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  • O thou that hast drunk my blood for seventy years, O thou because of whom my face is black (disgraced) before (the Divine) perfection!
  • Have mercy, O bounteous God who keepest faith, on a life passed in iniquity!
  • God gave (me) a life, the value of every single day whereof none in the world can know. 2190
  • I have spent my life, breath by breath: I have breathed it all away in treble and bass.
  • Ah me, that in minding the (musical) mode and rhythm of ‘Iráq the bitter moment of parting (from this world) went out of my mind (was forgotten).
  • Alas that from the liquid freshness of the minor zírafgand the seed sown in my heart dried up, and my heart died.
  • Alas that from (my preoccupation with) the sound of these four-and-twenty (melodies) the caravan passed and the day grew late.”
  • O God, help (me) against this (self of mine) that is seeking help (from Thee): I seek justice (redress) from no one (else, but only) from this justice-seeking (self). 2195
  • I shall not get justice for myself from any one except, surely, from Him who is nearer to me than I;
  • For this “I-hood” comes to me from Him moment by moment: therefore when this has failed me, I see (only) Him,
  • As (when you are with) one who is counting out gold to you, you keep your gaze (directed) towards him, not towards yourself.
  • How ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, bade him (the harper) turn his gaze from the stage of weeping, which is (self-) existence, to the stage of absorption (in God).
  • Then ‘Umar said to him, “This wailing of thine is also (one of) the marks of thy sobriety (self-consciousness).
  • The way of him that has passed away (from self-consciousness) is another way, because sobriety is another sin. 2200
  • Sobriety exists (arises) from recollection of what is past: past and future are to thee a curtain (separating thee) from God.
  • Cast fire on them both: how long, because of these twain, wilt thou be full of knots (joints) like a reed?
  • Whilst the reed is knotted, it is not a sharer of secrets: it is not the companion of the (flute-player's) lip and voice.
  • When thou art (engaged) in going about (seeking God) thou art indeed wrapped in (thy) going about: when thou hast come home, thou art still with thyself (self-conscious).
  • O thou whose knowledge is without knowledge of the Giver of knowledge, thy repentance is worse than thy sin. 2205
  • O thou that seekest to repent of a state that is past, say, when wilt thou repent of this repentance?
  • At one time thou turnest to the (low) sound of the treble, at another thou dost kiss (art in love with) weeping and wailing.”
  • When Fárúq (‘Umar) became a reflector of mysteries, the old man's heart was awakened from within.
  • He became without weeping or laughter, like the soul: his (animal) soul departed and the other soul came to life.
  • In that hour such a bewilderment arose within him that he went forth from earth and heaven— 2210
  • A seeking and searching beyond (all) seeking and search: I know not (how to describe it); (if) you know, tell!
  • Feelings and words beyond (all) feelings and words—he had become drowned in the beauty of the Lord of majesty,