Behold hundreds of thousands of bitterly suffering souls steeped in rose-syrup, like the rose.
صد هزاران جان تلخی کش نگر ** همچو گل آغشته اندر گل شکر
Oh, alas, would that thou hadst comprehension, so that the unfolded tale of my heart might be shown forth to thee from my soul.
ای دریغا مر ترا گنجا بدی ** تا ز جانم شرح دل پیدا شدی
This discourse is milk in the teat of the soul: it will not flow well without some one to suck (the teat).
این سخن شیر است در پستان جان ** بیکشنده خوش نمیگردد روان
When the hearer has become thirsty and craving, the preacher, (even) if he be (as good as) dead, becomes eloquent.
مستمع چون تشنه و جوینده شد ** واعظ ار مرده بود گوینده شد
When the hearer is fresh and without fatigue (not bored), the dumb and mute will find a hundred tongues to speak withal.2380
مستمع چون تازه آمد بیملال ** صد زبان گردد به گفتن گنگ و لال
When a stranger comes in at my door, the women of the harem hide themselves in the veil,
چون که نامحرم در آید از درم ** پرده در پنهان شوند اهل حرم
But if a harmless relative should come in, those covered ones will lift up their face-veils.
ور در آید محرمی دور از گزند ** بر گشایند آن ستیران رویبند
Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made (so) for the eye of him that sees.
هر چه را خوب و خوش و زیبا کنند ** از برای دیدهی بینا کنند
How should the sound of the harp and treble and bass be (made) for the insentient ear of one who is deaf?
کی بود آواز چنگ و زیر و بم ** از برای گوش بیحس اصم
Not in vain did God make musk fragrant: He made it (so) for the sense (of smell), He did not make it for one whose nostrils are stopped (by disease).2385
مشک را بیهوده حق خوش دم نکرد ** بهر حس کرد او پی اخشم نکرد
God hath fashioned the earth and the sky, He hath raised in the midst much fire and light.
حق زمین و آسمان بر ساخته ست ** در میان بس نار و نور افراخته ست
(He made) this earth for those (created) of clay, (He made) heaven to be the abode of the celestials.
این زمین را از برای خاکیان ** آسمان را مسکن افلاکیان
The low (base) man is the enemy of what is high: the purchaser (seeker) of each place (Heaven or Hell) is manifest (made known by his actions).
مرد سفلی دشمن بالا بود ** مشتری هر مکان پیدا بود
O chaste woman, hast thou ever risen up and decked thyself for the sake of him that is blind?
ای ستیره هیچ تو برخاستی ** خویشتن را بهر کور آراستی
If I should fill the world with hidden pearls (of wisdom), how should I fare (what good would it do me), since they are not thy portion (since thou art unfit to receive them)?2390
گر جهان را پر در مکنون کنم ** روزی تو چون نباشد چون کنم
O wife, take leave of quarrelling and waylaying, and if thou wilt not, (then) take leave of me!
ترک جنگ و ره زنی ای زن بگو ** ور نمیگویی به ترک من بگو
What room have I for quarrelling with the good or the bad? —for this heart of mine is recoiling (even) from acts of peace.
مر مرا چه جای جنگ نیک و بد ** کاین دلم از صلحها هم میرمد
If thou keep silence, (’tis well), and if not, I will so do that at this very moment I will leave my house and home.”
گر خمش کردی و گرنه آن کنم ** که همین دم ترک خان و مان کنم
How the wife paid regard to her husband and begged God to forgive her for what she had said.
مراعات کردن زن شوهر را و استغفار کردن از گفتهی خویش
When the wife saw that he was fierce and unmanageable, she began to weep: tears in sooth are a woman's lure.
زن چو دید او را که تند و توسن است ** گشت گریان گریه خود دام زن است
She said, “When did I imagine such (words) from thee? I hoped of thee something different.”2395
گفت از تو کی چنین پنداشتم ** از تو من اومید دیگر داشتم
The wife approached by the way of self-naughting (self-abasement). “I am thy dust,” said she, “not (worthy to be) thy lady-wife.
زن در آمد از طریق نیستی ** گفت من خاک شمایم نه ستی
Body and soul and all I am is thine: the entire authority and command belongs to thee.
جسم و جان و هر چه هستم آن تست ** حکم و فرمان جملگی فرمان تست
If because of poverty my heart has lost patience, it is not for my own sake, but for thine.
گر ز درویشی دلم از صبر جست ** بهر خویشم نیست آن بهر تو است
Thou hast been my remedy in afflictions: I am unwilling that thou shouldst be penniless.
تو مرا در دردها بودی دوا ** من نمیخواهم که باشی بینوا
By thy soul, this is not for my own sake: this wailing and moaning of mine is on account of thee.2400
جان تو کز بهر خویشم نیست این ** از برای تستم این ناله و حنین