- My breath is stopped by the lion's tail and rump: his rump has tightly closed (choked) my windpipe.
- از دم و دمگاه شیرم دم گرفت ** دمگه او دمگهم محکم گرفت
- Let the lion be without a tail, O lion-maker, for my heart is faint from the blows of the prong (the tattooer's needle).”
- شیر بیدم باش گو ای شیر ساز ** که دلم سستی گرفت از زخم گاز
- That person commenced to prick in (the blue) on another part (of the man's shoulder) without fear, without favour, without mercy.
- جانب دیگر گرفت آن شخص زخم ** بیمحابا بیمواسا بیز رحم
- He yelled—“Which of his members is this?” “This is his ear, my good man,” the barber replied.
- بانگ کرد او کاین چه اندام است از او ** گفت این گوش است ای مرد نکو
- “O Doctor,” said he, “let him have no ears: omit the ears and cut the frock short.” 2995
- گفت تا گوشش نباشد ای حکیم ** گوش را بگذار و کوته کن گلیم
- The barber began to insert (his needle) in another part: once more the man of Qazwín set out to wail,
- جانب دیگر خلش آغاز کرد ** باز قزوینی فغان را ساز کرد
- Saying, “What is the member (you are pricking in) now on this third spot?” He replied, “This is the lion's belly, my dear sir.”
- کاین سوم جانب چه اندام است نیز ** گفت این است اشکم شیر ای عزیز
- “Let the lion have no belly,” said he: “the pain has become too great: do not strike (further) blows.”
- گفت تا اشکم نباشد شیر را ** چه شکم باید نگار سیر را
- The barber became distraught and then remained in bewilderment: he stood for a long time with his fingers in his teeth;
- خیره شد دلاک و بس حیران بماند ** تا به دیر انگشت در دندان بماند
- The master angrily flung the needle to the ground and said, “Has this happened to any one in the world? 3000
- بر زمین زد سوزن از خشم اوستاد ** گفت در عالم کسی را این فتاد
- Who (ever) saw a lion without tail and head and belly? God himself did not create a lion like this.”
- شیر بیدم و سر و اشکم که دید ** این چنین شیری خدا خود نافرید
- O brother, endure the pain of the lancet, that you may escape from the poison of your miscreant self (nafs),
- ای برادر صبر کن بر درد نیش ** تا رهی از نیش نفس گبر خویش
- For sky and sun and moon bow in worship to the people who have escaped from self existence.
- کان گروهی که رهیدند از وجود ** چرخ و مهر و ماهشان آرد سجود
- Any one in whose body the miscreant self has died, sun and cloud obey his command.
- هر که مرد اندر تن او نفس گبر ** مر و را فرمان برد خورشید و ابر
- Since his heart has learned to light the candle (of spiritual knowledge and love), the sun cannot burn him. 3005
- چون دلش آموخت شمع افروختن ** آفتاب او را نیارد سوختن
- God hath made mention of the rising sun as turning aside— like that—from their cave.
- گفت حق در آفتاب منتجم ** ذکر تزاور کذا عن کهفهم
- The thorn becomes entirely beautiful, like the rose, in the sight of the particular that is going towards the Universal.
- خار جمله لطف چون گل میشود ** پیش جزوی کاو سوی کل میرود
- What is (the meaning of) to exalt and glorify God? To deem yourself despicable and (worthless) as dust.
- چیست تعظیم خدا افراشتن ** خویشتن را خوار و خاکی داشتن
- What is (the meaning of) to learn the knowledge of God's unity? To consume yourself in the presence of the One.
- چیست توحید خدا آموختن ** خویشتن را پیش واحد سوختن
- If you wish to shine like day, burn up your night-like self-existence. 3010
- گر همیخواهی که بفروزی چو روز ** هستی همچون شب خود را بسوز
- Melt away your existence, as copper (melts away) in the elixir, in the being of Him who fosters (and sustains) existence.
- هستیات در هست آن هستی نواز ** همچو مس در کیمیا اندر گداز
- You have fastened both your hands tight on (are determined not to give up) “I” and “we”: all this (spiritual) ruin is caused by dualism.
- در من و ما سخت کرده ستی دو دست ** هست این جملهی خرابی از دو هست
- How the wolf and fox went to hunt in attendance on the lion.
- رفتن گرگ و روباه در خدمت شیر به شکار
- A lion, wolf, and fox had gone to hunt in the mountains in quest (of food),
- شیر و گرگ و روبهی بهر شکار ** رفته بودند از طلب در کوهسار
- That by supporting each other they might tie fast the burden of the fetters (of captivity) on the hunted animals,
- تا به پشت همدگر بر صیدها ** سخت بر بندند بار قیدها
- And all three together might seize much and great quarry in that deep wilderness. 3015
- هر سه با هم اندر آن صحرای ژرف ** صیدها گیرند بسیار و شگرف