- May my soul and mind be a sacrifice to the Sea: this Sea has paid the blood-price of mind and soul.
- جان و عقل من فدای بحر باد ** خونبهای عقل و جان این بحر داد
- I will march in It as long as my feet move; when feet remain not, I am (plunged) in It, like ducks.
- تا که پایم میرود رانم در او ** چون نماند پا چو بطانم در او
- An unrespectful person present is better than one absent: though the ring be crooked, is it not on the door? 1360
- بیادب حاضر ز غایب خوشتر است ** حلقه گر چه کژ بود نه بر در است
- O defiled in body, frequent the tank: outside of the tank, how shall a man be cleansed?
- ای تن آلوده به گرد حوض گرد ** پاک کی گردد برون حوض مرد
- The pure one who has been banished from the tank becomes far also from his purity.
- پاک کاو از حوض مهجور اوفتاد ** او ز پاکی خویش هم دور اوفتاد
- The purity of this tank is infinite; the purity of bodies is of little weight,
- پاکی این حوض بیپایان بود ** پاکی اجسام کم میزان بود
- Because the heart (though it) is a tank, yet in ambush (out of sight) it has a hidden channel to the Sea.
- ز انکه دل حوض است لیکن در کمین ** سوی دریا راه پنهان دارد این
- Your finite purity wants reinforcement; otherwise, number is diminished in (the course of) expenditure. 1365
- پاکی محدود تو خواهد مدد ** ور نه اندر خرج کم گردد عدد
- The water said to the defiled one, “Hasten (to come) into me.” The defiled one said, “I feel shame before the water.”
- آب گفت آلوده را در من شتاب ** گفت آلوده که دارم شرم از آب
- Said the water, “Without me how shall this shame go? Without me how shall this defilement be removed?”
- گفت آب این شرم بیمن کی رود ** بیمن این آلوده زایل کی شود
- Every defiled one who hides from the water is (an example of the saying that) “Shame hinders Faith.”
- ز آب هر آلوده کاو پنهان شود ** الحیاء یمنع الإیمان بود
- The heart is muddied by the steps of the body's tank; the body is cleansed by the water of the heart's tanks.
- دل ز پایهی حوض تن گلناک شد ** تن ز آب حوض دلها پاک شد
- Haunt the steps of the heart's tank, O son; take heed and always beware of the steps of the body's tank. 1370
- گرد پایهی حوض دل گرد ای پسر ** هان ز پایهی حوض تن میکن حذر
- The sea of the body is dashing against the sea of the heart, (but) between them is a barrier which they shall not cross.
- بحر تن بر بحر دل بر هم زنان ** در میانشان برزخ لا یبغیان
- Whether you be straight (righteous) or crooked, always creep forwards to Him; do not creep backwards.
- گر تو باشی راست ور باشی تو کژ ** پیشتر میغژ بدو واپس مغژ
- If in the presence of kings there be danger to life, yet they that aspire cannot refrain from (presence with) Him.
- پیش شاهان گر خطر باشد به جان ** لیک نشکیبد از او با همتان
- Since the King is sweeter than sugar, ’tis better that life should go (as a sacrifice) to (that) sweetness.
- شاه چون شیرینتر از شکر بود ** جان به شیرینی رود خوشتر بود
- O blamer (of lovers), safety be thine! O seeker of safety, thou art infirm. 1375
- ای ملامت گر سلامت مر ترا ** ای سلامت جو تویی واهی العری
- My soul is a furnace: it is happy with the fire: ’tis enough for the furnace that it is the fire's house.
- جان من کوره ست با آتش خوش است ** کوره را این بس که خانهی آتش است
- For Love, as (for) the furnace, there is something to be burned: any one that is blind to this is not a furnace.
- همچو کوره عشق را سوزیدنی است ** هر که او زین کور باشد کوره نیست
- When the provision of unprovidedness has become your provision, you have gained life everlasting, and death is gone.
- برگ بیبرگی ترا چون برگ شد ** جان باقی یافتی و مرگ شد
- When the pain (of love) has begun to increase your (spiritual) joy, roses and lilies have taken possession of the garden of your soul.
- چون ترا غم شادی افزودن گرفت ** روضهی جانت گل و سوسن گرفت
- That which is the dread of others is your safety (safeguard): the duck is (made) strong by the river, the domestic fowl weak. 1380
- آن چه خوف دیگران آن امن تست ** بط قوی از بحر و مرغ خانه سست
- Once more have I become mad, O Physician! Once more have I become frenzied, O Beloved!
- باز دیوانه شدم من ای طبیب ** باز سودایی شدم من ای حبیب
- The rings (links) of Thy chain are multiform: every single ring gives a different madness.
- حلقههای سلسلهی تو ذو فنون ** هر یکی حلقه دهد دیگر جنون