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  • When a seeing thief steals from a blind man, can he at all detect (the identity of) the thief (who is) in the act of passing?
  • The blind man does not know who it was that robbed him, even though the wicked thief may knock against him.
  • When a dog bites a blind ragged mendicant, how should he recognise that ferocious dog?
  • How the dog attacked the mendicant who was blind.
  • A dog was attacking, as (though it were) a warlike lion, a blind mendicant in a certain street.
  • The dog rushes angrily at dervishes; the moon smears her eyes with dust of (the feet of) dervishes. 2355
  • The blind man was made helpless by the dog's barking and by (his) fear of the dog; the blind man began to pay honour to the dog.
  • Saying, “O prince of the chase, and O lion of the hunt, thine is the (upper) hand: refrain thy hand from me!”—
  • For, (moved) by necessity, that (renowned) philosopher paid honour to (one vile as) the tail of an ass, and gave him the title of “noble.”
  • He (the blind man) too, of necessity, said, “O lion, what (good) will come to thee from such a meagre prey as I am?
  • Thy friends are catching onagers in the desert; thou art catching a blind man in the street; this is bad. 2360
  • Thy friends seek on agers by hunting (them); thou in (mere) malice seekest a blind man in the street.”
  • The knowing dog has made the onager his prey, while this worthless dog has attacked a blind man.
  • When the dog has learned the knowledge (imparted to him), he has escaped from error: he hunts lawful prey in the jungles.
  • When the dog has become knowing (‘álim), he marches briskly; when the dog has become a knower of God (‘árif), he becomes (as) the Men of the Cave.
  • The dog has come to know who is the Master of the hunt. O God, what is that knowing light? 2365
  • (If) the blind man knows it not, ’tis not from (his) having no eye (to see); nay, ’tis because he is drunken with ignorance.
  • Truly, the blind man is not more eyeless than the earth; and this earth, by the grace of God, has become a seer of (God's) enemies.
  • It saw the Light of Moses and showed kindness to Moses; (but) Qárún it engulfed, (for) it knew Qárún.
  • It quaked for the destruction of every false pretender: it understood (the words that came) from God, “O earth, swallow (thy water)!”
  • Earth and water and air and sparking fire are unacquainted with us, but acquainted with God. 2370
  • Contrariwise, we are aware of (things) other than God, (but) unaware (heedless) of God and of so many warners (prophets).
  • As a necessary consequence, they (the elements) all shrank from (accepting) it (the trust offered to them): (the edge of) their impulse to partake of life was blunted.
  • They said, “We all are averse to this life, (namely), that one should be living in relation to created beings and dead in relation to God.”
  • When he (any one) remains away from created beings, he is orphaned (single): for intimacy with God, the heart must be free (from relations with aught besides).
  • When a thief steals some article of property from a blind man, the blind man is blindly lamenting. 2375