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  • For this “I-hood” comes to me from Him moment by moment: therefore when this has failed me, I see (only) Him,
  • کاین منی از وی رسد دم دم مرا ** پس و را بینم چو این شد کم مرا
  • As (when you are with) one who is counting out gold to you, you keep your gaze (directed) towards him, not towards yourself.
  • همچو آن کاو با تو باشد زر شمر ** سوی او داری نه سوی خود نظر
  • How ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, bade him (the harper) turn his gaze from the stage of weeping, which is (self-) existence, to the stage of absorption (in God).
  • گردانیدن عمر نظر او را از مقام گریه که هستی است به مقام استغراق که نیستی است‌‌
  • Then ‘Umar said to him, “This wailing of thine is also (one of) the marks of thy sobriety (self-consciousness).
  • پس عمر گفتش که این زاری تو ** هست هم آثار هشیاری تو
  • The way of him that has passed away (from self-consciousness) is another way, because sobriety is another sin. 2200
  • راه فانی گشته راهی دیگر است ** ز آن که هشیاری گناهی دیگر است‌‌
  • Sobriety exists (arises) from recollection of what is past: past and future are to thee a curtain (separating thee) from God.
  • هست هشیاری ز یاد ما مضی ** ماضی و مستقبلت پرده‌‌ی خدا
  • Cast fire on them both: how long, because of these twain, wilt thou be full of knots (joints) like a reed?
  • آتش اندر زن به هر دو تا به کی ** پر گره باشی از این هر دو چو نی‌‌
  • Whilst the reed is knotted, it is not a sharer of secrets: it is not the companion of the (flute-player's) lip and voice.
  • تا گره با نی بود هم راز نیست ** همنشین آن لب و آواز نیست‌‌
  • When thou art (engaged) in going about (seeking God) thou art indeed wrapped in (thy) going about: when thou hast come home, thou art still with thyself (self-conscious).
  • چون به طوفی خود به طوفی مرتدی ** چون به خانه آمدی هم با خودی‌‌
  • O thou whose knowledge is without knowledge of the Giver of knowledge, thy repentance is worse than thy sin. 2205
  • ای خبرهات از خبر ده بی‌‌خبر ** توبه‌‌ی تو از گناه تو بتر
  • O thou that seekest to repent of a state that is past, say, when wilt thou repent of this repentance?
  • ای تو از حال گذشته توبه جو ** کی کنی توبه از این توبه بگو
  • At one time thou turnest to the (low) sound of the treble, at another thou dost kiss (art in love with) weeping and wailing.”
  • گاه بانگ زیر را قبله کنی ** گاه گریه‌‌ی زار را قبله زنی‌‌
  • When Fárúq (‘Umar) became a reflector of mysteries, the old man's heart was awakened from within.
  • چون که فاروق آینه‌‌ی اسرار شد ** جان پیر از اندرون بیدار شد
  • He became without weeping or laughter, like the soul: his (animal) soul departed and the other soul came to life.
  • همچو جان بی‌‌گریه و بی‌‌خنده شد ** جانش رفت و جان دیگر زنده شد
  • In that hour such a bewilderment arose within him that he went forth from earth and heaven— 2210
  • حیرتی آمد درونش آن زمان ** که برون شد از زمین و آسمان‌‌
  • A seeking and searching beyond (all) seeking and search: I know not (how to describe it); (if) you know, tell!
  • جستجویی از ورای جستجو ** من نمی‌‌دانم تو می‌‌دانی بگو
  • Feelings and words beyond (all) feelings and words—he had become drowned in the beauty of the Lord of majesty,
  • حال و قالی از ورای حال و قال ** غرقه گشته در جمال ذو الجلال‌‌
  • Drowned, not in such wise that there should be for him any deliverance, or that any one should know him except the (Divine) Ocean.
  • غرقه‌‌ای نه که خلاصی باشدش ** یا بجز دریا کسی بشناسدش‌‌
  • Partial reason would not be telling of (the mysteries of) the Universal (Reason), if there were not demand after demand (perpetual Divine impulses necessitating the manifestation of these mysteries).
  • عقل جزو از کل گویا نیستی ** گر تقاضا بر تقاضا نیستی‌‌
  • Since demand after demand is arriving, the waves of that Sea (Universal Reason) reach this place (the world of partial reason). 2215
  • چون تقاضا بر تقاضا می‌‌رسد ** موج آن دریا بدین جا می‌‌رسد
  • Now that the story of the old man's (spiritual) experiences has come to this point, the old man and his experiences have withdrawn behind the veil.
  • چون که قصه‌‌ی حال پیر اینجا رسید ** پیر و حالش روی در پرده کشید
  • The old man has shaken his skirt free from talk and speech: half of the tale has remained in our mouth (has not been told).
  • پیر دامن را ز گفت‌‌وگو فشاند ** نیم گفته در دهان ما بماند
  • It behoves (us), for the sake of procuring (such) delight and enjoyment, to gamble away (sacrifice) hundreds of thousands of souls (lives).
  • از پی این عیش و عشرت ساختن ** صد هزاران جان بشاید باختن‌‌
  • In chase of the spiritual forest be (as) a falcon, be one who gambles his soul (life) away, like the sun of this world.
  • در شکار بیشه‌‌ی جان باز باش ** همچو خورشید جهان جان‌‌باز باش‌‌
  • The lofty sun is life-diffusing: every moment it becomes empty and is filled. 2220
  • جان فشان افتاد خورشید بلند ** هر دمی تی می‌‌شود پر می‌‌کنند
  • O Sun of Reality, diffuse spiritual life, show forth newness to this old world!
  • جان فشان ای آفتاب معنوی ** مر جهان کهنه را بنما نوی‌‌