- O (fool), who with a hundred consents thyself with thine own foot didst enter on the journey to the fated ill!
- ای شده اندر سفر با صد رضا ** خود به پای خویش تا سوء القضا
- In his fancy (were dreams of) riches, power, and lordship. Said ‘Azrá‘íl (the Angel of Death), “Go (thy way). Yes, thou wilt get (them)!”
- در خیالش ملک و عز و مهتری ** گفت عزرائیل رو آری بری
- When the stranger arrived (and turned) from the road, the physician brought him into the presence of the king. 195
- چون رسید از راه آن مرد غریب ** اندر آوردش به پیش شه طبیب
- Proudly and delicately they conducted him to the king of kings, that he might burn (like a moth) on that candle of Tiráz.
- سوی شاهنشاه بردندش به ناز ** تا بسوزد بر سر شمع طراز
- The king beheld him, showed great regard (for him), and entrusted to him the treasure house (full) of gold.
- شاه دید او را بسی تعظیم کرد ** مخزن زر را بدو تسلیم کرد
- Then the physician said to him: “O mighty Sultan, give the handmaiden to this lord,
- پس حکیمش گفت کای سلطان مه ** آن کنیزک را بدین خواجه بده
- In order that the handmaiden may be happy in union with him, and that the water of union with him may put out the fire (of passion).”
- تا کنیزک در وصالش خوش شود ** آب وصلش دفع آن آتش شود
- The king bestowed on him that moon-faced one and wedded those twain (who were) craving (each other's) company. 200
- شه بدو بخشید آن مه روی را ** جفت کرد آن هر دو صحبت جوی را
- During the space of six months they were satisfying their desire, till the girl was wholly restored to health.
- مدت شش ماه میراندند کام ** تا به صحت آمد آن دختر تمام
- Thereafter he prepared for him a potion, so that when he drank it he began to dwindle away before her.
- بعد از آن از بهر او شربت بساخت ** تا بخورد و پیش دختر میگداخت
- When because of sickness his beauty remained not, the soul of the girl remained not in his pestilence (deadly toils).
- چون ز رنجوری جمال او نماند ** جان دختر در وبال او نماند
- Since he became ugly and ill-favoured and sallow-cheeked, little by little he became cold (irksome and unpleasing) in her heart.
- چون که زشت و ناخوش و رخ زرد شد ** اندک اندک در دل او سرد شد
- Those loves which are for the sake of a colour (outward beauty) are not love: in the end they are a disgrace. 205
- عشقهایی کز پی رنگی بود ** عشق نبود عاقبت ننگی بود
- Would that he too had been disgrace (deformity) altogether, so that that evil judgement might not have come to pass upon him!
- کاش کان هم ننگ بودی یک سری ** تا نرفتی بر وی آن بد داوری
- Blood ran from his eye (that flowed with tears) like a river; his (handsome) face became the enemy of his life.
- خون دوید از چشم همچون جوی او ** دشمن جان وی آمد روی او
- The peacock's plumage is its enemy: O many the king who hath been slain by his magnificence!
- دشمن طاوس آمد پر او ** ای بسی شه را بکشته فر او
- He said, “I am the muskdeer on account of whose gland this hunter shed my pure (innocent) blood.
- گفت من آن آهوم کز ناف من ** ریخت این صیاد خون صاف من
- Oh, I am the fox of the field whose head they (the hunters springing forth) from the covert cut off for the sake of the fur. 210
- ای من آن روباه صحرا کز کمین ** سر بریدندش برای پوستین
- Oh, I am the elephant whose blood was shed by the blow of the mahout for the sake of the bone (ivory).
- ای من آن پیلی که زخم پیل بان ** ریخت خونم از برای استخوان
- He who hath slain me for that which is other than I, does not he know that my blood sleepeth not (will not rest unavenged)?
- آن که کشتستم پی مادون من ** مینداند که نخسبد خون من
- To-day it lies on me and to-morrow it lies on him: when does the blood of one such as I am go to waste like this?
- بر من است امروز و فردا بر وی است ** خون چون من کس چنین ضایع کی است
- Although the wall casts a long shadow, (yet at last) the shadow turns back again towards it.
- گر چه دیوار افکند سایهی دراز ** باز گردد سوی او آن سایه باز
- This world is the mountain, and our action the shout: the echo of the shouts comes (back) to us.” 215
- این جهان کوه است و فعل ما ندا ** سوی ما آید نداها را صدا
- He said this and at the (same) moment went under the earth (gave up the ghost). The handmaiden was purged of love and pain,
- این بگفت و رفت در دم زیر خاک ** آن کنیزک شد ز عشق و رنج پاک
- Because love of the dead is not enduring, because the dead one is never coming (back) to us;
- ز انکه عشق مردگان پاینده نیست ** ز انکه مرده سوی ما آینده نیست