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  • What is (the meaning of) this (word) “cause” (sabab) in Arabic? Say: “cord” (rasan). This cord came into this well (the world) by (Divine) artifice.
  • این سبب چه بود به تازی گو رسن ** اندر این چه این رسن آمد به فن‌‌
  • The revolution of the water-wheel causes the cord (to move), (but) not to see the mover of the water-wheel is an error.
  • گردش چرخه رسن را علت است ** چرخه گردان را ندیدن زلت است‌‌
  • Beware, beware! Do not regard these cords of causation in the world as (deriving their movement) from the giddy wheel (of heaven),
  • این رسنهای سببها در جهان ** هان و هان زین چرخ سر گردان مدان‌‌
  • Lest you remain empty and giddy like the (celestial) wheel, lest through brainlessness you burn like markh wood. 850
  • تا نمانی صفر و سر گردان چو چرخ ** تا نسوزی تو ز بی‌‌مغزی چو مرخ‌‌
  • By the command of God the wind devours (extinguishes) fire: both are drunken with the wine of God.
  • باد آتش می‌‌خورد از امر حق ** هر دو سر مست آمدند از خمر حق‌‌
  • O son, when you open your eyes you will see that from God too are the water of clemency and the fire of anger.
  • آب حلم و آتش خشم ای پسر ** هم ز حق بینی چو بگشایی بصر
  • Had not the soul of the wind been informed by God, how would it have distinguished (the believers and unbelievers) amongst the people of ‘Ád?
  • گر نبودی واقف از حق جان باد ** فرق کی کردی میان قوم عاد
  • The story of the wind which destroyed the people of ‘Ád in the time of (the prophet) Húd, on whom be peace.
  • قصه‌‌ی باد که در عهد هود علیه السلام قوم عاد را هلاک کرد
  • Húd drew a line round the believers: the wind would become soft (subside) when it reached that place,
  • هود گرد مومنان خطی کشید ** نرم می‌‌شد باد کانجا می‌‌رسید
  • (Although) it was dashing to pieces in the air all who were outside of the line. 855
  • هر که بیرون بود ز آن خط جمله را ** پاره پاره می‌‌گسست اندر هوا
  • Likewise Shaybán the shepherd used to draw a visible line round his flock
  • همچنین شیبان راعی می‌‌کشید ** گرد بر گرد رمه خطی پدید
  • Whenever he went to the Friday service at prayer-time, in order that the wolf might not raid and ravage there:
  • چون به جمعه می‌‌شد او وقت نماز ** تا نیارد گرگ آن جا ترک تاز
  • No wolf would go into that (circle), nor would any sheep stray beyond that mark;
  • هیچ گرگی در نرفتی اندر آن ** گوسفندی هم نگشتی ز آن نشان‌‌
  • The wind of the wolf's and sheeps' concupiscence was barred because of (by) the circle of the man of God.
  • باد حرص گرگ و حرص گوسفند ** دایره‌‌ی مرد خدا را بود بند
  • Even so, to those who know God (‘árifán) the wind of Death is soft and pleasant as the breeze (that wafts the scent) of (loved) ones like Joseph. 860
  • همچنین باد اجل با عارفان ** نرم و خوش همچون نسیم یوسفان‌‌
  • The fire did not set its teeth in Abraham: how should it bite him, since he is the chosen of God?
  • آتش ابراهیم را دندان نزد ** چون گزیده‌‌ی حق بود چونش گزد
  • The religious are not burned by the fire of lust which bore all the rest down to the bottom of the earth.
  • ز آتش شهوت نسوزد اهل دین ** باقیان را برده تا قعر زمین‌‌
  • The waves of the sea, when they charged on by God's command, discriminated the people of Moses from the Egyptians.
  • موج دریا چون به امر حق بتاخت ** اهل موسی را ز قبطی واشناخت‌‌
  • The earth, when the (Divine) command came, drew Qárún (Korah) with his gold and throne into its lowest depth.
  • خاک قارون را چو فرمان در رسید ** با زر و تختش به قعر خود کشید
  • The water and clay, when it fed on the breath of Jesus, spread wings and pinions, became a bird, and flew. 865
  • آب و گل چون از دم عیسی چرید ** بال و پر بگشاد مرغی شد پرید
  • Your glorification (of God) is an exhalation from the water and clay (of your body): it became a bird of Paradise through the breathing (into it) of your heart's sincerity.
  • هست تسبیحت بخار آب و گل ** مرغ جنت شد ز نفخ صدق دل‌‌
  • Mount Mount Sinai, from (seeing) the radiance of Moses, began to dance, became a perfect Súfí, and was freed from blemish.
  • کوه طور از نور موسی شد به رقص ** صوفی کامل شد و رست او ز نقص‌‌
  • What wonder if the mountain became a venerable Súfí? The body of Moses also was (formed) from a piece of clay.
  • چه عجب گر کوه صوفی شد عزیز ** جسم موسی از کلوخی بود نیز
  • How the Jewish king scoffed and denied and would not accept the counsel of his intimates.
  • طنز و انکار کردن پادشاه جهود و قبول نکردن نصیحت خاصان خویش‌‌
  • The king of the Jews beheld these marvellous things, (but) he had naught (to say) except mockery and denial.
  • این عجایب دید آن شاه جهود ** جز که طنز و جز که انکارش نبود
  • His counsellors said, “Do not let (this injustice) go beyond bounds, do not drive the steed of obstinacy so far.” 870
  • ناصحان گفتند از حد مگذران ** مرکب استیزه را چندین مران‌‌
  • He handcuffed the counsellors and confined them, he committed one injustice after another.
  • ناصحان را دست بست و بند کرد ** ظلم را پیوند در پیوند کرد