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  • Do not put musk on your body, rub it on your heart. What is musk? The holy name of the Glorious (God).
  • The hypocrite puts musk on his body and puts his spirit at the bottom of the ash-pit.
  • On his tongue the name of God, and in his soul stenches (arising) from his infidel thought.
  • In relation to him praise of God is (like) the herbage of the ash-pit: it is roses and lilies (growing) upon a dunghill. 270
  • Those plants are certainly there on loan (and belong to somewhere else); the proper place for those flowers is the symposium and (the scene of) festivity.
  • The good women come to the good men; there is (also the text) to the wicked men the wicked women. Mark!
  • Do not bear malice: they that are led astray by malice, their graves are placed beside the malicious.
  • The origin of malice is Hell, and your malice is a part of that whole and is the enemy of your religion.
  • Since you are a part of Hell, take care! The part gravitates towards its whole. 275
  • He that is bitter will assuredly be attached to those who are bitter: how should vain breath (false words) be joined with the truth?
  • O brother, you are that same thought (of yours); as for the rest (of you), you are (only) bone and fibre.
  • If your thought is a rose, you are a rose-garden; and if it is a thorn, you are fuel for the bath-stove.
  • If you are rose-water, you are sprinkled on head and bosom; and if you are (stinking) like urine, you are cast out.
  • Look at the trays in front of druggists—each kind put beside its own kind, 280
  • Things of each sort mixed with things of the same sort, and a certain elegance produced by this homogeneity;
  • If his (the druggist's) aloes-wood and sugar get mixed, he picks them out from each other, piece by piece.
  • The trays were broken and the souls were spilled: good and evil ones were mingled with each other.
  • God sent the prophets with scrolls (of Revelation), that He might pick out (and sort) these grains on the dish.
  • Before the, (the prophets) we were all alike, none knew whether we were good or bad. 285
  • False coin and fine (both) were current in the world, since all was night, and we were as night-travellers,
  • Until the sun of the prophets rose and said, “Begone, O alloy! Come, O thou that art pure!”
  • The eye can distinguish colours, the eye knows ruby and (common) stone.
  • The eye knows the jewel and the rubbish; hence bits of rubbish sting the eye.
  • These vile counterfeiters are enemies of day, those pieces of gold from the mine are lovers of day, 290
  • Because day is the mirror that makes it (the fine gold) known, so that the ashrafí (the coin of sterling gold) may see (receive) its (day's) gift of honour.