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  • When one hair became crooked, it waylaid him (hindered him from seeing truly), so that, making a false claim, he boasted to have seen the moon.
  • چون یکی مو کج شد او را راه زد ** تا به دعوی لاف دید ماه زد
  • Inasmuch as a crooked hair veils the sky, how will it be when all your members are crooked? 120
  • موی کج چون پرده‏ی گردون بود ** چون همه اجزات کج شد چون بود
  • Straighten your members by (the help of) the straight (the righteous). O you who (would) go straight, turn not your head aside from that threshold (where the righteous dwell).
  • راست کن اجزات را از راستان ** سر مکش ای راست رو ز آن آستان‏
  • Balance makes balance correct; balance also makes balance defective.
  • هم ترازو را ترازو راست کرد ** هم ترازو را ترازو کاست کرد
  • Whoever weighs the same (adopts the same standard) as the unrighteous falls into deficiency, and his understanding becomes dazed.
  • هر که با ناراستان هم سنگ شد ** در کمی افتاد و عقلش دنگ شد
  • Go, be hard on the infidels, sprinkle dust on (renounce) fondness for the strangers.
  • رو أشداء علی الکفار باش ** خاک بر دل داری اغیار پاش‏
  • Be as a sword upon the heads of the strangers: come, do not play foxy tricks, be a lion, 125
  • بر سر اغیار چون شمشیر باش ** هین مکن روباه بازی شیر باش‏
  • In order that the friends (of God), moved by (righteous) jealousy, may not break with you, because those thorns (the wicked) are the enemies of this rose (the friend of God).
  • تا ز غیرت از تو یاران نگسلند ** ز آنکه آن خاران عدوی این گلند
  • Set fire to the wolves as (to) rue-seed, because those wolves are the enemies of Joseph.
  • آتش اندر زن به گرگان چون سپند ** ز آن که آن گرگان عدوی یوسفند
  • Iblís calls you “father's soul” (darling son)—beware (of him)! The accursed Devil (does that) in order that he may beguile you with (vain) words.
  • جان بابا گویدت ابلیس هین ** تا به دم بفریبدت دیو لعین‏
  • He practised the like imposture on your father: this black-faced one checkmated an Adam.
  • این چنین تلبیس با بابات کرد ** آدمی را این سیه رخ مات کرد
  • This crow is busy on the chessboard; look not you upon his game with an eye that is half-asleep, 130
  • بر سر شطرنج چست است این غراب ** تو مبین بازی به چشم نیم خواب‏
  • Because he knows many formidable moves which will stick in your throat like a straw.
  • ز آن که فرزین بندها داند بسی ** که بگیرد در گلویت چون خسی‏
  • His straw will stay in your throat for years. What is that straw? Love of rank and wealth.
  • در گلو ماند خس او سالها ** چیست آن خس مهر جاه و مالها
  • Wealth is the straw, since in your throat, O infirm one, it is an obstacle (barrier) to the Water of Life.
  • مال خس باشد چو هست ای بی‏ثبات ** در گلویت مانع آب حیات‏
  • If an artful enemy carry off your wealth, a robber will have carried off a robber.
  • گر برد مالت عدوی پر فنی ** ره زنی را برده باشد ره زنی‏
  • How a snake-catcher stole a snake from another snake-catcher.
  • دزدیدن مارگیر ماری را از مارگیری دیگر
  • A petty thief carried off a snake from a snake-catcher and in his folly was accounting it a prize. 135
  • دزدکی از مارگیری مار برد ** ز ابلهی آن را غنیمت می‏شمرد
  • The snake-catcher escaped from the snake's bite; the man who had robbed him was miserably killed by the snake.
  • وارهید آن مارگیر از زخم مار ** مار کشت آن دزد او را زار زار
  • The snake-catcher saw him (dead); then he recognised him and said, “My snake has emptied him of life.
  • مارگیرش دید پس بشناختش ** گفت از جان مار من پرداختش‏
  • My soul was desiring of Him (God) in prayer that I might find him and take the snake from him.
  • در دعا می‏خواستی جانم از او ** کش بیابم مار بستانم از او
  • Thanks to God that that prayer was rejected: I thought ’twas loss, but it has turned out to be gain.”
  • شکر حق را کان دعا مردود شد ** من زیان پنداشتم آن سود شد
  • Many are the prayers which are loss and destruction, and from kindness the Holy God is not hearing them. 140
  • بس دعاها کان زیان است و هلاک ** وز کرم می‏نشنود یزدان پاک‏
  • How the companion of Jesus, on whom be peace, entreated Jesus, on whom be peace, to give life to the bones.
  • التماس کردن همراه عیسی علیه السلام زنده کردن استخوانها را از او
  • A certain foolish person accompanied Jesus (on his way). He espied some bones in a deep-dug hole.
  • گشت با عیسی یکی ابله رفیق ** استخوانها دید در حفره‏ی عمیق‏
  • He said, “O companion, (teach me) that exalted Name by which thou makest the dead to live;
  • گفت ای همراه آن نام سنی ** که بدان تو مرده را زنده کنی
  • Teach (it) me, that I may do good and by means of it endow the bones with life.”
  • مر مرا آموز تا احسان کنم ** استخوانها را بدان با جان کنم