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  • A loud call was coming (to his ears): “Come, O seeker! Bounty is in need of beggars: (it is needy) like a beggar.
  • بانگ می‌‌آمد که ای طالب بیا ** جود محتاج گدایان چون گدا
  • Bounty is seeking the beggars and the poor, just as fair ones who seek a clear mirror. 2745
  • جود می‌‌جوید گدایان و ضعاف ** همچو خوبان کاینه جویند صاف‌‌
  • The face of the fair is made beautiful by the mirror, the face of Beneficence is made visible by the beggar.
  • روی خوبان ز آینه زیبا شود ** روی احسان از گدا پیدا شود
  • Therefore on this account God said in the Súra Wa’d-Duhá, “O Mohammed, do not shout at (and drive away) the beggar.”
  • پس از این فرمود حق در و الضحی ** بانگ کم زن ای محمد بر گدا
  • Inasmuch as the beggar is the mirror of Bounty, take care! Breath is hurtful to the face of the mirror.
  • چون گدا آیینه‌‌ی جود است هان ** دم بود بر روی آیینه زیان‌‌
  • In the one case, his (the giver's) bounty makes the beggar manifest (causes him to beg), while in the other case he (the giver), (without being asked), bestows on the beggars more (than they need).
  • آن یکی جودش گدا آرد پدید ** و آن دگر بخشد گدایان را مزید
  • Beggars, then, are the evidentiary sign of God's bounty, and they that are with God are (united with) the Absolute Bounty; 2750
  • پس گدایان آیت جود حق‌‌اند ** و آن که با حقند جود مطلق‌‌اند
  • And every one except those two (types of beggar) is truly a dead man: he is not at this door (the Divine Court), he is (lifeless as) a picture (embroidered) on a curtain.
  • و آن که جز این دوست او خود مرده‌‌ای است ** او بر این در نیست نقش پرده‌‌ای است‌‌
  • The difference between one that is poor for (desirous of) God and thirsting for Him and one that is poor of (destitute of) God and thirsting for what is other than He.
  • فرق میان آن که درویش است به خدا و تشنه‌‌ی خدا و میان آن که درویش است از خدا و تشنه‌‌ی غیر است‌‌
  • He (that seeks other than God) is the (mere) picture of a dervish, he is not worthy of bread (Divine bounty): do not throw a bone to the picture of a dog!
  • نقش درویش است او نی اهل نان ** نقش سگ را تو مینداز استخوان‌‌
  • He wants a morsel of food, he does not want God: do not set dishes before a lifeless picture!
  • فقر لقمه دارد او نی فقر حق ** پیش نقش مرده‌‌ای کم نه طبق‌‌
  • The dervish that wants bread is a land-fish: (he has) the form of a fish, but (he is) fleeing from the sea.
  • ماهی خاکی بود درویش نان ** شکل ماهی لیک از دریا رمان‌‌
  • He is a domestic fowl, not the Símurgh of the air: he swallows sweet morsels (of food), he does not eat from God. 2755
  • مرغ خانه ست او نه سیمرغ هوا ** لوت نوشد او ننوشد از خدا
  • He loves God for the sake of gain: his soul is not in love with (God's) excellence and beauty.
  • عاشق حق است او بهر نوال ** نیست جانش عاشق حسن و جمال‌‌
  • If he conceives that he is in love with the Essence (of God), conception of the (Divine) names and attributes is not the Essence.
  • گر توهم می‌‌کند او عشق ذات ** ذات نبود وهم اسما و صفات‌‌
  • Conception is created; it has been begotten: God is not begotten, He is lam yúlad.
  • وهم مخلوق است و مولود آمده ست ** حق نزاییده ست او لم یولد است‌‌
  • How should he that is in love with his own imagination and conception be one of them that love the Lord of bounties?
  • عاشق تصویر و وهم خویشتن ** کی بود از عاشقان ذو المنن‌‌
  • If the lover of that (false) conception be sincere, that metaphor (unreal judgement) will lead him to the reality. 2760
  • عاشق آن وهم اگر صادق بود ** آن مجاز او حقیقت کش شود
  • The exposition of this saying demands a commentary, but I am afraid of senile (feeble) minds.
  • شرح می‌‌خواهد بیان این سخن ** لیک می‌‌ترسم ز افهام کهن‌‌
  • Senile and short-sighted minds bring a hundred evil fancies into their thoughts.
  • فهم‌‌های کهنه‌‌ی کوته نظر ** صد خیال بد در آرد در فکر
  • Not every one is able to hear rightly: the fig is not a morsel for every little bird,
  • بر سماع راست هر کس چیر نیست ** لقمه‌‌ی هر مرغکی انجیر نیست‌‌
  • Especially a bird that is dead, putrid; a blind, eyeless (fellow) filled with vain fancy.
  • خاصه مرغی مرده‌‌ای پوسیده‌‌ای ** پر خیالی اعمیی بی‌‌دیده‌‌ای‌‌
  • To the picture of a fish what is the difference between sea and land? To the colour of a Hindoo what is the difference between soap and black vitriol? 2765
  • نقش ماهی را چه دریا و چه خاک ** رنگ هندو را چه صابون و چه زاک‌‌
  • If you depict the portrait on the paper as sorrowful, it has no lesson (learns nothing) of sorrow or joy.
  • نقش اگر غمگین نگاری بر ورق ** او ندارد از غم و شادی سبق‌‌
  • Its appearance is sorrowful, but it is free from that (sorrow); (or) its appearance is smiling, but it has no (inward) impression of that (joy).
  • صورتش غمگین و او فارغ از آن ** صورتش خندان و او ز آن بی‌‌نشان‌‌
  • And this (worldly) sorrow and joy which are a lot (received) in the heart (which befall the heart) are naught but a picture in comparison with that (spiritual) joy and sorrow.
  • وین غم و شادی که اندر دل خفی است ** پیش آن شادی و غم جز نقش نیست‌‌