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  • That is the food of the chosen ones of the (Divine) sovereignty; the eating thereof is (done) without throat or instrument.
  • The food of the (spiritual) sun is (derived) from the light of the (celestial) Throne; (the food that belongs) to the envious and devilish is (derived) from the smoke of the (terrestrial) carpet.
  • God said concerning the martyrs, they are (alive with their Lord) receiving sustenance. For that food there was neither mouth nor dish.
  • The heart is eating a (particular) food from every single companion; the heart is getting a (particular) excellence from every single (piece of) knowledge.
  • Every human being's (outer) form is like a cup; (only) the (spiritual) eye is a percipient of his (or her) reality. 1090
  • You eat (receive) something from meeting with any one, and you carry away something from conjunction with any associate.
  • When planet comes into conjunction with planet, the effect appropriate to them both is assuredly produced,
  • As (for example) the conjunction of man and woman brings to birth the human being, and (as) sparks arise from the conjunction of stone and iron;
  • And (as) from the conjunction of earth with rains (there are produced) fruits and greenery and sweet herbs;
  • And (as) from the conjunction of green things (plants and verdant spots) with man (there is produced) joy of heart and carelessness and happiness; 1095
  • And (as) from the conjunction of happiness with our souls are born our goodness and beneficence.
  • Our bodies become capable of eating and drinking when our desire for recreation (in the open air) is satisfied.
  • Redness of countenance is (derived) from the conjunction of blood (with the face); blood is (derived) from the beautiful rose-coloured sun.
  • Redness is the best of (all) colours, and that is (born) of the sun and is arriving (to us) from it.
  • Every land that has been conjoined with Saturn has become nitrous and is not the place for sowing. 1100
  • Through concurrence power comes into action, as (in the case of) the conjunction of the Devil with hypocrites.
  • These spiritual truths without (possessing) any (worldly) pomp and grandeur, have pomp and grandeur from the Ninth Heaven.
  • The pomp and grandeur belonging to (the world of) creation is a borrowed (adventitious) thing; the pomp and grandeur belonging to the (world of) Command is an essential thing.
  • For the sake of (earthly) pomp and grandeur they endure abasement; in the hope of glory they are happy in (their) abasement.
  • In the hope of a ten days' (transient) glory (full) of annoyance, they have made their necks, from anxiety, (thin) as a spindle. 1105
  • How do not they come to this place where I am?—for in this (spiritual) glory I am the shining Sun.
  • The rising-place of the sun is the pitch-coloured tower (of heaven), (but) my Sun is beyond (all) rising-places.
  • His “rising-place” (is only) in relation to His motes: His essence neither rose nor set.
  • I who am left behind (surpassed in eminence) by His motes am (nevertheless) in both worlds a sun without shadow.
  • Still, I am revolving round the Sun—’tis wonderful; the cause of this is the majesty of the Sun. 1110