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  • The eye knows the jewel and the rubbish; hence bits of rubbish sting the eye.
  • These vile counterfeiters are enemies of day, those pieces of gold from the mine are lovers of day, 290
  • Because day is the mirror that makes it (the fine gold) known, so that the ashrafí (the coin of sterling gold) may see (receive) its (day's) gift of honour.
  • Hence God bestowed the title of “Day” on the Resurrection, (for) day displays the beauty of red and yellow.
  • In reality, then, day is the inmost consciousness of the saints, (though) beside their moon day is (dim) as shadows.
  • Know that day is the reflexion of the mystery (the illumined consciousness) of the man of God, while eye-sealing night is the reflexion of his occultation.
  • For that reason God said, By the morn: by the morn is (refers to) the light of the hidden mind of Mustafá (Mohammed). 295
  • The other view, that the Beloved (God) meant this morn (in the literal sense), is (held) just for the reason that this too is the reflexion of him;
  • Else it is wrong to swear by a transient thing: how indeed is transiency proper to the speech of God?
  • That Friend (of God) said, “I love not them that set”: how should the glorious Lord mean transiency by this (oath)?
  • Again, and by the night is (refers to) his occultation and his earthen rust-dark body.
  • When his sun rose from that sky, it said to the night of the body, “Lo, He hath not forsaken thee.” 300
  • Union was made manifest out of the essence of affliction: that sweetness (of union) was expressed by (the words) He hath not hated (thee).
  • In fact, every expression is the symbol of a state: the state is as a hand, while the expression is a tool.
  • The goldsmith's tool in the hand of a shoemaker is like a seed sown in sand;
  • And the cobbler's tool (put) before the husbandman is (as) straw before a dog (or) bones before an ass.
  • “I am God” on the lips of Mansúr was the light (of truth); “I am Allah” on the lips of Pharaoh was a lie. 305
  • In the hand of Moses the rod became a witness (to the truth); in the hand of the magician the rod became (worthless as) motes in the air.
  • On this account Jesus did not teach his fellow-traveller that Name of the Lord,
  • For he would not know (its proper use) and would attribute imperfection to the tool (which he misused). Strike stone on clay, and how should fire leap forth?
  • Hand and tool are as stone and iron; there must be a pair: (the existence of) a pair is the condition (necessary) for bringing to birth.
  • The One is He who hath no consort and no tool; in number there is doubt, and that One is beyond doubt. 310
  • Those who say “two” or “three” or more than these (numbers) are certainly agreed in (affirming the existence of) One.
  • When squinting has been put aside (so that they see correctly), they become alike: the assertors of two or three become assertors of Unity.
  • If you are a ball in His polo-field, keep spinning round from (the blows of) His polo-stick.