- Simple were we and all one substance; we were all without head and without foot yonder.
- منبسط بودیم و یک جوهر همه ** بیسر و بیپا بدیم آن سر همه
- We were one substance, like the Sun; we were knotless and pure, like water.
- یک گهر بودیم همچون آفتاب ** بیگره بودیم و صافی همچو آب
- When that goodly Light took form, it became (many in) number like the shadows of a battlement.
- چون به صورت آمد آن نور سره ** شد عدد چون سایههای کنگره
- Rase ye the battlement with the manjaníq (mangonel), that difference may vanish from amidst this company (of shadows).
- کنگره ویران کنید از منجنیق ** تا رود فرق از میان این فریق
- I would have explained this (matter) with (eager) contention, but I fear lest some (weak) mind may stumble. 690
- شرح این را گفتمی من از مری ** لیک ترسم تا نلغزد خاطری
- The points (involved in it) are sharp as a sword of steel; if you have not the shield (of capacity to understand), turn back and flee!
- نکتهها چون تیغ پولاد است تیز ** گر نداری تو سپر واپس گریز
- Do not come without shield against this adamant (keen blade), for the sword is not ashamed of cutting.
- پیش این الماس بیاسپر میا ** کز بریدن تیغ را نبود حیا
- For this cause I have put the sword in sheath, that none who misreads may read contrariwise (in a sense contrary to the true meaning of my words).
- زین سبب من تیغ کردم در غلاف ** تا که کج خوانی نخواند بر خلاف
- We come (now) to complete the tale and (speak) of the loyalty of the multitude of the righteous,
- آمدیم اندر تمامی داستان ** وز وفاداری جمع راستان
- Who rose up after (the death of) this leader, demanding a vicar in his place. 695
- کز پس این پیشوا برخاستند ** بر مقامش نایبی میخواستند
- The quarrel of the amírs concerning the succession.
- منازعت امرا در ولیعهدی
- One of those amírs advanced and went before that loyal-minded people.
- یک امیری ز آن امیران پیش رفت ** پیش آن قوم وفا اندیش رفت
- “Behold,” said he, “I am that man's vicar: I am the vicar of Jesus at the present time.
- گفت اینک نایب آن مرد من ** نایب عیسی منم اندر زمن
- Look, this scroll is my proof that after him the vicarate belongs to me.”
- اینک این طومار برهان من است ** کاین نیابت بعد از او آن من است
- Another amír came forth from ambush: his pretension regarding the vicegerency was the same;
- آن امیر دیگر آمد از کمین ** دعوی او در خلافت بد همین
- He too produced a scroll from under his arm, so that in both (amírs) there arose the Jewish anger. 700
- از بغل او نیز طوماری نمود ** تا بر آمد هر دو را خشم جهود
- The rest of the amírs, one after another, drawing swords of keen mettle,
- آن امیران دگر یک یک قطار ** بر کشیده تیغهای آب دار
- Each with a sword and a scroll in his hand, fell to combat like raging elephants.
- هر یکی را تیغ و طوماری به دست ** درهمافتادند چون پیلان مست
- Hundreds of thousands of Christians were slain, so that there were mounds of severed heads;
- صد هزاران مرد ترسا کشته شد ** تا ز سرهای بریده پشته شد
- Blood flowed, on left and right, like a torrent; mountains of this dust (of battle) rose in the air.
- خون روان شد همچو سیل از چپ و راست ** کوه کوه اندر هوا زین گرد خاست
- The seeds of dissension which he (the vizier) had sown had become a calamity (cause of destruction) to their heads. 705
- تخمهای فتنهها کاو کشته بود ** آفت سرهای ایشان گشته بود
- The walnuts (bodies) were broken, and those which had the kernel had, after being slain, a spirit pure and fair.
- جوزها بشکست و آن کان مغز داشت ** بعد کشتن روح پاک نغز داشت
- Slaughter and death which befalls the bodily frame is like breaking pomegranates and apples:
- کشتن و مردن که بر نقش تن است ** چون انار و سیب را بشکستن است
- That which is sweet becomes pomegranate-syrup, and that which is rotten is naught but noise:
- آن چه شیرین است او شد ناردانگ ** و آن که پوسیده ست نبود غیر بانگ
- That which has reality is made manifest (after death), and that which is rotten is put to shame.
- آن چه با معنی است خود پیدا شود ** و آن چه پوسیده ست او رسوا شود
- Go, strive after reality, O worshipper of form, inasmuch as reality is the wing on form's body. 710
- رو به معنی کوش ای صورت پرست ** ز آن که معنی بر تن صورت پر است