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  • Oh, (there is) many an act of niggardliness that is better than prodigality: do not bestow what belongs to God except by the command of God,
  • ای بسا امساک کز انفاق به ** مال حق را جز به امر حق مده‌‌
  • That thou mayst gain infinite treasure in return, and that thou mayst not be numbered among the infidels
  • تا عوض یابی تو گنج بی‌‌کران ** تا نباشی از عداد کافران‌‌
  • Who were offering camels in sacrifice in order that their swords might prevail against Mustafá.
  • کاشتران قربان همی‌‌کردند تا ** چیره گردد تیغشان بر مصطفا
  • Endeavour to find out the command of God from one who is united (with God): not every heart understands the command of God,
  • امر حق را باز جو از واصلی ** امر حق را در نیابد هر دلی‌‌
  • As (for example) the slave, the enemy (of God), who did justice (in his own opinion, and) bestowed what belonged to the King upon His enemies who rebelled against Him— 2230
  • چون غلام یاغیی کاو عدل کرد ** مال شه بر باغیان او بذل کرد
  • In the Qur’án there is warning to the heedless that all their spendings are a (cause of) bitter grief to them—
  • در نبی انذار اهل غفلت است ** کان همه انفاقهاشان حسرت است‌‌
  • What increase does the equity and justice of this enemy produce in the sight of the King? Banishment and a black countenance (disgrace).
  • عدل این یاغی و دادش نزد شاه ** چه فزاید دوری و روی سیاه‌‌
  • The chiefs of Mecca (when) at war with the Prophet offered sacrifice in hope of (Divine) favour.
  • سروران مکه در حرب رسول ** بودشان قربان به اومید قبول‌‌
  • On this account the true believer is saying in his prayer, from fear, “Lead (us) in the right path!”
  • بهر این مومن همی‌‌گوید ز بیم ** در نماز اهد الصراط المستقیم‌‌
  • It beseems the generous man thus to give money, (but) verily the generosity of the lover is the surrender of his soul (life). 2235
  • آن درم دادن سخی را لایق است ** جان سپردن خود سخای عاشق است‌‌
  • If you give bread for God's sake, you will be given bread (in return); if you give your life for God's sake, you will be given life (in return).
  • نان دهی از بهر حق نانت دهند ** جان دهی از بهر حق جانت دهند
  • If the leaves of this plane-tree drop off, the Creator will bestow on it the provision of leaflessness (spiritual poverty).
  • گر بریزد برگهای این چنار ** برگ بی‌‌برگیش بخشد کردگار
  • If because of your liberality no wealth remains in your hand, how should the bounty of God let you be down-trodden?
  • گر نماند از جود در دست تو مال ** کی کند فضل خدایت پای مال‌‌
  • When any one sows, his barn becomes empty (of seed), but there is goodliness in his cornfield;
  • هر که کارد گردد انبارش تهی ** لیکش اندر مزرعه باشد بهی‌‌
  • And, if he leaves it (the seed) in the barn and saves it up, weevils and mice and calamities (of time and decay) devour it entirely. 2240
  • و آن که در انبار ماند و صرفه کرد ** اشپش و موش و حوادث پاک خورد
  • This world is negation (of reality): seek (reality) in affirmation (of God). Your form (body) is void (of reality): seek in your essence.
  • این جهان نفی است در اثبات جو ** صورتت صفر است در معنات جو
  • Bring the briny bitter (animal) soul to the sword: buy the (heavenly) soul that is like a great sweet river.
  • جان شور تلخ پیش تیغ بر ** جان چون دریای شیرین را بخر
  • And if you cannot become (one of the frequenters) of this threshold (sublime court), at least hear from me the following tale.
  • ور نمی‌‌دانی شدن زین آستان ** باری از من گوش کن این داستان‌‌
  • The story of the Caliph who in his time surpassed Hátim of Tayyi in generosity and had no rival.
  • قصه‌‌ی خلیفه که در کرم در زمان خود از حاتم طایی گذشته بود و نظیر خود نداشت‌‌
  • In former days there was a Caliph who made Hátim the slave of his liberality.
  • یک خلیفه بود در ایام پیش ** کرده حاتم را غلام جود خویش‌‌
  • He had raised high the banner of munificence and largesse, he had removed poverty and want from the world. 2245
  • رایت اکرام و داد افراشته ** فقر و حاجت از جهان برداشته‌‌
  • (He was) a sea (of bounty), and the pearls (in it) came pure (untarnished) from his munificence: his largesse reached from Qáf to Qáf.
  • بحر و کان از بخشش‌‌اش صاف آمده ** داد او از قاف تا قاف آمده‌‌
  • In this world of dust he was the cloud and the rain: he was the centre wherein the bounty of the Giver of all displayed itself.
  • در جهان خاک ابر و آب بود ** مظهر بخشایش وهاب بود
  • His gifts caused sea and mine to quake (tremble with shame): caravan on caravan (were hastening) towards his liberality.
  • از عطایش بحر و کان در زلزله ** سوی جودش قافله بر قافله‌‌
  • His gate and portal was the point to which Need turned: the fame of his munificence had gone (far and wide) into the world.
  • قبله‌‌ی حاجت در و دروازه‌‌اش ** رفته در عالم به جود آوازه‌‌اش‌‌
  • Persians and Greeks, Turcomans and Arabs, were lost in amazement at his liberality and generosity. 2250
  • هم عجم هم روم هم ترک و عرب ** مانده از جود و سخایش در عجب‌‌