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  • Until now, the stars were influencing him; henceforth he is the ruler of the stars.
  • If (on this account) perplexity arise in thy sight (mind), then thou wilt have doubts concerning The moon was cloven asunder.
  • Refresh thy faith, (but) not with talk of the tongue, O thou who hast secretly refreshed thy (evil) desire.
  • So long as desire is fresh, faith is not fresh, for ’tis this desire that locks (against thee) that gate.
  • Thou hast interpreted (and altered the meaning of) the virgin (uncorrupted) Word: interpret (alter) thyself, not the (Divine) Book. 1080
  • Thou interpretest the Qur’án according to thy desire: by thee the sublime meaning is degraded and perverted.
  • The baseness of the foul interpretation given by the fly.
  • The fly was lifting up his head, like a pilot, on a blade of straw and (a pool of) ass's urine.
  • “I have called (them) sea and ship,” said he; “I have been pondering over that (interpretation) for a long while.
  • Look! here is this sea and this ship, and I am the pilot and skilled (in navigation) and judicious.”
  • He was propelling the raft on the “sea”: that (small) quantity appeared to him illimitable. 1085
  • That urine was boundless in relation to him: where was the vision that should see it truly?
  • His world extends (just) as far as his sight reaches; his eye is so big, his “sea” is big in the same proportion.
  • So with the false interpreter (of the Qur’án): like the fly, his imagination is (foul as) ass's urine and his conception (worthless as) a straw.
  • If the fly leave off interpreting by (following his own) opinion, Fortune will turn that fly into a humáy.
  • One who possesses this (Divine) indication (of the true meaning) is not a fly: his spirit is not analogous to his (outward) form. 1090
  • How the lion roared wrathfully because the hare was late in coming.
  • As (for example) the hare who struck against the lion: how was his spirit analogous to his stature?
  • The lion from fury and rage was saying, “By means of my ear the enemy has bound up my eye.
  • The tricks of the necessitarians have bound me (in captivity); their wooden sword has wounded my body.
  • After this I will not hearken to their palaver: all that is (only meant to deceive, like) the cry of demons and ghouls.
  • O my heart, tear them to pieces, do not lag; rend their skins, for they have naught but skin.” 1095
  • What is skin? Specious words, like ripples on water which have no continuance.
  • Know that these words are as the skin (rind), and the meaning is (as) the kernel; these words are as the form, and the meaning is like the spirit.
  • The skin hides the defect of the bad kernel; it (also) hides jealously the secrets of the good kernel.
  • When the pen is of wind and the scroll of water, whatever you write perishes speedily;
  • It is written on water: if you seek constancy from it, you will return biting your hands (in disappointment). 1100