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  • He shoots arrows at the shadow; his quiver is emptied in seeking (to shoot it): 420
  • تیر اندازد به سوی سایه او ** ترکشش خالی شود از جستجو
  • The quiver of his life became empty: his life passed in running hotly in chase of the shadow.
  • ترکش عمرش تهی شد عمر رفت ** از دویدن در شکار سایه تفت‌‌
  • (But) when the shadow of God is his nurse, it delivers him from (every) phantom and shadow.
  • سایه‌‌ی یزدان چو باشد دایه‌‌اش ** وارهاند از خیال و سایه‌‌اش‌‌
  • The shadow of God is that servant of God who is dead to this world and living through God.
  • سایه‌‌ی یزدان بود بنده‌‌ی خدا ** مرده او زین عالم و زنده‌‌ی خدا
  • Lay hold of his skirt most quickly without misgiving, that you may be saved in the skirt (end) of the last days (of the world).
  • دامن او گیر زودتر بی‌‌گمان ** تا رهی در دامن آخر زمان‌‌
  • (The shadow mentioned in the words) How He (God) extended the shadow is the form of the saints, which guides to the light of the Divine Sun. 425
  • کيف مد الظل نقش اولیاست ** کاو دلیل نور خورشید خداست‌‌
  • Do not go in this valley without this guide; say, like Khalíl (Abraham), “I love not them that set.”
  • اندر این وادی مرو بی‌‌این دلیل ** لا أحب الآفلین گو چون خلیل‌‌
  • Go, from the shadow gain a sun: pluck the skirt of the (spiritual) king, Shams-i Tabrízí (the Sun of Tabríz)!
  • رو ز سایه آفتابی را بیاب ** دامن شه شمس تبریزی بتاب‌‌
  • If you do not know the way to this feast and bridal, ask of Ziyá’u ’l-Haqq (the Radiance of God) Husámu’ddín.
  • ره ندانی جانب این سور و عرس ** از ضیاء الحق حسام الدین بپرس‌‌
  • And if on the way envy seize you by the throat, it belongs to (is characteristic of) Iblís to go beyond bounds in envy;
  • ور حسد گیرد ترا در ره گلو ** در حسد ابلیس را باشد غلو
  • For he because of envy hath disdain for Adam, and because of envy is at war with felicity. 430
  • کاو ز آدم ننگ دارد از حسد ** با سعادت جنگ دارد از حسد
  • In the Way there is no harder pass than this. Oh, fortunate he who is not companioned by envy!
  • ای خنک آن کش حسد همراه نیست ** عقبه‌‌ای زین صعب‌‌تر در راه نیست‌‌
  • This body, you must know, is the house of envy, for the household are tainted with envy.
  • این جسد خانه‌‌ی حسد آمد بدان ** از حسد آلوده باشد خاندان‌‌
  • If the body is the house of envy, yet God made that body very pure.
  • گر جسد خانه‌‌ی حسد باشد و لیک ** آن جسد را پاک کرد الله نیک‌‌
  • (The text) Cleanse My house, ye twain, is the explanation of (such) purity: it (the purified heart) is a treasure of (Divine) light, though its talisman is of earth.
  • طهرا بيتي بیان پاکی است ** گنج نور است ار طلسمش خاکی است‌‌
  • When you practise deceit and envy against one who is without envy, from that envy black stain arise in your heart. 435
  • چون کنی بر بی‌‌جسد مکر و حسد ** ز آن حسد دل را سیاهیها رسد
  • Become (as) dust under the feet of the men of God; throw dust on the head of envy, even as we do.
  • خاک شو مردان حق را زیر پا ** خاک بر سر کن حسد را همچو ما
  • Explanation of the envy of the vizier.
  • بیان حسد وزیر
  • That petty vizier had his origin from envy, so that for vanity he gave to the wind (sacrificed) his ears and nose,
  • آن وزیرک از حسد بودش نژاد ** تا به باطل گوش و بینی باد داد
  • In the hope that by the sting of envy his venom might enter the souls of the poor (Christians).
  • بر امید آن که از نیش حسد ** زهر او در جان مسکینان رسد
  • Any one who from envy mutilates his nose makes himself without ear and without nose (unable to apprehend spiritual things).
  • هر کسی کاو از حسد بینی کند ** خویشتن بی‌‌گوش و بی‌‌بینی کند
  • The nose is that which catches a scent, and which the scent leads towards an abode (of spiritual truth). 440
  • بینی آن باشد که او بویی برد ** بوی او را جانب کویی برد
  • Whoever hath no scent is without a nose; the scent (referred to) is that scent which is religious.
  • هر که بویش نیست بی‌‌بینی بود ** بوی آن بوی است کان دینی بود
  • When he has caught a scent and given no thanks for it, (that) ingratitude comes and devours his nose (deprives him of the organ of spiritual perception).
  • چون که بویی برد و شکر آن نکرد ** کفر نعمت آمد و بینیش خورد
  • Give thanks (to God) and be a slave to those who give thanks: be in their presence (as one) dead, be steadfast.
  • شکر کن مر شاکران را بنده باش ** پیش ایشان مرده شو پاینده باش‌‌
  • Do not, like the vizier, make brigandage your stock-in-trade; do not turn the people away from the ritual prayer.
  • چون وزیر از ره زنی مایه مساز ** خلق را تو بر میاور از نماز