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  • When thou hast rent the veil, where are fear and hope? The might and majesty belonging to the Unseen are divulged.
  • چون دریدی پرده کو خوف و رجا ** غیب را شد کر و فری بر ملا
  • A young man on the bank of a river thought (to himself), “Our fisherman (here) is Solomon.
  • بر لب جو برد ظنی یک فتا ** که سلیمان است ماهی‌‌گیر ما
  • (But) if this is he, why is he alone and disguised? And if not, why has he the aspect of Solomon?”
  • گر وی است این از چه فرد است و خفی است ** ور نه سیمای سلیمانیش چیست‌‌
  • Thus thinking, he remained in two minds until Solomon (once more) became king and absolute ruler. 3620
  • اندر این اندیشه می‌‌بود او دو دل ** تا سلیمان گشت شاه و مستقل‌‌
  • The demon departed and fled from his (Solomon's) kingdom and throne: the sword of his fortune shed that devil's blood.
  • دیو رفت از ملک و تخت او گریخت ** تیغ بختش خون آن شیطان بریخت‌‌
  • He put the ring upon his finger, the hosts of demons and peris assembled.
  • کرد در انگشت خود انگشتری ** جمع آمد لشکر دیو و پری‌‌
  • The men came to look, amongst them he who had the fancy (that the fisherman was Solomon in disguise).
  • آمدند از بهر نظاره رجال ** در میانشان آن که بد صاحب خیال‌‌
  • When he saw the ring on his finger, his perplexity and doubt vanished all at once.
  • چون در انگشتش بدید انگشتری ** رفت اندیشه و تحری یک سری‌‌
  • Imagination occurs (only) at the time when that (object of desire) is hidden: this searching is after the unseen. 3625
  • وهم آن گاه است کان پوشیده است ** این تحری از پی نادیده است‌‌
  • Whilst he was absent, fancy waxed strong in his breast: as soon as he was present, his fancy departed.
  • شد خیال غایب اندر سینه زفت ** چون که حاضر شد خیال او برفت‌‌
  • If the radiant sky is not without rain, neither is the dark earth without vegetation.
  • گر سمای نور بی‌‌باریده نیست ** هم زمین تار بی‌‌بالیده نیست‌‌
  • (God said), “I want (what is signified by the words) they believe in the unseen: on that account I have shut the window of the fleeting world.
  • يؤمنون بالغيب می‌‌باید مرا ** ز آن ببستم روزن فانی سرا
  • When (if) I cleave the sky manifestly, how should I say, ‘Dost thou see any clefts therein?’”
  • چون شکافم آسمان را در ظهور ** چون بگویم هل تری فیها فطور
  • In order that in this darkness they may spread (the carpet of) endeavour, they are turning, every one, their faces in some direction. 3630
  • تا در این ظلمت تحری گسترند ** هر کسی رو جانبی می‌‌آورند
  • For awhile things are reversed: the thief brings the magistrate to the gallows,
  • مدتی معکوس باشد کارها ** شحنه را دزد آورد بر دارها
  • So that many a sultan and man of lofty spirit becomes the slave of his own slave for awhile.
  • تا که بس سلطان و عالی همتی ** بنده‌‌ی بنده‌‌ی خود آید مدتی‌‌
  • Service (performed) in absence (through faith in the unseen) is fair and comely; when service is demanded (by God from us), ‘tis pleasing (to Him) that the absent should be remembered (that we should remember to perform what is due to Him, though He is unseen).
  • بندگی در غیب آید خوب و گش ** حفظ غیب آید در استعباد خوش‌‌
  • Where (in what position) is one that praises the king in his presence, compared with one that is shamefaced in absence (from him)?
  • کو که مدح شاه گوید پیش او ** تا که در غیبت بود او شرم رو
  • The governor of a fortress who, on the border of the kingdom, far from the sultan and the shadow (protection) of the sultanate, 3635
  • قلعه داری کز کنار مملکت ** دور از سلطان و سایه‌‌ی سلطنت‌‌
  • Guards the fortress from enemies and will not sell it for boundless riches,
  • پاس دارد قلعه را از دشمنان ** قلعه نفروشد به مال بی‌‌کران‌‌
  • Who, though absent from the king on the outskirt of the frontiers, keeps faith (with him) like one who is present—
  • غایب از شه در کنار ثغرها ** همچو حاضر او نگه دارد وفا
  • He in the king's sight is better than the rest who are serving in his presence and ready to devote their lives.
  • پیش شه او به بود از دیگران ** که به خدمت حاضرند و جان فشان‌‌
  • Therefore half an atom of regard to one's duty in absence is better than a hundred thousand fold observance thereof in presence.
  • پس به غیبت نیم ذره‌‌ی حفظ کار ** به که اندر حاضری ز آن صد هزار
  • Obedience (to God) and faith are praiseworthy now; after death, when all is plainly shown, they will be spurned. 3640
  • طاعت و ایمان کنون محمود شد ** بعد مرگ اندر عیان مردود شد
  • “Inasmuch as the unseen and the absent and the veil are better, close thy lips, and the lip is better silent.
  • چون که غیب و غایب و رو پوش به ** پس لبان بر بند لب خاموش به‌‌