- And, in order that he may be delivered from the pain of that world, lays upon himself this pain of serving God.
- تا ز رنج آن جهانی وارهد ** بر خود این رنج عبادت مینهد
- “I was saying, ‘O Lord, quickly inflict on me in this world that punishment, 2475
- من همیگفتم که یا رب آن عذاب ** هم در این عالم بران بر من شتاب
- So that I may have exemption (from it) in yonder world.’ About such-like a request was I knocking at the door .
- تا در آن عالم فراغت باشدم ** در چنین درخواست حلقه میزدم
- (Thereupon) such a (painful) sickness as this appeared in me: through pain my soul was deprived of rest.
- این چنین رنجوریی پیدام شد ** جان من از رنج بیآرام شد
- I have been left without power to perform my dhikr (commemoration of God) and litanies: I have become unconscious of myself and of (all) good and ill.
- ماندهام از ذکر و از اوراد خود ** بیخبر گشتم ز خویش و نیک و بد
- If I had not now beheld thy face, O thou whose scent is fortunate and blessed,
- گر نمیدیدم کنون من روی تو ** ای خجسته وی مبارک بوی تو
- I should have passed altogether from the bondage (of this life). Thou in kingly fashion hast bestowed on me this sympathy.” 2480
- میشدم از دست من یک بارگی ** کردیم شاهانه این غم خوارگی
- Said the Prophet, “Hey! do not offer this prayer again: do not dig yourself up from root and base.
- گفت هیهی این دعا دیگر مکن ** بر مکن تو خویش را از بیخ و بن
- What strength have you, O wretched ant, to endure that He should lay on you such a lofty mountain?”
- تو چه طاقت داری ای مور نژند ** که نهد بر تو چنان کوه بلند
- He answered, “O Sultan, I repent (and vow) that in no wise will I (henceforth) brag recklessly.
- گفت توبه کردم ای سلطان که من ** از سر جلدی نه لافم هیچ فن
- This world is the Desert (of the Israelites), and thou art Moses, and we because of (our) sin remain in the Desert in tribulation.
- این جهان تیه است و تو موسی و ما ** از گنه در تیه مانده مبتلا
- We are wayfaring for years, and at the end we are still held captive in the first stage (of the journey). 2485
- سالها ره میرویم و در اخیر ** همچنان در منزل اول اسیر
- If the heart of Moses were pleased with us, there would be shown (to us) the way through the Desert and the (farthest) border (thereof);
- گر دل موسی ز ما راضی بدی ** تیه را راه و کران پیدا شدی
- And if he were wholly disgusted with us, how by any means would trays of food come to us from heaven?
- ور به کل بیزار بودی او ز ما ** کی رسیدی خوانمان هیچ از سما
- How would springs gush from a rock, (and how) would there be security for our lives in the desert?
- کی ز سنگی چشمهها جوشان شدی ** در بیابانمان امان جان شدی
- Nay, truly, fire would come instead of trays: flames would beat upon us in this abode.
- بل به جای خوان خود آتش آمدی ** اندر این منزل لهب بر ما زدی
- Forasmuch as Moses has become of two minds concerning us, he is sometimes our enemy and sometimes our friend. 2490
- چون دو دل شد موسی اندر کار ما ** گاه خصم ماست گاهی یار ما
- His anger sets fire to our goods; his clemency averts the arrow of affliction.
- خشمش آتش میزند در رخت ما ** حلم او رد میکند تیر بلا
- When (how) may it be that anger shall again become clemency? This is not extraordinary (as proceeding) from thy grace, O venerable one.
- کی بود که حلم گردد خشم نیز ** نیست این نادر ز لطفت ای عزیز
- To praise any one present is (a cause of) embarrassment; on this account I am purposely using the name of Moses, like this.
- مدح حاضر وحشت است از بهر این ** نام موسی میبرم قاصد چنین
- Otherwise, how should Moses deem it right that I make mention of anybody before thee?
- ور نه موسی کی روا دارد که من ** پیش تو یاد آورم از هیچ تن
- Our covenant hath been broken hundreds and thousands of times; Thy covenant, like a mountain, stands firm and stable. 2495
- عهد ما بشکست صد بار و هزار ** عهد تو چون کوه ثابت برقرار
- Our covenant is straw and subject to every wind (of passion); Thy covenant is a mountain, and even more than a hundred mountains.
- عهد ما کاه و به هر بادی زبون ** عهد تو کوه و ز صد که هم فزون
- By the truth of that power (which is Thine), have some mercy upon our mutability, O Ruler of (all) mutations!
- حق آن قوت که بر تلوین ما ** رحمتی کن ای امیر لونها
- We have seen ourselves (as we really are) and our shame. Put us not to further trial, O King,
- خویش را دیدیم و رسوایی خویش ** امتحان ما مکن ای شاه بیش