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  • Do not look at his figure and colour, look at his purpose and intention. 2895
  • منگر اندر نقش و اندر رنگ او ** بنگر اندر عزم و در آهنگ او
  • If he is black, (yet) he is in accord with you: call him white, for (spiritually) his complexion is the same as yours.
  • گر سیاه است او هم آهنگ تو است ** تو سپیدش خوان که هم رنگ تو است‌‌
  • This story has been told up and down (confusedly), like the thoughts of lovers, without foot (end) or head (beginning).
  • این حکایت گفته شد زیر و زبر ** همچو فکر عاشقان بی‌‌پا و سر
  • It hath no head, inasmuch as it existed before eternity; it hath no foot: it has (always) been akin to everlastingness.
  • سر ندارد چون ز ازل بوده ست پیش ** پا ندارد با ابد بوده ست خویش‌‌
  • Nay, it is like water: every drop thereof is both head and foot, and at the same time without both.
  • بلکه چون آب است هر قطره از آن ** هم سر است و پا و هم بی‌‌هردوان‌‌
  • This is not a story, mark you! God forbid! This is the ready money (presentation, here and now) of my state and yours. Consider (it) well, 2900
  • حاش لله این حکایت نیست هین ** نقد حال ما و تست این خوش ببین‌‌
  • Because the Súfí is grand and glorious (in his spiritual vision): whatever is past is not remembered (does not enter his mind).
  • ز آن که صوفی با کر و با فر بود ** هر چه آن ماضی است لا یذکر بود
  • We are both the Arab and the jug and the King; we are all: he that has been turned away from it (the Truth) shall be turned away.
  • هم عرب ما هم سبو ما هم ملک ** جمله ما يؤفک عنه من أفک‌‌
  • Know that the husband is Reason, and this wife is the appetitive soul and cupidity: these twain are dark and deniers (of Reason); Reason is the (bright) candle.
  • عقل را شو دان و زن را نفس و طمع ** این دو ظلمانی و منکر عقل شمع‌‌
  • Now hear the origin of their denial, whence it arose: (it arose) from the fact that the Whole hath various parts.
  • بشنو اکنون اصل انکار از چه خاست ** ز آن که کل را گونه گونه جزوهاست‌‌
  • The parts of the Whole are not parts in relation to the Whole — (they are) not like the scent of the rose, which is a part of the rose. 2905
  • جزو کل نی جزوها نسبت به کل ** نی چو بوی گل که باشد جزو گل‌‌
  • The beauty of (all) green herbs is a part of the Rose's beauty, the coo of the turtle-dove is a part of that Nightingale.
  • لطف سبزه جزو لطف گل بود ** بانگ قمری جزو آن بلبل بود
  • If I become occupied with a difficulty (difficult question) and the answer (explanation), how shall I be able to give water to the thirsty?
  • گر شوم مشغول اشکال و جواب ** تشنگان را کی توانم داد آب‌‌
  • If you are wholly perplexed and in straits, have patience: patience is the key to joy.
  • گر تو اشکالی به کلی و حرج ** صبر کن الصبر مفتاح الفرج‌‌
  • Abstain from (distracting) thoughts, abstain: thought is (like) the lion and the wild ass, and (men's) hearts are the thickets (which they haunt).
  • احتما کن احتما ز اندیشه‌‌ها ** فکر شیر و گور و دلها بیشه‌‌ها
  • Acts of abstinence are superior to medicines, because scratching is an increase (aggravation) of the itch. 2910
  • احتماها بر دواها سرور است ** ز آن که خاریدن فزونی گر است‌‌
  • Assuredly abstinence is the first principle of medicine: abstain, and behold the strength of thy spirit.
  • احتما اصل دوا آمد یقین ** احتما کن قوت جان را ببین‌‌
  • Receive these words, like the (open) ear, that I may make for you an earring of gold:
  • قابل این گفته‌‌ها شو گوش‌‌وار ** تا که از زر سازمت من گوشوار
  • (Then) you will become a ring in the ear of (devoted to) the Moon that works in gold, you will ascend to the moon and the Pleiades.
  • حلقه در گوش مه زرگر شوی ** تا به ماه و تا ثریا بر شوی‌‌
  • First, hear (and learn) that the diverse created beings are spiritually different, to yá (Y) from alif (A).
  • اولا بشنو که خلق مختلف ** مختلف جانند از یا تا الف‌‌
  • Amongst the various letters there is a confusion and uncertainty, though from one point of view they are (all) one from head (beginning) to foot (end). 2915
  • در حروف مختلف شور و شکی است ** گر چه از یک رو ز سر تا پا یکی است‌‌
  • From one aspect they are opposites, and from one aspect they are unified; from one aspect they are jest, and from one aspect they are earnest.
  • از یکی رو ضد و یک رو متحد ** از یکی رو هزل و از یک روی جد
  • Therefore the Resurrection is the day of the supreme inspection: inspection is desired by him (only) who is beautiful and splendid.
  • پس قیامت روز عرض اکبر است ** عرض او خواهد که با زیب و فر است‌‌
  • Whoever is like a fraudulent Hindoo, for him the day of inspection is the time of exposure.
  • هر که چون هندوی بد سودایی است ** روز عرضش نوبت رسوایی است‌‌
  • Inasmuch as he hath not a face like the sun, he desires nothing but night (to cover him) like a veil.
  • چون ندارد روی همچون آفتاب ** او نخواهد جز شبی همچون نقاب‌‌