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  • The Unseen World has other clouds and water (than ours), it has another sky and sun. 2035
  • غیب را ابری و آبی دیگر است ** آسمان و آفتابی دیگر است‌‌
  • That is not discerned save by the elect; the rest are in doubt as to a new creation.
  • ناید آن الا که بر خاصان پدید ** باقیان فی لبس من خلق جدید
  • There is rain for the sake of nurture; there is (also) rain for the sake of decay.
  • هست باران از پی پروردگی ** هست باران از پی پژمردگی‌‌
  • Marvellous is the benefit of the rain of springtime, (but) to the garden the autumnal rain is like a (consuming) fever.
  • نفع باران بهاران بو العجب ** باغ را باران پاییزی چو تب‌‌
  • That vernal (rain) makes it tenderly nurtured (flourishing), while this autumnal (rain) makes it sickly and wan.
  • آن بهاری ناز پروردش کند ** وین خزانی ناخوش و زردش کند
  • Similarly know that cold and wind and sun are at variance (produce various effects); and find the clue. 2040
  • همچنین سرما و باد و آفتاب ** بر تفاوت دان و سر رشته بیاب‌‌
  • Even so in the Unseen World there are these different sorts, (consisting) in loss and gain and in profit and defraudment (damage).
  • همچنین در غیب انواع است این ** در زیان و سود و در ربح و غبین‌‌
  • This breath of the Abdál (saints) is from that (spiritual) springtide: from it there grows a green garden in heart and soul.
  • این دم ابدال باشد ز آن بهار ** در دل و جان روید از وی سبزه‌‌زار
  • From their breaths there comes (is produced) in him who is fortunate the (same) effect (as that) of the spring rain on the tree.
  • فعل باران بهاری با درخت ** آید از انفاسشان در نیک بخت‌‌
  • If there be in the place a dry tree, do not deem its defect to be due to the life quickening wind.
  • گر درخت خشک باشد در مکان ** عیب آن از باد جان افزا مدان‌‌
  • The wind did its own work and blew on: he that had a soul chose it in preference to his soul. 2045
  • باد کار خویش کرد و بروزید ** آن که جانی داشت بر جانش گزید
  • On the meaning of the Tradition, “Take advantage of the coolness of the spring season, etc.”
  • در معنی این حدیث که اغتنموا برد الربیع الی آخره‌‌
  • The Prophet said, “Give heed, my friends! Do not cover your bodies from the cold of spring,
  • گفت پیغمبر ز سرمای بهار ** تن مپوشانید یاران زینهار
  • For it does to your spirits the same thing that spring does to the trees;
  • ز آن که با جان شما آن می‌‌کند ** کان بهاران با درختان می‌‌کند
  • But flee from the cold of autumn, for it does what autumn did to the garden and the vines.”
  • لیک بگریزید از سرد خزان ** کان کند کاو کرد با باغ و رزان‌‌
  • The traditionists have referred this (saying) to the outward (sense), and have been content with that same (outward) form.
  • راویان این را به ظاهر برده‌‌اند ** هم بر آن صورت قناعت کرده‌‌اند
  • That class (of people) were ignorant of the spirit: they saw the mountain, they did not see the mine in the mountain. 2050
  • بی‌‌خبر بودند از جان آن گروه ** کوه را دیده ندیده کان بکوه‌‌
  • In the sight of God that “autumn” is the flesh (nafs) and (its) desires: the reason and the spirit are the essence of spring and are everlasting life.
  • آن خزان نزد خدا نفس و هواست ** عقل و جان عین بهار است و بقاست‌‌
  • Thou hast a partial reason hidden (within thee): (now) in this world seek one whose reason is perfect.
  • مر ترا عقل است جزوی در نهان ** کامل العقلی بجو اندر جهان‌‌
  • Through his whole thy part is made whole (and perfect): Universal Reason is like a shackle on the neck of the flesh.
  • جزو تو از کل او کلی شود ** عقل کل بر نفس چون غلی شود
  • Therefore, according to the (right) interpretation, it (the meaning) is this, that the holy breaths are like spring and the life of leaf and vine.
  • پس به تاویل این بود کانفاس پاک ** چون بهار است و حیات برگ و تاک‌‌
  • Against the sayings of the saints, whether soft or rough, do not thou cover thy body, for they are the support of thy religion. 2055
  • از حدیث اولیا نرم و درشت ** تن مپوشان ز آن که دینت راست پشت‌‌
  • Whether he (the saint) speak hot or cold, receive (his words) with joy: in order that thou mayst escape from the hot and cold (of Nature) and from Hell-fire.
  • گرم گوید سرد گوید خوش بگیر ** تا ز گرم و سرد بجهی وز سعیر
  • His “hot” and “cold” is life's new season of spring, the source of sincerity and faith and service.
  • گرم و سردش نو بهار زندگی است ** مایه‌‌ی صدق و یقین و بندگی است‌‌
  • Inasmuch as the garden of the spirits is living through him, and the sea of (his) heart is filled with these pearls,
  • ز آن که زو بستان جانها زنده است ** این جواهر بحر دل آگنده است‌‌
  • Thousands of griefs lie (heavy) on a wise man's heart, if from the garden of his heart (even) a toothpick fail (be missing).
  • بر دل عاقل هزاران غم بود ** گر ز باغ دل خلالی کم شود
  • How the Siddíqa (‘Á’isha), may God be well-pleased with her, asked Mustafá (Mohammed), God bless him and give him peace, saying, “What was the inner meaning of to-day's rain?”
  • پرسیدن صدیقه (س) از پیامبر (ص) که سر باران امروزینه چه بود