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  • One would twist his ears hard, while another sought for the (lacerated) part under his palate,
  • آن یکی گوشش همی‏پیچید سخت ** و آن دگر در زیر گامش جست لخت‏
  • And another searched for the stone in his shoe, and another looked at the dirt in his eye.
  • و آن دگر در نعل او می‏جست سنگ ** و آن دگر در چشم او می‏دید زنگ‏
  • Also they were saying,“O Shaykh, what is the cause of this? Were not you saying yesterday, ‘Thanks (to God), this ass is strong’?”
  • باز می‏گفتند ای شیخ این ز چیست ** دی نمی‏گفتی که شکر این خر قوی است‏
  • He replied, “The ass that ate Lá hawl during the night cannot get along except in this manner.
  • گفت آن خر کاو به شب لاحول خورد ** جز بدین شیوه نداند راه کرد
  • Inasmuch as the ass's food by night was Lá hawl, he was glorifying God by night and (is engaged) in prostrating himself by day.” 250
  • چون که قوت خر به شب لاحول بود ** شب مسبح بود و روز اندر سجود
  • Most people are man-eaters: put no trust in their saying, “Peace to you.”
  • آدمی خوارند اغلب مردمان ** از سلام علیک‏شان کم جو امان‏
  • The hearts of all are the Devil's house: do not accept (listen to) the palaver of devilish men.
  • خانه‏ی دیو است دلهای همه ** کم پذیر از دیو مردم دمدمه‏
  • He that swallows Lá hawl from the breath (mouth) of the Devil, like that ass falls headlong in the fight.
  • از دم دیو آن که او لاحول خورد ** هم چو آن خر در سر آید در نبرد
  • Whoever swallows the Devil's imposture in this world and (swallows) veneration and deceit from the foe that has the face (semblance) of a friend,
  • هر که در دنیا خورد تلبیس دیو ** و ز عدوی دوست رو تعظیم و ریو
  • In the Way of Islam and on the bridge Sirát he will fall upon his head from giddiness, like that ass. 255
  • در ره اسلام و بر پول صراط ** در سر آید همچو آن خر از خباط
  • Beware! Do not hearken to the blandishments of the bad friend: espy the snare, do not walk securely on the earth.
  • عشوه‏های یار بد منیوش هین ** دام بین ایمن مرو تو بر زمین‏
  • See the hundred thousand devils who utter Lá hawl! O Adam, in the serpent behold Iblís!
  • صد هزار ابلیس لاحول آر بین ** آدما ابلیس را در مار بین‏
  • He gives (you) vain words, he says to you, “O my soul and beloved,” that he may strip the skin off his beloved, like a butcher.
  • دم دهد گوید ترا ای جان و دوست ** تا چو قصابی کشد از دوست پوست‏
  • He gives vain words that he may strip off your skin: woe to him that tastes opium from (the mouth of) enemies.
  • دم دهد تا پوستت بیرون کشد ** وای او کز دشمنان آفیون چشد
  • He lays his head at your feet (in flattery) and butcher-like gives (you) vain (wheedling) words, that he may shed your blood miserably. 260
  • سر نهد بر پای تو قصاب‏وار ** دم دهد تا خونت ریزد زار زار
  • Like a lion, hunt your prey yourself: leave (pay no heed to) the blandishment of stranger or kinsman.
  • همچو شیری صید خود را خویش کن ** ترک عشوه‏ی اجنبی و خویش کن‏
  • Know that the regard of the base is like that servant; ’tis better to have nobody (as your friend) than (to accept) the flattery of nobodies (worthless people).
  • همچو خادم دان مراعات خسان ** بی‏کسی بهتر ز عشوه‏ی ناکسان‏
  • Do not make your home in (other) men's land: do your own work, don't do the work of a stranger.
  • در زمین مردمان خانه مکن ** کار خود کن کار بیگانه مکن‏
  • Who is the stranger? Your earthen body, for the sake of which is (all) your sorrow.
  • کیست بیگانه تن خاکی تو ** کز برای اوست غمناکی تو
  • So long as you are giving your body greasy (rich) and sweet (food), you will not see fatness in your (spiritual) essence. 265
  • تا تو تن را چرب و شیرین می‏دهی ** جوهر خود را نبینی فربهی‏
  • If the body be set in the midst of musk, (yet) on the day of death its stench will become manifest.
  • گر میان مشک تن را جا شود ** روز مردن گند او پیدا شود
  • Do not put musk on your body, rub it on your heart. What is musk? The holy name of the Glorious (God).
  • مشک را بر تن مزن بر دل بمال ** مشک چه بود نام پاک ذو الجلال‏
  • The hypocrite puts musk on his body and puts his spirit at the bottom of the ash-pit.
  • آن منافق مشک بر تن می‏نهد ** روح را در قعر گلخن می‏نهد
  • On his tongue the name of God, and in his soul stenches (arising) from his infidel thought.
  • بر زبان نام حق و در جان او ** گندها از فکر بی‏ایمان او
  • In relation to him praise of God is (like) the herbage of the ash-pit: it is roses and lilies (growing) upon a dunghill. 270
  • ذکر با او همچو سبزه گلخن است ** بر سر مبرز گلست و سوسن است