow of) repentance, shed tears like rain, redeem your beard and moustache from laughter.
داروی مردی بخور اندر عمل ** تا شوی خورشید گرم اندر حمل
Restore your manliness (by engaging) in (devotional) works, that you may become (like) the hot sun in (the sign of) Aries.