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  • Concerning that (last-mentioned) sign, He (God) said to Zakariyyá (Zacharias), “Thou shalt not begin to speak at all till three days (have passed). 1675
  • ز ان نشان با والد یحیی بگفت ** که نیایی تا سه روز اصلا به گفت‏
  • For three nights keep silence as to thy good and ill: this will be the sign that Yahyá will come (be born) to thee.
  • تا سه شب خامش کن از نیک و بدت ** این نشان باشد که یحیی آیدت‏
  • During three days do not breathe a word, for this silence is the sign of (the fulfilment) of thy purpose.
  • دم مزن سه روز اندر گفت‏وگو ** کاین سکوت است آیت مقصود تو
  • Beware! do not thou speak of this sign, and keep this matter hidden in thy heart.”
  • هین میاور این نشان را تو به گفت ** وین سخن را دار اندر دل نهفت‏
  • He (the person dreamed of) will sweetly tell these signs to him (the dreamer). What are these signs (alone)? (He will tell him) a hundred signs besides.
  • این نشانها گویدش همچون شکر ** این چه باشد صد نشانی دگر
  • This (which follows) is the sign that you will gain from God the (spiritual) kingdom and power that you are seeking— 1680
  • این نشان آن بود کان ملک و جاه ** که همی‏جویی بیابی از اله‏
  • That you weep continually in the long nights, and that you are always ardent in supplication at the hour of dawn;
  • آن که می‏گریی به شبهای دراز ** و انکه می‏سوزی سحرگه در نیاز
  • That, in the absence of that (which you seek), your day has become dark; (that) your neck has become thin as a spindle;
  • آن که بی‏آن روز تو تاریک شد ** همچو دوکی گردنت باریک شد
  • And what you have given in alms (is) all that you possess, (so that) your belongings (are entirely bestowed in charity) like the alms of those who gamble all away;
  • و آن چه دادی هر چه داری در زکات ** چون زکات پاک بازان رختهات‏
  • (That) you have given up your belongings and sleep and the (healthy) colour of your face, and sacrificed your head (life) and become as (thin as) a hair;
  • رختها دادی و خواب و رنگ رو ** سر فدا کردی و گشتی همچو مو
  • (That) you have sat—how often!—in the fire, like aloes-wood; that you have gone—how often!—to meet the sword, like a helmet. 1685
  • چند در آتش نشستی همچو عود ** چند پیش تیغ رفتی همچو خود
  • A hundred thousand such acts of helplessness are habitual to lovers (of God), and (their number) cannot be reckoned.
  • زین چنین بی‏چارگیها صد هزار ** خوی عشاق است و ناید در شمار
  • After you have had this dream at night, the day breaks; through hope thereof your day becomes triumphant.
  • چون که شب این خواب دیدی روز شد ** از امیدش روز تو پیروز شد
  • You have turned your eye to left and right, (wondering) where is that sign and those tokens.
  • چشم گردان کرده‏ای بر چپ و راست ** کان نشان و آن علامتها کجاست‏
  • You are trembling like a leaf (and saying), “Alas, if the day depart and the sign come not to pass!”
  • بر مثال برگ می‏لرزی که وای ** گر رود روز و نشان ناید به جای‏
  • You are running in street and market and into houses, like one that should lose a calf. 1690
  • می‏دوی در کوی و بازار و سرا ** چون کسی کاو گم کند گوساله را
  • (Somebody asks), “Is it good (news), Sir? Why are you running to and fro? Who belonging to you is it that you have lost here?”
  • خواجه خیر است این دوادو چیستت ** گم شده اینجا که داری کیستت‏
  • “It is good (news),” you tell him, “but none may know my good (news) except myself.
  • گویی‏اش خیر است لیکن خیر من ** کس نشاید که بداند غیر من‏
  • If I tell it, lo, my sign is missed, and when the sign is missed, the hour of death is come.”
  • گر بگویم نک نشانم فوت شد ** چون نشان شد فوت وقت موت شد
  • You peer into the face of every rider: he says to you, “Do not look at me like a madman.”
  • بنگری در روی هر مرد سوار ** گویدت منگر مرا دیوانه‏وار
  • You say to him, “I have lost a friend; I have set out to seek him. 1695
  • گویی‏اش من صاحبی گم کرده‏ام ** رو به جستجوی او آورده‏ام‏
  • May thy fortune be lasting, O rider! Have pity on lovers and excuse (them).”
  • دولتت پاینده بادا ای سوار ** رحم کن بر عاشقان معذور دار
  • When you have made search (and your) looking has been in earnest—earnest endeavour does not fail: so the Tradition has come down (from the Prophet)—
  • چون طلب کردی به جد آمد نظر ** جد خطا نکند چنین آمد خبر
  • Suddenly comes a blessed rider; then he clasps you very closely to his breast.
  • ناگهان آمد سواری نیک بخت ** پس گرفت اندر کنارت سخت سخت‏
  • You become senseless and fall to vaunting (ecstatically); the ignorant (uninitiated) man says, “Here is fraud and hypocrisy.”
  • تو شدی بی‏هوش و افتادی به طاق ** بی‏خبر گفت اینت سالوس و نفاق‏