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  • The Sharíf was devastated by the blows of that ruffian. He said to the jurist, “W have jumped out of the water. 2205
  • Do thou stand fast, now that thou art left alone and deprived (of our support). Be as a drum, suffer blows on the belly!
  • If I am not a Sharíf and worthy (of thee) and a (true) bosom-friend, (at any rate) I am no worse for thee than such a ruffian as this.”
  • He (the gardener) finished with him (the Sharíf), and came up, saying, “O jurist, what (sort of) jurist are you, O you disgrace to every fool?
  • Is it your legal opinion, O convicted thief, that you may come (into my orchard) without asking leave?
  • Have you read such a license in the Wasít, or has this question been (so decided) in the Muhít?” 2210
  • “You are right,” he replied; “beat (me): you have got the upper hand. This is the fit penalty for him that parts from friends.”
  • Returning to the story of the sick man and the visit paid (to him) by the Prophet, God bless him and grant him peace!
  • This visiting of the sick is for the sake of this (spiritual) attachments, and this attachment is pregnant with a hundred lovingkindnesses.
  • The peerless Prophet went to visit the sick man; he found that Companion at the last gasp.
  • When you become far from the presence of the saints, you have in reality become far from God.
  • Inasmuch as the result of parting from fellow-travellers is sorrow, how is separation from the countenance of the kings (saints) less (grievous) than that? 2215
  • Hasten every moment to seek the shadow (protection) of (those) kings, that by means of that shadow you may become superior to the sun.
  • If you have a journey (to make), go with this intention; and if it be (that you stay) at home, neglect not this.
  • How a certain Shaykh said to Báyazíd, “I am the Ka‘ba: perform a circumambulation round me.”
  • Báyazíd, the Shaykh of the community, was hurrying to Mecca for the greater pilgrimage (hajj) and the lesser (‘umra).
  • In every city to which he went he would at first make search after the venerable (saints).
  • He would roam about, asking, “Who is there in the city that is relying on (spiritual) insight?” 2220
  • God has said, “Whithersoever thou goest in thy travels, thou must first seek after a (holy) man.”
  • Go in quest of a treasure, for (worldly) profit and loss come second: regard them as the branch (not as the root).
  • Whoever sows is in quest of wheat; the chaff comes to him indeed, (but only) secondarily.
  • If you sow chaff, no wheat will come up: seek a man, seek a man, a man!
  • When it is the season of pilgrimage, go in quest of the Ka‘ba; when you have gone (with that purpose), Mecca also will be seen. 2225
  • In the Mi‘ráj (Ascension of the Prophet) the quest was (for) vision of the Beloved; ’twas but secondarily that the empyrean and the angels were also shown.
  • Story.
  • A novice one day built a new house; the Pír came (and) saw his house.
  • The Shaykh said to his new disciple—he put to the test him that had good thoughts—
  • “Wherefore hast thou made a window, O comrade?” Said he, “In order that light may come in by this way.”