- Lay two finger-ends on thy two eyes, and wilt thou see aught of the world? Deal justly (confess that thou wilt see nothing).
- دو سر انگشت بر دو چشم نه ** هیچ بینی از جهان انصاف ده
- If thou dost not see this world, (yet) it is not non-existent: the fault lies not save in the finger of thy evil self.
- گر نبینی این جهان معدوم نیست ** عیب جز ز انگشت نفس شوم نیست
- Come, lift the finger from thine eye, and then behold whatsoever thou wishest.
- تو ز چشم انگشت را بردار هین ** و آن گهانی هر چه میخواهی ببین
- To Noah his people said, ‘Where is the Divine recompense?’ He said, ‘On the other side of they cover themselves with their garments.
- نوح را گفتند امت کو ثواب ** گفت او ز آن سوی و استغشوا ثیاب
- Ye have wrapped your faces and heads in your clothes: of necessity ye have eyes and see not.’ 1405
- رو و سر در جامهها پیچیدهاید ** لا جرم با دیده و نادیدهاید
- Man is eye, and (all) the rest is (worthless) skin: the sight of that (eye) is (consists in) seeing the Beloved.
- آدمی دید است و باقی پوست است ** دید آن است آن که دید دوست است
- When there is not sight of the Beloved, it (the eye) is better blind; the beloved who is not everlasting is better afar (away and out of sight).”
- چون که دید دوست نبود کور به ** دوست کاو باقی نباشد دور به
- When the ambassador of Rúm admitted these fresh (spiritual) words into his hearing (gave ear to them), he became more full of longing.
- چون رسول روم این الفاظ تر ** در سماع آورد شد مشتاقتر
- He fixed his eye on seeking ‘Umar, he let his baggage and horse be lost.
- دیده را بر جستن عمر گماشت ** رخت را و اسب را ضایع گذاشت
- He was going in every direction after that man of (great) accomplishment, inquiring madly for him, 1410
- هر طرف اندر پی آن مرد کار ** میشدی پرسان او دیوانهوار
- Saying, “Can there be in the world such a man, and he be hid, like the spirit, from the world?”
- کاین چنین مردی بود اندر جهان ** وز جهان مانند جان باشد نهان
- He sought him, that he might be as a slave to him: inevitably the seeker is a finder.
- جست او را تاش چون بنده بود ** لا جرم جوینده یابنده بود
- An Arab woman of the desert saw that he was a stranger-guest. “Look,” said she, “there is ‘Umar under that palm.
- دید اعرابی زنی او را دخیل ** گفت عمر نک به زیر آن نخیل
- There he is under the palm-tree, apart from the people: behold the Shadow of God asleep in the shade!”
- زیر خرما بن ز خلقان او جدا ** زیر سایه خفته بین سایهی خدا
- How the ambassador of Rum found the Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, sleeping under the tree.
- یافتن رسول روم عمر را خفته در زیر درخت
- He came thither and stood afar off; he saw 'Umar and fell a-trembling. 1415
- آمد او آن جا و از دور ایستاد ** مر عمر را دید و در لرز اوفتاد
- An awe came upon the ambassador from that slumbering man, a sweet ecstasy lodged in his soul.
- هیبتی ز آن خفته آمد بر رسول ** حالتی خوش کرد بر جانش نزول
- Love and awe are contrary to each other: he saw these two contraries united in his heart.
- مهر و هیبت هست ضد همدگر ** این دو ضد را دید جمع اندر جگر
- He said to himself: “I have seen (many) kings, I have been great (in esteem) and chosen (for honour) in the presence of sultans:
- گفت با خود من شهان را دیدهام ** پیش سلطانان مه و بگزیدهام
- I had no awe or dread of kings, (but) awe of this man has robbed me of my wits.
- از شهانم هیبت و ترسی نبود ** هیبت این مرد هوشم را ربود
- I have gone into a jungle of lions and leopards, and my face did not change colour because of them; 1420
- رفتهام در بیشهی شیر و پلنگ ** روی من ز یشان نگردانید رنگ
- Often where the ranks are arrayed on the field of battle have I become (fierce) as a lion at the time when the affair is grievous (desperate);
- بس شدهستم در مصاف و کارزار ** همچو شیر آن دم که باشد کار زار
- Many a heavy blow have I suffered and inflicted, I have been stouter in heart than (all) the others.
- بس که خوردم بس زدم زخم گران ** دل قوی تر بودهام از دیگران
- This man is asleep on the earth, unarmed, (and yet) I am trembling in my seven limbs (my whole body): what is this?
- بیسلاح این مرد خفته بر زمین ** من به هفت اندام لرزان چیست این
- This is awe of God, it is not from created beings, it is not awe of this man who wears the frock of a dervish.
- هیبت حق است این از خلق نیست ** هیبت این مرد صاحب دلق نیست
- Whoever is afraid of God and has chosen fear of God (as his religion), the Jinn and mankind and every one who sees (him) are afraid of him.” 1425
- هر که ترسید از حق و تقوی گزید ** ترسد از وی جن و انس و هر که دید