یک مذن داشت بس آواز بد ** در میان کافرستان بانگ زد
A certain muezzin had a very harsh voice: he called (the Moslems to prayer) in the land of the infidels.
چند گفتندش مگو بانگ نماز ** که شود جنگ و عداوتها دراز
They said to him several times, “Do not give the call to prayer, for (otherwise) fighting and acts of hostility (against us) will be prolonged.”
او ستیزه کرد و پس بیاحتراز ** گفت در کافرستان بانگ نماز
He defied (them), and then without showing (any) caution he gave the call to prayer in the land of the infidels.
خلق خایف شد ز فتنهی عامهای ** خود بیامد کافری با جامهای 3370
The (Moslem) folk were in fear of a general insurrection; however, an infidel came up (to them) with a robe.
شمع و حلوا با چنان جامهی لطیف ** هدیه آورد و بیامد چون الیف
He brought (with him) candles and halwá and such a (fine) robe as gifts, and approached in a friendly manner,
پرس پرسان کین مذن کو کجاست ** که صلا و بانگ او راحتفزاست
Asking again and again, “Tell me, where is this muezzin, whose call and cry increases my pleasure?”
هین چه راحت بود زان آواز زشت ** گفت که آوازش فتاد اندر کنشت
“Eh, what pleasure was there from such a harsh voice?” He replied, “His voice penetrated into the church.
دختری دارم لطیف و بس سنی ** آرزو میبود او را مؤمنی
I have a comely daughter of very high estate: she was desiring (to marry) a true believer.
هیچ این سودا نمیرفت از سرش ** پندها میداد چندین کافرش 3375
Never would this passion go out of her head, (though) so many infidels were exhorting her.
در دل او مهر ایمان رسته بود ** همچو مجمر بود این غم من چو عود
Love of the Faith had grown up in her heart: this grief was like a censer and I like the aloes-wood (burning in it).
در عذاب و درد و اشکنجه بدم ** که بجنبد سلسلهی او دم به دم
I was in torment and anguish and continually on the rack lest her passion should lead her (to embrace Islam).
هیچ چاره میندانستم در آن ** تا فرو خواند این مذن آن اذان
I knew no remedy for it until this muezzin chanted the adhán (call to prayer).
گفت دختر چیست این مکروه بانگ ** که بگوشم آمد این دو چار دانگ
(Then) my daughter said, ‘What is this detestable noise? It grates on my ear.
من همه عمر این چنین آواز زشت ** هیچ نشنیدم درین دیر و کنشت 3380
Never in all my life have I heard such a harsh voice in this Christian convent and church.’
خوهرش گفتا که این بانگ اذان ** هست اعلام و شعار مومنان
Her sister said to her, ‘This chant, namely the adhán, gives (the Moslems) notice (of prayer-time) and is the watchword of the Faithful.’
باورش نامد بپرسید از دگر ** آن دگر هم گفت آری ای پدر
She would not believe it, and asked some one else: that person too said, ‘Yes, (it is true), O father.’
چون یقین گشتش رخ او زرد شد ** از مسلمانی دل او سرد شد
When she became sure (of this), her face turned pale and her heart grew cold (averse) to Islam.
باز رستم من ز تشویش و عذاب ** دوش خوش خفتم در آن بیخوف خواب
I was delivered from anxiety and torment: last night I slept sound in a peaceful sleep.
راحتم این بود از آواز او ** هدیه آوردم به شکر آن مرد کو 3385
This was the pleasure (that came) to me from his voice: in gratitude I bring (these) gifts: where is the man?”
چون بدیدش گفت این هدیه پذیر ** که مرا گشتی مجیر و دستگیر
When he saw him (the muezzin), he said, “Accept the gift, for thou hast been my protector and saviour.
آنچ کردی با من از احسان و بر ** بندهی تو گشتهام من مستمر
(On account of) the benefit and kindness that thou hast done to me, I have become thy slave perpetually.
گر به مال و ملک و ثروت فردمی ** من دهانت را پر از زر کردمی
If I were eminent in respect of property, possessions, and riches, I would fill thy mouth with gold.”
هست ایمان شما زرق و مجاز ** راهزن همچون که آن بانگ نماز
“The Faith of you (Moslems) is hypocrisy and falsehood: like that call to prayer, it waylays (the seeker and prevents him from embracing Islam);
لیک از ایمان و صدق بایزید ** چند حسرت در دل و جانم رسید 3390
But many a regret has come into my heart and soul from (my admiration for) the Faith and sincerity of Báyazíd.”
همچو آن زن کو جماع خر بدید ** گفت آوه چیست این فحل فرید
Tanquam illa femina quae, cum concubitum asini videret, dixit: “Eheu, quid est hic admissarius egregius? [Just like that woman who observed sexual intercourse with the ass, she said (to herself): “Oh, what is this incomparable stallion?]
گر جماع اینست بردند این خران ** بر کس ما میریند این شوهران
Si concubitus hoc est, hi asini (praemium) abstulerunt: cacant super vulvis nostris hi mariti.” [If sexual intercourse is (like) this, these asses have won (the prize): these husbands (just) defecate on our vulvas.”]
داد جمله داد ایمان بایزید ** آفرینها بر چنین شیر فرید
Báyazíd paid all that is due to (fulfilled every obligation of) the Faith: blessings be on such a peerless lion!
قطرهای ز ایمانش در بحر ار رود ** بحر اندر قطرهاش غرقه شود
If a single drop of his Faith enter into the ocean, the ocean will be submerged in his drop,
همچو ز آتش ذرهای در بیشهها ** اندر آن ذره شود بیشه فنا 3395
As (when) a mote of fire (falls) amidst forests, the (whole) forest passes away in that mote;
چون خیالی در دل شه یا سپاه ** کرد اندر جنگ خصمان را تباه
(Or) as (when) a phantasy (appears) in the heart of a king or his army, (a phantasy which) destroyed his enemies in war.
یک ستاره در محمد رخ نمود ** تا فنا شد گوهر گبر و جهود
A star (of Divine illumination) appeared in Mohammed, so that the substance of (the beliefs of) Magian and Jew passed away.
آنک ایمان یافت رفت اندر امان ** کفرهای باقیان شد دو گمان
He that received the Faith entered into security; the infidelities of the rest became (a matter on which there were) two opinions.
کفر صرف اولین باری نماند ** یا مسلمانی و یا بیمی نشاند
At any rate, their first pure (entire) unbelief did not remain (with them): it (the star of Mohammed) planted (in them) either (formal acceptance of) Islam or a (great) dread (of it).
این به حیله آب و روغن کردنیست ** این مثلها کفو ذرهی نور نیست 3400
This (description of the Faith of Báyazíd) is a (mere) makeshift varnishing: these similes are not equivalent to the mote of (Divine light).
ذره نبود جز حقیری منجسم ** ذره نبود شارق لا ینقسم
A mote is only a paltry bodily thing: a mote is not the indivisible Sun.
گفتن ذره مرادی دان خفی ** محرم دریا نهای این دم کفی
Know that (my) calling it (the Sun) a mote has a purpose hidden (from thee, for) thou art not familiar with the Sea: at present thou art (but) the foam.
آفتاب نیر ایمان شیخ ** گر نماید رخ ز شرق جان شیخ
If the luminous sun of the Shaykh's Faith should display itself from the Orient of the Shaykh's spirit,
جمله پستی گنج گیرد تا ثری ** جمله بالا خلد گیرد اخضری
All below, down to the moist clay (beneath the earth's crust), would gain (abundant) treasure, and all above would gain a verdant Paradise.
او یکی جان دارد از نور منیر ** او یکی تن دارد از خاک حقیر 3405
He hath a spirit of resplendent light, he hath a body of despicable earth.
ای عجب اینست او یا آن بگو ** که بماندم اندرین مشکل عمو
Oh, I wonder whether he is this or that. Tell (me), uncle, for I am left (helpless) in this difficulty.
گر وی اینست ای برادر چیست آن ** پر شده از نور او هفت آسمان
O brother, if he is this, (then) what is that?—for the Seven Heavens are filled with its light—
ور وی آنست این بدن ای دوست چیست ** ای عجب زین دو کدامین است و کیست
And if he is that (spirit), (then) what is this body, my friend? Oh, I wonder which of these twain he is and who?
حکایت آن زن کی گفت شوهر را کی گوشت را گربه خورد شوهر گربه را به ترازو بر کشید گربه نیم من برآمد گفت ای زن گوشت نیم من بود و افزون اگر این گوشتست گربه کو و اگر این گربه است گوشت کو
Story of the woman who told her husband that the cat had eaten the meat, (whereupon) the husband put the cat in the balance (in order to weigh her). (Finding that) her weight amounted to half a “mann”, he said, “O wife, the meat weighed half a ‘mann’ and more. If this is the meat, where is the cat? Or if this is the cat, where is the meat?”
بود مردی کدخدا او را زنی ** سخت طناز و پلید و رهزنی
There was a man, a householder, who had a very sneering, dirty, and rapacious wife.
هرچه آوردی تلف کردیش زن ** مرد مضطر بود اندر تن زدن 3410
Whatever (food) he brought (home), his wife would consume it, and the man was forced to keep silence.
بهر مهمان گوشت آورد آن معیل ** سوی خانه با دو صد جهد طویل
(One day) that family man brought home, for a guest, (some) meat (which he had procured) with infinite pains.
زن بخوردش با کباب و با شراب ** مرد آمد گفت دفع ناصواب
His wife ate it up with kabáb and wine: (when) the man came in, she put him off with useless words.
مرد گفتش گوشت کو مهمان رسید ** پیش مهمان لوت میباید کشید
The man said to her, “Where is the meat? The guest has arrived: one must set nice food before a guest.”
گفت زن این گربه خورد آن گوشت را ** گوشت دیگر خر اگر باشد هلا
“This cat has eaten the meat,” she replied: “hey, go and buy some more meat if you can!”
گفت ای ایبک ترازو را بیار ** گربه را من بر کشم اندر عیار 3415
He said (to the servant), “O Aybak, fetch the balance: I will weigh the cat.
بر کشیدش بود گربه نیم من ** پس بگفت آن مرد کای محتال زن
He weighed her. The cat was half a mann. Then the man said, “O deceitful wife,