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  • From this place (the earth) thy earthly body was woven, in this place thy pure light was found.
  • جسم خاکت را از اینجا بافتند ** نور پاکت را در اینجا یافتند
  • This (light) that our souls have obtained from thy spirit shone erstwhile from the dust. 2665
  • این که جان ما ز روحت یافته ست ** پیش پیش از خاک آن می‌‌تافته ست‌‌
  • We were in the earth, and heedless of the earth, heedless of the treasure that lay buried there.
  • در زمین بودیم و غافل از زمین ** غافل از گنجی که در وی بد دفین‌‌
  • When He (God) bade us journey from that place of abode our palates were soured (we were bitterly grieved) by the change,
  • چون سفر فرمود ما را ز آن مقام ** تلخ شد ما را از آن تحویل کام‌‌
  • So that we were arguing (and saying), ‘O God, who will come in our stead?
  • تا که حجتها همی‌‌گفتیم ما ** که بجای ما کی آید ای خدا
  • Wilt Thou sell the splendour of the praise with which we glorify and magnify Thee for babble and palaver?’
  • نور این تسبیح و این تهلیل را ** می‌‌فروشی بهر قال و قیل را
  • The decree of God spread for us the carpet (of indulgence), (and He said), ‘Speak ye, in the way of boldness 2670
  • حکم حق گسترد بهر ما بساط ** که بگویید از طریق انبساط
  • (And) without fear, whatever comes upon your tongues, like only children with their father;
  • هر چه آید بر زبانتان بی‌‌حذر ** همچو طفلان یگانه با پدر
  • For what if these words (of yours) are unseemly? My mercy likewise is prior (superior) to My wrath.
  • ز آن که این دمها چه گر نالایق است ** رحمت من بر غضب هم سابق است‌‌
  • In order to manifest this priority, O angel, I will put in thee incitement to perplexity and doubt,
  • از پی اظهار این سبق ای ملک ** در تو بنهم داعیه‌‌ی اشکال و شک‌‌
  • That thou mayst speak and I not take offence at thee, (so that) none who denies My clemency may dare to utter a word.
  • تا بگویی و نگیرم بر تو من ** منکر حلمم نیارد دم زدن‌‌
  • Within My (infinite) clemency (the clemencies of) a hundred fathers and a hundred mothers at every moment are born and vanish. 2675
  • صد پدر صد مادر اندر حلم ما ** هر نفس زاید در افتد در فنا
  • Their clemency is (but) the foam of the sea of My clemency: the foam comes and goes, but the sea is (always) there.’’
  • حلم ایشان کف بحر حلم ماست ** کف رود آید ولی دریا به جاست‌‌
  • What indeed shall I say? Compared with that pearl (Divine clemency) this oyster-shell (human clemency) is naught but the foam of the foam of the foam of foam.
  • خود چه گویم پیش آن در این صدف ** نیست الا کف کف کف کف‌‌
  • By the truth of that foam, by the truth of that pure sea, (I swear) that these words (of mine) are not (meant to make) trial of thee and are not vain.
  • حق آن کف حق آن دریای صاف ** که امتحانی نیست این گفت و نه لاف‌‌
  • They are from (inspired by) love and sincerity and humbleness, (I swear) by the truth of that One to whom I turn.
  • از سر مهر و صفاء است و خضوع ** حق آن کس که بدو دارم رجوع‌‌
  • If this affection (which I am showing) seems to thee a trial, do thou for one moment put the (supposed) trial (of thee) to the test. 2680
  • گر به پیشت امتحان است این هوس ** امتحان را امتحان کن یک نفس‌‌
  • Do not hide thy secret (but reveal it), in order that mine may be revealed: command anything that I am able to do.
  • سر مپوشان تا پدید آید سرم ** امر کن تو هر چه بر وی قادرم‌‌
  • Do not hide thy heart (but reveal it), in order that mine may be revealed and that I may accept whatever I am capable of (performing).
  • دل مپوشان تا پدید آید دلم ** تا قبول آرم هر آن چه قابلم‌‌
  • How shall I do? What remedy is in my power? Look what a plight my soul is in.”
  • چون کنم در دست من چه چاره است ** در نگر تا جان من چه کاره است‌‌
  • How the wife specified to her husband the way to earn daily bread and how he accepted (her proposal).
  • تعیین کردن زن طریق طلب روزی کدخدای خود را و قبول کردن او
  • The wife said, “A sun has shone forth, a (whole) world has received light from him—
  • گفت زن یک آفتابی تافته ست ** عالمی زو روشنایی یافته ست‌‌
  • The Vicar of the Merciful (God), the Khalífa of the Creator: through him the city of Baghdád is (gay and happy) as the season of spring. 2685
  • نایب رحمان خلیفه‌‌ی کردگار ** شهر بغداد است از وی چون بهار
  • If thou gain access to that King, thou wilt become a king: how long wilt thou go after every (kind of) misfortune?”
  • گر بپیوندی بدان شه شه شوی ** سوی هر ادبار تا کی می‌‌روی‌‌
  • Companionship with kings is like the Elixir: indeed, how is an Elixir like (to be compared with) their looks (of favour)?
  • همنشینی مقبلان چون کیمیاست ** چون نظرشان کیمیایی خود کجاست‌‌
  • The eye of Ahmad (Mohammed) was cast upon an Abú Bakr: he by a single act of faith became a Siddíq.
  • چشم احمد بر ابو بکری زده ** او ز یک تصدیق صدیق آمده‌‌