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  • The sensible man does not look at increase or deficiency, because both (these) will pass by like a torrent.
  • عاقل اندر بیش و نقصان ننگرد ** ز آن که هر دو همچو سیلی بگذرد
  • Whether it (life) be pure (clear and untroubled) or whether it be a turbid flood, do not speak of it, since it is not enduring for a moment. 2290
  • خواه صاف و خواه سیل تیره رو ** چون نمی‌‌پاید دمی از وی مگو
  • In this world thousands of animals are living happily, without up and down (anxiety).
  • اندر این عالم هزاران جانور ** می‌‌زید خوش عیش بی‌‌زیر و زبر
  • The dove on the tree is uttering thanks to God, though her food for the night is not (yet) ready.
  • شکر می‌‌گوید خدا را فاخته ** بر درخت و برگ شب ناساخته‌‌
  • The nightingale is singing glory to God (and saying), ‘I rely on Thee for my daily bread, O Thou who answerest (prayer).’
  • حمد می‌‌گوید خدا را عندلیب ** کاعتماد رزق بر تست ای مجیب‌‌
  • The falcon has made the king's hand his joy (the place in which he takes delight), and has given up hope of (has become indifferent to) all carrion.
  • باز دست شاه را کرده نوید ** از همه مردار ببریده امید
  • Similarly you may take (every animal) from the gnat to the elephant: they all have become God's family (dependent on Him for their nourishment), and what an excellent nourisher is God! 2295
  • همچنین از پشه‌‌گیری تا به پیل ** شد عیال الله و حق نعم المعیل‌‌
  • All these griefs that are within our breasts arise from the vapour and dust of our existence and wind (vain desire).
  • این همه غمها که اندر سینه‌‌هاست ** از بخار و گرد بود و باد ماست‌‌
  • These uprooting griefs are as a scythe to us: (to think that) this is such and such or that that is such and such is a temptation (of the Devil) to us.
  • این غمان بیخ کن چون داس ماست ** این چنین شد و آن چنان وسواس ماست‌‌
  • Know that every pain is a piece of Death: expel (that) part of Death from thee, if there be a means (of doing so).
  • دان که هر رنجی ز مردن پاره‌‌ای است ** جزو مرگ از خود بران گر چاره‌‌ای است‌‌
  • When thou canst not flee from the part of Death, know that the whole of it will be poured upon thy head.
  • چون ز جزو مرگ نتوانی گریخت ** دان که کلش بر سرت خواهند ریخت‌‌
  • If the part of Death has become sweet to thee, know that God will make the whole sweet. 2300
  • جزو مرگ ار گشت شیرین مر ترا ** دان که شیرین می‌‌کند کل را خدا
  • Pains are coming from Death as (his) messengers: do not avert thy face from his messenger, O foolish one!
  • دردها از مرگ می‌‌آید رسول ** از رسولش رو مگردان ای فضول‌‌
  • Whoever lives sweetly (pleasantly) dies bitterly (painfully): whoever serves his body does not save his soul.
  • هر که شیرین می‌‌زید او تلخ مرد ** هر که او تن را پرستد جان نبرد
  • Sheep are driven from the plains (to the town): they kill those that are fattest.
  • گوسفندان را ز صحرا می‌‌کشند ** آن که فربه تر مر آن را می‌‌کشند
  • The night is past and dawn is come. O my soul, how long wilt thou take up (again) this tale of gold from the beginning?
  • شب گذشت و صبح آمد ای تمر ** چند گیری این فسانه‌‌ی زر ز سر
  • Thou wert young (once), and (then) thou wert more contented: (now) thou hast become a seeker of gold, (but) at first thou wert gold indeed (precious and perfect). 2305
  • تو جوان بودی و قانع‌‌تر بدی ** زر طلب گشتی خود اول زر بدی‌‌
  • Thou wert a fruitful vine: how hast thou become unsaleable (worthless)? How hast thou become rotten when thy fruit is ripening?
  • رز بدی پر میوه چون کاسد شدی ** وقت میوه پختنت فاسد شدی‌‌
  • Thy fruit ought to become sweeter and not move farther backwards like rope-makers.
  • میوه‌‌ات باید که شیرین‌‌تر شود ** چون رسن تابان نه واپس‌‌تر رود
  • Thou art my wife: the wife must be of the same quality (as the husband) in order that things may go rightly.
  • جفت مایی جفت باید هم صفت ** تا بر آید کارها با مصلحت‌‌
  • The married pair must match one another: look at a pair of shoes or boots.
  • جفت باید بر مثال همدگر ** در دو جفت کفش و موزه در نگر
  • If one of the shoes is too tight for the foot, the pair of them is of no use to thee. 2310
  • گر یکی کفش از دو تنگ آید بپا ** هر دو جفتش کار ناید مر ترا
  • Hast thou ever seen one leaf of a (folding) door small and the other large, or a wolf mated with the lion of the jungle?
  • جفت در یک خرد و آن دیگر بزرگ ** جفت شیر بیشه دیدی هیچ گرگ‌‌
  • A pair of sacks on a camel do not balance properly when one is empty and one full to the brim.
  • راست ناید بر شتر جفت جوال ** آن یکی خالی و این پر مال مال‌‌
  • I march with stout heart towards contentment: why art thou betaking thyself to revilement?”
  • من روم سوی قناعت دل قوی ** تو چرا سوی شناعت می‌‌روی‌‌