- “The affection of fools,” said the other, “is beguiling; this envy of mine is better than its (the bear's) affection.
- گفت مهر ابلهان عشوهده است ** این حسودی من از مهرش به است
- Hey, come with me and drive away this bear: do not choose the bear (as your friend), do not forsake one of your own kind!”
- هی بیا با من بران این خرس را ** خرس را مگزین مهل هم جنس را
- “Go, go,” said he, “mind your own business, O envious man!” Said the other, “This was my business, and it was not your fortune (to follow my advice).
- گفت رو رو کار خود کن ای حسود ** گفت کارم این بد و رزقت نبود
- I am not less than a bear, O noble sir: abandon it, in order that I may be your comrade. 2020
- من کم از خرسی نباشم ای شریف ** ترک او کن تا منت باشم حریف
- My heart is trembling with anxiety for you: do not go into a forest with a bear like this.
- بر تو دل میلرزدم ز اندیشهای ** با چنین خرسی مرو در بیشهای
- This heart of mine has never trembled in vain; this is the Light of God, not pretence or idle brag.
- این دلم هرگز نلرزید از گزاف ** نور حق است این نه دعوی و نه لاف
- I am the true believer who has become seeing by the Light of God. Beware and beware! Flee from this fire-temple!”
- مومنم ینظر بنور الله شده ** هان و هان بگریز از این آتشکده
- He said all this, and it entered not his ear: suspicion is a thick barrier to a man.
- این همه گفت و به گوشش در نرفت ** بد گمانی مرد را سدی است زفت
- He took his hand, and he (the man with the bear) withdrew his hand from him. The other said, “I will go, since you are not a well-guided friend.” 2025
- دست او بگرفت و دست از وی کشید ** گفت رفتم چون نهای یار رشید
- “Go,” cried he; “be not troubled for me; don't carve (retail) so much wisdom, O meddlesome one!”
- گفت رو بر من تو غم خواره مباش ** بو الفضولا معرفت کمتر تراش
- He answered him, (saying), “I am not your enemy: it would be a kindness if you would come after me.”
- باز گفتش من عدوی تو نیام ** لطف باشد گر بیایی در پیام
- “I am sleepy,” said he; “let me alone, go!” He replied, “Pray, give in to your friend,
- گفت خوابستم مرا بگذار و رو ** گفت آخر یار را منقاد شو
- So that you may sleep under the safeguard of a sage, under the protection of one loved (by God), a man of heart (spiritual insight).”
- تا بخسبی در پناه عاقلی ** در جوار دوستی صاحب دلی
- The man was thrown by his (the other's) earnestness into a (groundless) fancy: he became angry and quickly averted his face, 2030
- در خیال افتاد مرد از جد او ** خشمگین شد زود گردانید رو
- Thinking, “Mayhap this man has come to attack me—he is a murderer; or he has hope (of gain)—he is a beggar and a tout;
- کاین مگر قصد من آمد خونی است ** یا طمع دارد گدا و تونی است
- Or he has wagered with his friends that he will make me afraid of this companion.”
- یا گرو بسته ست با یاران بدین ** که بترساند مرا زین هم نشین
- From the wickedness of his heart, not (even) one good surmise came into his thoughts at all.
- خود نیامد هیچ از خبث سرش ** یک گمان نیک اندر خاطرش
- His good opinions were wholly for the bear: to be sure, he was of the same kind as the bear.
- ظن نیکش جملگی بر خرس بود ** او مگر مر خرس را هم جنس بود
- Through currishness, he suspected a sage and deemed a bear affectionate and just. 2035
- عاقلی را از سگی تهمت نهاد ** خرس را دانست اهل مهر و داد
- How Moses, on whom be peace, said to one who worshipped the (golden) calf, “Where is (what has become of) thy vain scepticism and precaution?”
- گفتن موسی علیه السلام گوساله پرست را که آن خیال اندیشی و حزم تو کجاست
- Moses said to one drunken with (deluding) fancy, “O thou who thinkest evil because of (thy) unblessedness and perdition,
- گفت موسی با یکی مست خیال ** کای بد اندیش از شقاوت وز ضلال
- Thou hast had a hundred suspicions concerning my prophethood, notwithstanding these proofs and this noble nature (which I have shown).
- صد گمانت بود در پیغمبریم ** با چنین برهان و این خلق کریم
- Thou hast seen from me hundreds of thousands of miracles, (and all the time) a hundred fancies and doubts and (vain) opinions were growing in thee.
- صد هزاران معجزه دیدی ز من ** صد خیالت میفزود و شک و ظن
- Thou wert sorely pressed by fancy and devilish suggestion, thou wert sneering at my prophethood.
- از خیال و وسوسه تنگ آمدی ** طعن بر پیغمبریام میزدی
- I raised up dust from the sea before your eyes, so that ye might be delivered from the wickedness of the people of Pharaoh. 2040
- گرد از دریا بر آوردم عیان ** تا رهیدیت از شر فرعونیان
- During forty years the platter and tray (of food) came (to you) from heaven, and at my prayer the river ran from a rock.
- ز آسمان چل سال کاسه و خوان رسید ** وز دعایم جویی از سنگی دوید