- It is no wonder that the sheep recoiled from the wolf; the wonder is that this sheep set its heart on (became friendly with) the wolf.
- این عجب نبود که میش از گرگ جست ** این عجب کاین میش دل در گرگ بست
- Life is the peace (harmony) of contraries; death is the fact that war arose between them.
- زندگانی آشتی ضدهاست ** مرگ آن کاندر میانشان جنگ خاست
- The grace of God has given amity to this lion and wild-ass— these two far distant contraries.
- لطف حق این شیر را و گور را ** الف داده ست این دو ضد دور را
- Since the world is sick and a prisoner, what wonder if the sick one is passing away?” 1295
- چون جهان رنجور و زندانی بود ** چه عجب رنجور اگر فانی بود
- From this point of view he (the hare) recited counsels to the lion. “I have lagged behind,” said he, “because of these bonds.”
- خواند بر شیر او از این رو پندها ** گفت من پس ماندهام زین بندها
- How the lion asked the reason of the hare's drawing back.
- پرسیدن شیر از سبب پای واپس کشیدن خرگوش
- The lion said to him, “Amongst (all) the causes of your malady tell (me) the special cause, for this is my object.”
- شیر گفتش تو ز اسباب مرض ** این سبب گو خاص کاین استم غرض
- “That lion,” he said, “lives in this well: within this fortress he is safe from harms.”
- گفت آن شیر اندر این چه ساکن است ** اندر این قلعه ز آفات ایمن است
- Every one who is wise chose the bottom of the well (to live in), because spiritual joys are (to be attained only) in solitude.
- قعر چه بگزید هر کی عاقل است ** ز آن که در خلوت صفاهای دل است
- The darkness of the well is better than the dark shades of the world: he that followed at the heels of the world never saved his head. 1300
- ظلمت چه به که ظلمتهای خلق ** سر نبرد آن کس که گیرد پای خلق
- “Come on,” said the lion; “my blow subdues him: see thou whether that lion is in the well at present.”
- گفت پیش آ زخمم او را قاهر است ** تو ببین کان شیر در چه حاضر است
- The hare answered, “I am consumed with (dread of) that fieriness (wrath): perhaps thou wilt take me beside thee,
- گفت من سوزیدهام ز آن آتشی ** تو مگر اندر بر خویشم کشی
- That with thy support, O mine of generosity, I may open my eyes and look into the well.”
- تا بپشت تو من ای کان کرم ** چشم بگشایم به چه در بنگرم
- How the lion looked into the well and saw the reflexion of himself and the hare.
- نظر کردن شیر در چاه و دیدن عکس خود را و آن خرگوش را
- When the lion took him to his side, under the lion's protection he began to run towards the well.
- چون که شیر اندر بر خویشش کشید ** در پناه شیر تا چه میدوید
- As soon as they looked at the water in the well, there shone forth in the water the light (reflected) from the lion and him (the hare). 1305
- چون که در چه بنگریدند اندر آب ** اندر آب از شیر و او در تافت تاب
- The lion saw his own reflexion: from the water shone the image of a lion with a plump hare at his side.
- شیر عکس خویش دید از آب تفت ** شکل شیری در برش خرگوش زفت
- When he beheld his adversary in the water, he left him (the hare) and sprang into the well.
- چون که خصم خویش را در آب دید ** مر و را بگذاشت و اندر چه جهید
- He fell into the well which he had dug, because his iniquity was coming (back) on his own head.
- در فتاد اندر چهی کاو کنده بود ** ز آن که ظلمش در سرش آینده بود
- The iniquity of evil-doers became (for them) a dark well: so have said all the wise.
- چاه مظلم گشت ظلم ظالمان ** این چنین گفتند جمله عالمان
- The more iniquitous one is, the more frightful is his well: (Divine) Justice has ordained worse (punishment) for worse (sin). 1310
- هر که ظالمتر چهش با هولتر ** عدل فرموده ست بدتر را بتر
- O you who on account of (your) high estate are committing an act of injustice, know that you are digging a well (pit) for yourself.
- ای که تو از ظلم چاهی میکنی ** دان که بهر خویش دامی میکنی
- Do not weave (a cocoon) round yourself, like the silkworm. You are digging a well for yourself (to fall in): dig with moderation (not too deep).
- گرد خود چون کرم پیله بر متن ** بهر خود چه میکنی اندازه کن
- Deem not the weak to be without a champion: recite from the Qur’án (the words), When the help of God shall come.
- مر ضعیفان را تو بیخصمی مدان ** از نبی ذا جاء نصر الله خوان
- If you are an elephant and your foe fled from you, lo, the retribution came upon you, birds in flocks.
- گر تو پیلی خصم تو از تو رمید ** نک جزا طیرا ابابیلت رسید
- If any poor man on the earth beg for mercy, a loud tumult falls on (arises among) the Host of Heaven. 1315
- گر ضعیفی در زمین خواهد امان ** غلغل افتد در سپاه آسمان
- If you bite him with your teeth and make him bleed, toothache will attack you—how will you do (then)?
- گر بدندانش گزی پر خون کنی ** درد دندانت بگیرد چون کنی